“Do you have any idea... what you had done to me?”

Little Notes


“What the hell are you thinking you’re doing?” Adam closed the door and walked to the living room with heavy steps. Hyosung had helped herself to the open kitchen without the invitation, adding to his headache.


“I told you, I’m making you breakfast. Or make that brunch, since it’s almost eight already. Why don’t you wash yourself first? Look at you! You look like you haven’t wash for days!” The girl nagged as she took out the groceries from her bagpack, settling them on the kitchen counter. Adam looked down to himself, and then turned to the mirror across the room.


Messy, tousled hair, loose black t-shirt which reeked of sweat, his face was still reddish from the high temperature. He sighed in defeat and then walked to the bathroom without another word.


Hyosung had her ears plugged with her earphone, and she was constantly singing along to the music playing in her Ipod as she moved about the small kitchen, preparing a tasty rice porridge from a chicken broth. She was chopping the parsley leaves finely, which was to be sprinkled on the porridge, stopping shortly in betweeen her chore to stir on the porridge.


She almost jumped when Adam pulled out one of her earphone, leaning lazily against the kitchen counter as he watched her preparing for his meal.


“I called your name.” He said. He looked much more refreshed now, with a fresh new shirt on, albeit the crumpling all over its surface, paired with a casual, black pants.


“You did? I thought you went back to bed. You should be resting.” Hyosung stepped closer to him and pressed her palm on his warm forehead, taken him by surprise. She gasped dramatically, her eyes widened in shock, a habit of hers which most people found endearing about her. Adam began to think the same too.


“It’s been three days and the fever is still this bad?” Hyosung shook her head and got back to her cooking, checking on the porridge. “I knew it. People like you, they are so good at their job, but they really at taking care of themselves. Do you think keeping your health in check is an easy task? Tsk, tsk.”


Adam rolled his eyes at yet another wave of nagging from her.


“Why are you here?” He asked with that deep, stern voice of his, which secretly sent tingles down her spine. She loved his voice. Bet he never knew how much she liked listening to him, even when he was scolding her at the recording room.


“Told you. I’m making you something to eat. Bet you’ve been living off ramyun and cereals these past few days.”


Adam still had that blank, uninsterested look on his face, but he was actually amused that she guessed him right. She must be really good at taking care of people. He was - in fact – felt a strange sense of attraction watching her going about the kitchen, with the apron loosely tied around her small body. She might be small, but she had all the curves women and men alike would ask for, which caused the simple pale pink t-shirt looked so y on her.


“Stop it.” He ordered after watching her for a while. The more he saw her, the more he felt like pulling her close to him and showed her what he usually did to women who came to his place. The problem was, Hyosung wasn’t most women. Most women cling to him for the status. Hyosung was there exactly just for that; taking care of him.


“What?” Hyosung scoffed, and then laughed mockingly at him.


Adam sighed and massaged his temple in frustration. “Stop it and go home.”


For  brief moment, Hyosung actually looked hurt at his attitude towards her. However, she was quick to return to her usual, cheerful self.


“Fine, I’ll just finish cooking and go home, okay? You can just get back to bed, I’ll just leave the food on the table.” Hyosung retorted stubbornly.


“Should I call your manager instead?” He said and then left the kitchen briefly only to return to his spot with his phone. Hyosung’s mood was spoiled by the time he started dialing the numbers. She continued to cook silently, with a little pout forming on her lips. Adam watched the change in her behavior while he waited for her manager to pick up his call. Her manager would be very angry if he knew what she was doing right now; visiting a guy’s place alone was a big no-no for a celebrity like her, but Adam needed to get her out of here fast; before he lost control. He thought the cold shower would help, but it did no part in keeping his temperature down.


Adam carelessly threw the cordless phone on the kitchen counter. He wasn’t picking up, and he doubted Hyosung would do as she said. She had always been stubborn, and he knew she was going to stay until he had his fever down.


“I know you hate me.” She said softly, but Adam heard her clearly. “But that’s not going to stop me from being nice to you. After all... You’re kind to us, even when you don’t want to.”


“So you like me that much, huh?”


Hyosung looked over him with those careful, innocent eyes, trying to figure him whether she made him hated her for liking him, for acting like such a girl. But he was unreadable. He constantly had that poker face on, which made her felt very intrigued at discovering what he was actually thinking inside.


Those eyes, Adam grunted in his head. Those eyes are driving him crazy. Whenever he scolded her at the recording room, she would look back at him with those pitiful, innocent eyes. They made his stomach churned with disgust at how mean he was at her, they made him feel like pulling her close to him and showered her with make-up kisses. And she had not a single idea what she had turned him into.


“Even if you don’t like me that way, we can always be friends, right? It’s fine if I show some concern when you’re sick, right? I mean, look at you. You’re all alone and nobody’s coming over and-”


“That’s not the problem. The problem is...” Adam gave up explaining. His head was pounding and his chest was stuffy. She just had no idea what it meant to be alone in a guy’s place and that frustrated him to no end. Adam turned around and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to tone down the nagging pain in his head. It was probbaly from too much sleep and the extreme lack of health-management these past few days.


