[o4] home sweet home

To Be . . . [Romantic Oasis]

Song of the chapter::
Carly Rae Jepsen – Bucket [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHdTvFWGCnY]

main image credit to unknown [http://armybarmyremix.blogspot.com/2008/10/home.html
background image credits to jaicca [http://jaicca.deviantart.com/]

[chapter 4 ;; home sweet home ]

"Hey." Minho shook Hyerin softly. "We're here, time to wake up."

Hyerin opened one of her eyes. The doors were opened and she could make out figures getting out of the car. She pulled down her headphones and sat up straight. Looking around, it took her a few seconds to register where she was. She looked at Minho, who was smiling at her. "Oh, right." She realized. "Apartment. SHINee." She thought. "Sorry for sleeping on you." She apologized.

"It's okay. Your head wasn't heavy." He said jokingly before getting off the van. Hyerin stuffed her headphones into her bag and followed him off.

"Good morning!" Key said when he saw her get off. "Good sleep?" The others got their belongings and Hyrin's luggage out from the back.

"Yup." Hyerin replied, then offered to help carry her own things.

"It's okay," Taemin said. "We can take it for you." But Hyerin didn’t listen and grabbed one of her suitcases.

"No," Hyerin stepped aside. "I'll take one." Taemin fumbled to get it back, but she took another step back, wagging a finger at him. He frowned, but let her take the suitcase. SHINee's manage closed the trunk and the boys walked into the building and in the elevator.

"Aishhh! Let's go!" Key marched off towards the elevator. "Um, since the hyungs have Hyerin's bags, why don't you guys take her to the apartment? We'll drop down own stuff and then come over after Hyerin unpacks." The others nodded and walked out of the elevator after it stopped at their floor. Hyerin, Jonghyun and Onew stopped at the second door, while the others continued onto the next one.

“See?” Key yelled back to them. “Just next door. “ He pointed to the door they were standing in front.

“Stop talking and open the door for them.” Jonghyun replied back as Onew unlocked Hyerin’s apartment.

“Here we are…” Onew said when he pushed the door open. Hyerin walked in slowly, examining the place. “Hope you like it.”

The front door opened to a small hallway. On the left side, there was a door that opened to a small closet. On her right, there was a ledge a little above her; she tip-toed to see a small kitchen. At the end of the hallway were a couple steps that lead up the rest of the house. She took off her shoes and continued to explore. On top on the steps was another door that opened to the bathroom to the left. On the other side, there was an open counter where two bar stools were placed on the dining room side. Next to those chairs was a small wooden square table with chairs that were tucked in. A small sofa placed vertically down the room indicated that the left was the living room/den.  It had a small television that faced the table. Farthest from the front door were two traditional sliding doors. They were diagonally placed [ / \ so it forms a wide v ] Hyerin opened both revealing two bedrooms complete with a bed, dresser, and wardrobe.

“The previous owner had this place completely renovated before leaving.” Onew said.”The landlord decided to put this place out for rent.” Hyerin dropped her bag on the sofa and looked up at the guys.

“This is great.” She said turning around once again to look at the apartment. “Wait.” She looked back at Onew and Jonghyun. “How much is this place?” Hyerin knew how much money she brought over and it wasn’t enough to pay the rent and everything else she might need. Besides, she still needed to eat!

“You don’t have to worry about it.” Jonghyun began to explain. “The cost can be covered by the company. As long as the price is reasonable – this place is okay. You could always find someone to share this house with.”

Hyerin shrugged and looked around again. “I guess I’ll take it.” She smiled and bowed at the boys. “Thank you so much.”

“Ahh, it’s nothing.”Onew said as they walked back to the front door. “Come knock on our door if you need anything.” He handed her the keys.

“I will.” She replied. “Tell Key and the others I said thanks.” She waved and then locked the door behind them.

