His Guest

The Unexpected Guest


Jiyong looked irritably on his door. Someone is ringing the doorbell continuously and right at that instance, he wanted to furiously open his door and strangle whoever is outside. This is the only day that he got the chance to rest, and someone is ruining it. He angrily stood up from the couch and threw the remote control on the side. He then grumpily walked over to his door and opened it furiously.



“Anneyeong, ahjusshi. I’m guessing you’re Kwon Jiyong?” A little girl with a pink headband on her head that wore a pink dress asked him as soon as he opened the door.



“I’m sorry, I’m not Kwon Jiyong.” His eyebrows furrowed. How did this little girl know his name?



“You’re a celebrity, pabo! Of course everyone knows your name.” Oh right.



“No, I’m one hundred percent sure that you are Kwon Jiyong.” The little girl said stubbornly. Jiyong looked at her closely and gasps when she saw some resemblance the little girl has with a woman he tried to forget for eight years now.



“What do you want, little girl?” Jiyong asked the kid as he stared at her. “Where are your parents?” He poked his head outside his door to see if the parent of this little girl is somewhere near.



“Can I come in?” The little girl asked. Jiyong looked incredulously at her. And when he didn’t even speak for a while, the little girl welcomed herself in, leaving Jiyong standing on his door. Jiyong quickly composed himself and turned his heels around and went to his living room where the little girl.



“Excuse me, miss, but I could sue you for trespassing.” Jiyong said as he crossed his arms to his chest while standing tall and proud in front of the girl.



“Hi, I’m Park Eun Hae.” The little girl said as she smiled her cheeky smile at him. Jiyong’s eyebrows connected while looking down at the girl.



“Do you know what your landline number is? Your parents must be worrying about you right now.” Jiyong said as he reached out for his phone and offered it to the little girl.



“Do you have Park Bom’s number registered there? I heard that you two were friends since way back.” The little girl said as she looked questioningly at him. Then a thought entered his mind. Maybe this was Bom and TOP’s daughter. Maybe she got lost and accidentally got here since her parents apartment were just a floor above his. He haven’t seen Bom and TOP’s daughter because he has been so busy producing songs and composing.



“I do have her number, I’ll call her just a minute.” Jiyong said as he dialed Bom’s number on his phone. After three rings, Bom picked up.



“Noona, someone is in my apartment. And she is looking for you.” Jiyong barked immediately without greeting the other line first.



“Who is she?”



“She said her name is Park Eun Hae. And I think she is seven or eight years old.” Jiyong said as he glanced to where the little girl is.



There was silence on the other line. Then, “Bwoh?” Jiyong pushed his phone away from his ears in fear the he might go deaf with Bom’s screaming.



“No need to scream, noona. Jeez.” Jiyong rolled his eyes.



“What is that kid doing there?!” He hears some ruffling and thought that maybe Bom is changing her clothes.



“We’ll be waiting for you here, noona.” Jiyong said and did not bother waiting for the other line to answer and ended the call.



“Your mom’s gonna be here in about five minutes.” Jiyong said as he waked towards the girl. He noticed how the little girl’s eye widens hearing that her mom is coming. She must have been scared. Well, who wouldn’t be scared if you have a mother like Park Bom, The Bominator.



In three minutes time, his doorbell rang again and he quickly went towards his door and saw Bom and TOP when he opened the door. Bom immediately ran inside his apartment and looked for the little girl. Jiyong smiled at his hyung and they both went inside.



“What are you doing here, young lady?!” Bom said as she crouched down and looked at the girls’ eye and pointed a finger at her.



“I’m sorry.” Eun Hae said in a small voice and bowed her little head.



“Gosh! Who told you Jiyong’s address?” Bom asked.



“Uncle Seungri.” Eun Hae replied without even looking up at Bom.



“I’m gonna kill that stupid, useless, bastard, rat!” Bom said as she stretched up and rested her hands on her waist. As if on cue, Seunghyun’s phone rang. He picked it up immediately.



“Yeoboseo.” TOP answered.



“TOP, have you seen Eun Hae? She’s not in her room.” TOP clearly noticed the voice on the other line is shaking. She must be nervous as hell right now, and panicking.



“She’s here, Bom’s talking to her now. We’ll bring her home later.” TOP reassured whoever is on the other line. Jiyong, on the other side, looked amusingly at Bom and the little girl. Seems like motherhood fits Bom. He thought.