“Adam, are you okay?” Hyosung ran to him, asking softly to his ears, stirring the whole system of his senses inside. She placed her hands on him, trying to support him but Adam stopped her, grabbing on her wrist before she touched him.


“Stop being so close to me.” He warned. He stared icily into her eyes, the most gorgeous set of eyes which drove him a ittle insane inside, trying to scare her away.


“I can’t. You’re in so much pain. Maybe we should go to the hospital,” she persuaded him gently, just like a mother would.


Adam straightened his back again, fighting back the headache. He swayed  a little in his steps as he held onto her arm with his other hand, and turned her around to push her back against the fridge. He held her close to him, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Hyosung was too schocked to react. Her mind was so busy trying to assess the situation. Was he fine? Was he sick? Or was he finally returning her feelings?


After a while, Adam pulled back slightly so he could stare into her mesmerising eyes. He cupped her face with both hands, forcing her to look straight at him.


“Do you have any idea... what you had done to me?”


As if drawn into those perfect, beautiful eyes, Adam slowly leaned towards her, eventually sealed the gap between them with a kiss on her lips. Hyosung closed her eyes in bliss, thinking the kiss was a sweet confession from him, but her mind started to turn into a confusing mess when his lips gradually turned hungry and dominant and forceful. There was a weird, bubbling sensation filling her up, some kind of pleasure that was hard to fight against. Hyosung let out a moan or two before his lips traveled downward along to her collarbone.


“A... Adam... stop...” her plead came out as a weak moan, which sounded like an urge to his ears. The pain in his head slowly going away, giving room for him to fully control his actions. He noticed that Hyosung had been trying to push him away weakly, but he was already beyond the turning point. He didn’t think he could stop himself now. He took a firm grip on Hyosung’s hand and then dragged her into his bedroom. He threw her small frame on his bed, and then continued to ravish on her innocent body.


“Adam!” She called him, her hands struggled to catch up with his, trying to stop him from wildly roaming all over her body. His fingers expertly brushed her skin, leaving tingling sensation from her inner thigh to her her waist, slipping under her shirt to feel the bare skin of her sides and then stopping at her , molding it into his palm.


“Adam, stop!” Hyosung finally managed to force her voice out of her lungs. Tears streamed down her face like a running river as she balled her fingers into tight little fists and hit him as hard as she could. She was scared. In a matter of seconds, he turned into a beast. He wasn’t the calm Adam Kim she had known. But then, she realised that she knew nothing about him.


She managed to slip away from under his grasp, but Adam attempted to drag her body back to him. She turned around and gave Adam a firm slap across his face, effectively waking him up from his previous state of insanity.


Regret quickly dawned on him. The intense atmosphere just now loosened up, things started to slow down again. Adam was sitting quietly at the edge of the bed, burying his face in his palm as he listened to the heartbreaking sound of Hyosung’s soft sobbing. He was not able to look at her face just yet.


“Hyosung, look. I... I’m...” I'm sorry. But was apology enough for the harm he did to her? He molested her, humiliated her, disrespected her. Was apology the right thing to do at the moment? He braved himself to look over his shoulder, at Hyosung who was slowly pulling herself together.


There were tears all over her beautiful face as she stared at him with those beady eyes, which now were glazed with anger and disgust and said to him;


“If... If you can’t return my feelings... Can’t you at least show some respect?” 


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my first short fic is finished! I'm so proud of myself lol


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ichiru #1
daebak....so daebak....! sequel please....!
themrsbooboo #2
this story is so good and so sweet! awwwww i love it!
omo omo, it's the end already...
anyway, i'm glad that Adam is more open up now especially to Hyosung...
i'm going to miss this couple....
anyway, it is a great story =D
ok Adam, you are forgiven...hahaha...
he did the right thing of not going back to US...
he should never ever hurt Hyosung like that anymore and if he does, i'm going to kick him out from Seoul myself...muahahaha
ichiru #5
awesome...update soon...eager to read the epilogue one.....
like it when the male character is someone we don't know pairing with hyosung...something different from hyosung's other ff....
you are so daebak...!
Damn sh*t .. Whatever ..
*sick because of can't brush away the image of adam from your poster* *start cursing again*
I've never thought he was the guilty one after the almost- scene ..
And I will definitely miss this story. Sequel maybe? ^^
oh gosh, it's getting more complicated...
why oh why Adam, you are so hard to figure...
Dangerous love *sing**hey..why am i singing*
Ahhhh the guy in the poster is so handsome *__*
Anyway, another great update <3 I love it ~
Fufufu .. update soon <3
I want to curse so badly -_-
Why in the hell.. ARGHHHHH .. No, I can't curse on Adam ..
But he does leave a bad impression to me..
I really wish to see your updates soon <3 ^^
Huft.. Nice Hyosung xD As always ...
oh gosh, this is gonna be great...i'm hooked to this story already...Adam-ah, you're a nappeun namja....however, i like his character...ekekeke