Hyerin took a deep breath and turned around.”Yes. Home sweet home!” She thought. She had successfully founds a place to live and not on the streets. She looked up at the clock. 6 o’clock. She reached over to grab her luggage. By the time she finished unpacking, it would be dinner and then she would take some time to explore the area. She dragged her things towards the bedroom. “Which one to choose?” She thought looking from left to right. Would she want to open her doors in the morning to the kitchen? Or to the TV?  She covered her eyes and decided to pick by spinning around. Where ever she pointed to where she was going to stay. She spun around a couple of times and then stopped.

“TV is it.” She said, proceeding to move all her things into the room. The first thing she took out was her laptop, which she placed on the desk.  Her laptop was crucial in her life. It was her source of anime, manga, music, and a place where many epic battles are fought on Starcraft 2. Well, there weren’t that epic, but no one knew about it. She liked computer games; anything from first-person shooters to MMOs. Her friends found games boyish, waste of time and nerdy; she likes them none the less. Next she took out her stuffed animals. Two to be exact, an anniversary version Winnie the Pooh and a Pikachua. Those travelled with her everywhere she went; from family trips to overnight graduation trips. Placing them on the bed, Hyerin went onto her clothes. She didn’t bring much as she was expecting most of the time was to be spent in the practices room and travelling to and from the SM building. Therefore most of the things were for training; sweatpants, hoodies, t-shirts, but there were still clothes for the occasional outing. She opened one of the empty drawers and began filling them in.

- -


The door bell rang as Hyerin walked back out into the living room with her hair tied and clothes [http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/GalleryImage/06/617/L_g0014261706.jpg]changed.

“Cominggg!” She yelled as she slipped on her slippers. “Who is it?” She unlocked the door and opened a crack to see who it was.

“Hello there.” Onew was standing in front of the door arms behind his back. “All of us were wondering if you had dinner yet.”

“Oh, no. I haven’t eaten yet.” Hyerin opened the door fully this time.

Onew scratched the back of his head. “Well we were planning to go out to eat and some of us wondered if you want to join us.” He asked. “It’ll be our treat of course. Celebration for our album release and for you – your first day in Seoul.”

Without hesitation Hyerin answered, “Sure. I’d love to. Just let me get some stuff.” She left the door open and scuttled back into the house to get her bag.

“Well, come and knock on our door when you are ready.” He smiled and closed the door for her. 

[earlier just now]

“Let’s ask Hyerin if she wants to eat dinner with us.” Key all of a sudden while everyone was watching TV.

“What?” The others all turned to look at the boy.

Key looked back at them. “What? I’m just saying.” He placed a chip into his mouth. “She’s new here and doesn’t know her way around. Might as well show her the neighbourhood.” With his pinky, he changed the channel.

“Why not?” Minho added as he walked into the kitchen the drop off his mug. “Hyung, are you guys hungry?”

“Mmmmm” Jonghyun and Key nodded as their eyes were glued to the TV.

“Who wants to go over and ask?” Taemin asked. There was moment of silence. Suddenly everyone started talking at once debating who should go over.
“We should let the youngest - “
“No, whoever came up with the idea - “
“Tallest should – “
“I said I wasn’t!”
“I called it first!”
“Let’s just get – “

“Rock, paper scissors!” Onew shouted over everyone, a fist in the air.  

“Really, hyung?” Jonghyun had a disbelieving look on his face.

“W-well. Since no one can decide.” Onew shrugged and gathered everyone in a circle. They all shrugged in agreement. “Whoever loses goes.” They all nodded.

“Ready?” Taemin asked, he had a smile in excitement. “Rock, paper, SCISSORS.”

“OOOOOOOHHHHHH” It was perhaps some weird coincidence but everyone except Onew choose paper.

“Hyung,” Minho, who was standing beside Onew patted his back. “Looks like you are going.” Onew didn’t know what to say. He stared at his friends and back at the fist that had him lost the game. The others all laughed and pushed Onew towards the door.

“Hurry back!” Key smiled and shooed Onew out the door. 