“Where are you now, Seunghyun? I’ll pick her up myself. That kid! She will really get it from me!”  The other line said. Seunghyun glanced nervously at his side and shook his head.



“That’s….uhm…. Well, that’s not a good idea. We’re here at Jiyong’s apartment.” TOP said nervously.



“Whaaaat?! Oh my God! What have she done?!”  TOP almost dropped the phone he is holding when she heard the other line screamed.



“Relax, we’re going to take her home now. Wait for us there.” TOP said.



“Okay.”  The person on the other line said but he noticed the she is gritting her teeth.



“Tell me the truth, Eun Hae-ah. Why did you go here?” Bom asked for the umpteenth time, but the little girl just shook her head while still looking down at the floor.



“You’re not talking?” Bom asked with her eyes wide. “Alright, I’ll call your mom.” Bom said as she inhaled a deep breath and reach out for her pants back pocket and reached for her phone. She glanced again at Eun Hae and saw that there is fear written in the little girls’ eyes.



Wait… What? Her mom? I thought Bom noona is her mom? Jiyong asked himself as he tilted his head sideways. Then he looked at his side and saw that TOP is nervously looking at his phone. Who’s kid is this? Jiyong thought.



“Yeoboseo….. Yeah, she’s here…… She won’t talk to me…. Alright…..” Bom ended the call and put her phone back on her pants back pocket. Then she looked at the little girl in front of her.



“Your mom is on her way.” Bom said for the last time and turned her heels around to face Jiyong and her husband, TOP. She heard Eun Hae’s small gasps but she ignored it. This kid really got the stubbornness of her father.



“She is not your daughter, noona?” Jiyong asked Bom as soon as she got to TOP and Jiyong’s side. Bom just shook her head and stood beside her husband. TOP wrapped his arms around her waist while he bent slightly to whisper something in Bom’s ears.



“Honey, have you forgotten that we’re at Jiyong’s apartment?” Bom’s eye widen hearing TOP.



TOP looked down when he felt someone is tugging his shirt. He saw Eun Hae with her puppy eyes looked up at him. He untangled his arms on Bom’s waist and bent down to pick up the little girl.



“I’m sorry, uncle TOP.” Eun Hae said as she wrapped her little arms around TOP’s neck. He just smiled and caressed the little girl’s head. He walked towards the couch and sat there with Eun Hae still in his arms.



“Tell me why you went here, Eun Hae. Uncle TOP won’t be mad at you.” TOP cooed the little girl. Eun Hae raised her head and looked up at TOP.



“I just wanted to meet daddy.” Eun Hae said in a small voice. TOP widens his eye.



“Who told you that that man is your daddy?” TOP asked.



“Uncle Seungri and aunt Chaerin said that my daddy is the most popular song writer in Korea. And then, one day, while I was watching TV in my room, I saw a news and said that Kwon Jiyong is the most popular song writer in Korea, so I asked uncle Seungri his address and I went here.” Eun Hae explained while looking at Jiyong.



“But we’re not sure if he is truly your daddy.” TOP said.



“I’m sure, uncle TOP. I saw mom’s wallet one time and there is a picture of her and him. I’m sure he is my daddy. And mom always plays songs that were written by my daddy whenever I go to sleep.” Eun Hae explained. “Mom always said to me that my daddy is a great guy and he writes great songs. Mom even said that my daddy once belonged to a boy group with you, uncle Seungri, uncle Teayang and uncle Daesung but you disbanded.” Eun Hae added. TOP could only shook his head in amazement at how this little kid could remember all the details her mom said about her daddy.



“TOP, I think it’s best if we just wait for her mom at our apartment. I’ll call her.” Bom said as she went towards the couch with Jiyong trailing behind her, still confused on what is happening. TOP was just about to get up when the doorbell rang. Bom looked at the door, horrified. Jiyong turned his heels around and walked towards his door.



“Seungri! Daesung! Taeyang!” Jiyong was surprised seeing them again. He was busy for a long time that he hasn’t got the chance to meet them and catch up with them. He opened his door wider and welcomed them inside his home. But what was even surprising is their wives are with them.



“Oppa!” Minzy threw herself at Jiyong and hugged him tight. Jiyong hugged him back and smiled. Chaerin and IU smiled at them while they passed by. But what shocked him the most is seeing Dara behind IU. Minzy let go of the hug as she went inside but he just stood there staring at the girl he tried to forget for the past eight years.



“Where is she?” Dara asked, not minding Jiyong’s intense stare at her. She rushed inside and looked around the apartment. When her eyes landed on the girl sitting on TOP’s lap, she immediately went towards her.



“What do you think you’re doing, young lady?” Dara stood in front of TOP as she held her hips and squinted her eyes at her daughter. TOP shriveled in fear seeing Dara. He discreetly held Eun Hae’s hips and made her stood in front of Dara, then he immediately went to his wife’s side.



“I’m sorry, mommy.” Eun Hae said as she bowed her head down and pouted her lips. Everyone in the room just looked at them and don’t have any plans on interfering for they are also scared of the fuming rabbit.



“Sorry? You disobeyed me once again! What did I tell you about leaving the house?” Dara asked as she looked intently at her daughter.



“You said that I should never leave the house unaccompanied.” Eun Hae said in a little voice.



“Tell me. Why did you go here?” Dara asked. Eun Hae immediately recognize her mother’s voice, that if she didn’t obey, she will be grounded for a whole week. “Tell me right now, young lady.” Dara repeated.  



Eun Hae was about to open and spill the beans to her mother when TOP interrupted.



“Uhm… Dara, I think it’s best if you continue this conversation at our apartment.” TOP suggested while looking at Jiyong who just stood beside Seungri with his eyes locked on the two women on his living room.



“No.” Dara shook her head stubbornly. “Eun Hae will tell me why did she go here and we will never leave this place until she tells me everything.” Dara looked fiercely at her daughter. “Got that?” She then looked at TOP and the poor guy doesn’t know anything to do aside to nod his head and retreat.



“I’m waiting, Eun Hae.” Dara once again placed her hands on her hips while she waited for her daughter to speak up.



“I went here because I wanted to see my daddy.” Eun Hae said in a small voice.



“What is that?” Dara asked for she didn’t hear clearly what his daughter had said. Eun Hae furrowed her eyebrows and her lips twitch in irritation. Her patience for her mother is ebbing away.



“I said, I went here because I wanted to see my daddy!” Eun Hae shouted at the top of her lungs. Dara was rooted on her spot. Jiyong’s eye widens. Bom gasps. TOP fans himself. Chaerin looked at Jiyong then Dara. Minzy has teary eyes. Daesung’s mouth hanged open. Taeyang continuously shook his head as if in denial. IU held her husbands’ hand and squeezed it tight.  Seungri is slowly tiptoeing towards the door to escape the catastrophe.



“W-what?” Jiyong was the first one to compose himself and asked a question.



“Where did you get the idea that Kwon Jiyong is your daddy, huh?” Dara challenged her daughter. TOP just shook his head in disbelief.



“Uncle Seungri and aunt Chaerin said to me that my daddy is the most popular song writer in Korea, then when I watched the TV, I saw Kwon Jiyong on the news saying that he the most popular song writer in Korea.” Eun Hae started explaining. When Dara heard this, she immediately looked at Chaerin and Seungri’s direction to throw a death glare at them.



“There are so many popular songwriters in Korea, Eun Hae-ah. Not just only him.” Dara tried swaying her daughter’s thoughts.



“Yes, I’ve thought of that, mommy. But when I saw your wallet, I saw a picture of you and daddy!” Eun Hae said.



“Whoah! Whoah!” Jiyong interrupted as he walked towards his living room and stood in the middle of Dara and the little child. “She is my daughter?” Jiyong asked Dara as he looked directly in her eyes.



“No, she’s not.” Dara immediately shifted her gaze and looked at her daughter.



“Mommy! Kwon Jiyong is my daddy!” Eun Hae said as she went towards Jiyong and hugged his legs. Jiyong stiffened on his spot while Dara looked at her daughter with wide eyes.  



“That’s enough, Park Eun Hae!” Dara said as she hissed her daughter’s full name. “We’re going home, now.” Dara then went towards her daughter and Jiyong and she held her daughter’s elbow and tried to get her arms off Jiyong’s leg. Eun Hae then started to cry.



“Stop this Dara.” Jiyong said as he bent down and picked up Eun Hae and held her in his arms. “Shhh. Stop crying.” Jiyong said as he wiped the tears off Eun Hae’s cheeks. Dara stood immobile on her spot seeing the scene in front of her.