As he slowly walked up to Hyerin’s door, he practiced his lines. “Hi! I was just – wait, it’s not just me.” He thought about what to say again. “Hello! We, the members and I was wondering you would like to join us – that sounds too formal.” He scratched his head and started over again. “Hello! Did you eat yet? Cause the others want to ask if you want to eat dinner with us. Yeah! That’s the one.” He snapped his finger and raised his hands to knock on the door. “Wait,” He hesitated and dropped his hands. “Doorbell or knocking?” He cocked his head to think. “Doorbell. She might not hear my knocking.” Once again, he reached up but this to towards the button. 


“All set!”Hyerin zipped her bag [http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/GalleryImage/26/363/L_g0015136326.jpg] and slipped into her sneakers. She decided to stick with the clothes she just changed into, being too lazy to change into something else. “Right, keys.” She reached up to the kitchen table and felt for the keys. “There.” She opened the door and walked out, locking the door behind her.


“Coming!” She could hear someone on the other side yell. There was an unlocking sound and it was Key who opened the door. “Welcome!” He gestured for her to step in. “We’re almost set. Taemin just went to get his hat.”

“I’m ready.” Taemin said, running towards them. “Let’s go.”

Hyerin looked at each of them. All of them either had a baseball cap or their hoods over their heads. “Why…” She pointed all the headgear.

“We can’t be noticed.” Minho said as they all backed out the door. “It’s always a hassle to go out. But it’s fun.” He smiled. Hyerin didn’t know why, but having them hide their faces disheartened her. She walked quietly down the hallway behind them, watching them fix each other’s hats and shirts.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!” Key said.“Where should we eat? What should we eat?”

“Chicken is not a bad idea.” Onew suggested.

“Ahhh, hyung. Not chicken again.” Jonghyun slapped Onew’s shoulder. “Hyerin, what do you like?”

“Me?” Hyerin pointed to herself. Jonghyun nodded and they all turned to her in the elevator, waiting for her to answer. “Um, actually…chicken isn’t that bad of an idea.” They all gave her a curious look and Key turned to Onew.

“Hyung! Did you tell her to say that?” Key frowned.

“I-I didn’t no anything!” Onew raised up his hands in defense.

“Well anything is fine.” Hyerin quickly said before anyone could say anything else. The elevator doors opened and they all walked out. “You guys are treating.” She added.

“Fine. We’ll see what we can find as we are walking.” Key declared and they all began to walk down the street.


Here is chapter 4 guy <3 Hope you guys like it. Today was a snow day so there was time for me to update with a new chapter (: ehehe, I love using danbo. it’s just soo cute (: [I found a better picture. i should buy a sign like this and hang it in the kitchen =)]It feels weird ending here :/ But I’ll leave the rest for next chapter.

P.S. please watch and like this video. I'm trying to audition for CUBE Entertainment and I hope I make it in the second round. It's not my best job in singing, and the video is not really that clear. But still like! share! comment! 
Crono Net & Koreaboo: Cube Audition 2011 - "Terrified"

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haha yes he is!<br />
and i predict definitely more junhyung and hyerin to come :D<br />
and im curious about rinchyeon's story too :P <br />
im sorry im a greedy reader but just cant wait for more awesome updates yay!
junhyung is always cool LOL <br />
i have too many good story ideas and they are all getting jumbled up in my head...<br />
more to come =)
awesome awesome updates YAY :D<br />
junhyung is just so cool haha (as usual).<br />
and i love the way he chased after hyerin hehe.<br />
i can't wait for them to interact more with b2st!!!
i willllll ~<br />
soon D: i just have tons of stuff due by friday; i might post a sneak peek of ch. o9 (??). =)
update!! update!! update!! update!! update!! OH I can't wait for the next chapiee!!!
haha. glad you like it.<br />
ahh, i cant wait till both of them meet b2st n - n
WOW CHAP 7 and i see myself inside.<br />
more action to come girl ;D<br />
hyerin is cute hehe and i love the interactions with shinee (:
thanks guys <3 (:<br />
in the process of writing the next chapter >=) <br />
aww I need another new update soon cos I love dear diary alot (:<br />
and thanks for adding in the character list! :D<br />
update soon cant wait to read new chapters :D