“My daughter and I will go home now, Jiyong. I’m sorry if we troubled you.” Dara tried to get her daughter from Jiyong but he backed out.



“I believe you’ve got some explaining to do.” Jiyong said.



“I don’t have anything to explain to you, Jiyong.”



“Yes, you have. Is Eun Hae my daughter?” Jiyong said then he looked around trying to see if someone inside the room agreed with him. His eyes landed on Seungri who continuously nodded his head with a stupid grin on his face. Dara followed his gaze and squinted her eyes at Chaerin’s husband.



Dara just remained silent, debating on herself if she will tell the truth or not. One by one, Youngbae, IU, TOP, Bom, Daesung, Minzy, Chaerin and Seungri left. Dara and Jiyong stood in front of each other with Eun Hae in Jiyong’s arms.



“Tell me right now, Dara.” Jiyong insisted as he tapped his foot on the floor.



“Tell daddy now, mommy.” Eun Hae seconded and she threw a quick glare at her daughter.



“I—uh.. N—“



“Don’t try lying, Dara. I know you.” Jiyong said. Dara mumbled incoherent words as she scratched her head.



“Yes.” Dara whispered as she bowed her head down and played with the hem of her t-shirt.



Jiyong’s eye widen for just a second then a cheeky smiled was plastered on his face. “Why?” He asked Dara.



Dara looked up at him confusingly. “Why did you hide this from me?” Jiyong asked.



“I had to Jiyong.” Dara answered.






“Because I can’t ruin your dreams. Having a kid will need more of your time and Big Bang is such a success way back then that’s why I didn’t have the heart to tell you this.” Dara explained.



“You should’ve known me better than that, Dara-ah. I would give up my career just for you. You know that.”



“Yeah, I know that. That’s why I hide Eun Hae from you. Because I don’t want you sacrificing your dreams for us. For me.”



“Is that the reason why you broke up with me eight years ago?” Jiyong asked as he bent down and let Eun Hae on her feet.






“Thank goodness.” Jiyong muttered as he immediately closed the gap between him and Dara and hugged her tight. Dara was surprised by Jiyong’s reaction. Isn’t he supposed to be mad at me or something?



“I forgive you, Dara. I forgive you for breaking my heart eight years ago and for hiding my daughter from me. I forgive you because I loved you. Heck! I love you, I still do.” Jiyong said as he pushed away and looked at Dara. He cupped her face with his hands and crashed his lips onto hers. Dara couldn’t do anything aside from closing her eyes and savoring the lips of the man that haunted her dreams for almost eight years.



Eun Hae clapped her hands merrily on the side seeing her mommy and daddy kissing. She then started jumping up and down around Jiyong’s pad while giggling. When Jiyong and Dara pulled away from their kiss, he held her face in his palms and smiled lovingly at her.



“I love you.” He whispered before pecking a gentle kiss on Dara’s lips one more time.



“Daddy! Daddy!” Eun Hae chanted as she went to where her parents are and tugged the hem of her father’s shirt. Both Dara and Jiyong looked down on her and smiled. Jiyong bent down and picked Eun Hae up in his arms.



“Daddy, can you sing me the song you wrote for mommy?” Eun Hae said as she wrapped her little hands around Jiyong’s neck. Jiyong smiled as he stared at Dara.



“How did you know that I wrote a song for your mommy?”



“Mommy uses that song every time she will put me to sleep. Then she will always say that my daddy had actually written that song for mommy.” Eun Hae said.



Jiyong smiled once again, he kissed Dara’s lips one more before gently rocking Eun Hae back and forth while humming the tune of Butterfly; a song he wrote for Dara, his future wife, the mother of his daughter and future children and the woman he deeply love with all his heart.



Dara smiled contently seeing Eun Hae in the arms of her father. She mouthed the words ‘I love you’ to Jiyong then she planted a soft kiss on her daughted’s cheeks which are now sleeping in the arms of Jiyong. She then clasped her hands tightly and thanked God silently that her family is now completely and she is now with Jiyong once again.





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Chapter 1: Nice reading again this cute story ❤️
Chapter 1: Re reading this beautiful short ♥️ story
Chapter 1: In this story, Dara is pabo
The truth is always prevail bec their is a root of their undying love and happy ending.
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Chapter 1: Awwee!!! What cute love story!
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khu khu khu khu..