Tomato II


After all that rejection, who would want to search for more? Dejected, I plodded home. 

Whenever I walked, I would read also, so it was very fast when I reached home.

Just before I opened the house door, I paused and took a deep breath. How am I supposed to tell Jonghyun that I failed to find a job--again?

I let out my breath. I opened the door. The moment I'm in and closing the door, Jonghyun's inquisive voice asked me, "So, have you any luck finding a jo--"

I gave him a my-puppy-just-died-and-I found-out-I-owe-the-credit-card-company-millions-of-money-and-I-don't-wanna-talk-about-it look. 

He got it crystal clear. He gave me a sympathetic look. "Aw.. I'm sorry, Tae-Hee."

I gently put the book onto the table and I plopped face-down onto the couch.

"Did they at least give you an interview?" Jonghyun asked.

"Guess. It's so frustrating!" I shouted into the couch, exasperated.

"You should really get your ID changed," he sighed.

"I tried, remember? Tried and failed."

"Oh yeah."

"I need a job. But I don't want to go back to that gay bar! And what if Key finds out?" I raised my head abruptly. "Argh!"

I threw my face into the couch again.

"Yeah..," Jonghyun grimaced. "That would be awkward, right?"

But I didn't hear that last part, as I fell fast asleep, exhuasted from all day's walking.


Jonghyun's POV

"Hey, don't sleep like that!"

I nudged Tae-Hee.

"Nyargh. Go 'way.. Waddya wan..?" She mumbled.

"Get up! You're gonna sprain something! Get up!"


Oh for god's sake-- COME ON.

She continued to mumble stuff about Key.


I looked back to the tomato plant that's sitting at the window sill. What caught my eye instead was a photo. 

Tae-Hee. With.. another man. Key.

Their faces were smushed together and Tae-Hee's fingers was forming the peace sign. Key looked like the happiest man on Earth. I've never met the guy before and yet, I'm so jealous. 

She looks so happy in the photo...

With that on my mind, I walked towards the fridge and took out a can of beer. I began to down the whole thing at one go. I kept going to the fridge and kept taking out cans. And soon, I was deep in slumberland. And began to dream.



Have I fallen for him? I stared at his bubbly self. He seems so feminine.. But he looks like a guy.. Maybe.. He's gay? No.. Something tells me he isn't.. Transgendered?  Heh. How could that be? I laughed at myself and continued to have fun at the carnival with him.


"I.. have something to tell you." My heart dropped. Don't tell me he found out that I liked him and has decided to sever all ties with me? NOOOO...

"I'm.. transgendered. Please don't tell anyone else," Tae-Hyun said and bowed his head immediately. 

Transgendered..? Wait--Don't tell me my guess at the carnival was correct?! Well.. That explains everything. Calm, I told him--her?--,

"Oh. No wonder you seemed so serious. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hate you." I paused. Thinking. "Tell the truth... I kinda guessed that was the case.."


"I need a house to move in." Tae-Hee popped up in front of my house one day. I thought of her operation a few months ago. Her parents disapproval of being a girl. Lack of money since it was all spent on the operation. All right. I'll let her live here. With conditions of course.


"I found a boyfriend!" She breathlessly came into my room one day. 


"His name's Key! He is the most adorable, capable.."

I couldn't hear her words anymore. 

I was supposed to make the first move. I thought she would still be uncomfortable in her just-chosen gender. 

I thought wrong. 



Tae-Hee's POV

"Hmmm~ Hmm~ Hmmmm~" I hummed a happy tune while ironing my blouse.

"Let me guess," Jonghyun mumbled. "Another date?"

Ah. Jonghyun woke up.

"Yep. It's been three days. It'd be nice to see him again."

There was a pause.

"All right. Have fun."

He sounded dead. Heh. Must be from his hangover. I decided to . 

"What about you? The transgendered guy's got a boyfriend before you! Shame on you!"

"Yah--! I'm just waiting for-- Look, just-- go on your date, all right?" He snapped.

I grinned. "Okay, okay, sourpuss."

When I reached the place, I didn't a sign of Key anywhere. Oh wells. I'll just sit here and read while waiting for him then.

20 minutes later, I stopped reading for a while and I checked my phone. Tsk tsk. He's late. I thought, after looking at the time.

At the same time, Key's voice called out. "Tae-Hee~!"

I blew out my cheeks and pouted. "You're late!" I mock-glared at him.

He grinned. "Sorry 'bout that. The boss wouldn't let me off."

"You can already handle your own business, so why don't you?"

"Heh. My boss' wife had just given birth." He explained. "I think it's best if I help him out now."

Key winked. "After all, Onew is my best friend,"

I kept my book casually and gave him a smile. "Well, give my well wishes to his wife." I said, and hooked my arm to his.

He nodded. "Oh, have you eaten yet?" He asked me, concerned.

"Nope! And I'm starving."


"Wae? I'm starving. How's that good?"

"I've booked a table at this amazing restuarant."

"Lead the way~"



We clinked our wineglasses after the sumptous meal. Smiling, I sipped the wine and put the wineglass on the table. I looked out of the window and looked at the beautiful scenery.

"Uh.. Tae-Hee?" Key hesistantly asked.

"Hmm? What is it?" I replied, still dazed by the beautiful scenery.

When I turned my head to look at him, I saw him taking out a box from his pocket. He brought the box to the table.

"Tae-Hee--," he started off. 

"Oh my-- Oh my gosh." I stuttered. Is that a wedding ring box..?

His head bowed and he held the box in both hands and pushed in towards me.

"Will you marry me?" He finished.



He opened an eye and looked at me.

I noticed that I was silently crying tears of joy.

Key noticed and smiled a relieved smile.

"All right then," he said, then opened the box and took my hand.

I was still too happy from his proposal and didn't deny it. He took my hand. My heart was beating wildly. His ring almost touched my finger until I remembered.


I ceased grinning immediately. I snatched my hand back and the ring slipped out of his fingers. It fell onto the floor with a clink.

Shocked, Key looked at my reluctant face and quietly asked, "Why?"

Hugging my hand close to my body, I gave him a sad look.

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petaldictator #1
Thisisgood!imeangreat!noepic! Ha! I don't care how long it'll take for you to update... I'm waitin'
Please read the message in the homepage ^0^
OMG I guessed right!!! yay (: I feel bad for Jonghyun ): Lookign forward to the nxt chapter but take your time if you're busy; no rush (:! And I feel bad for SuJin too x]
Aimeki #5
@SkyeLin: Ehehe~ It should be released in the next chapter or the 3rd chapter XD *starts to write the next chapter*<br />
~Aimeki o^o
Seems really cute (: Update soon! I wonder who Lee's boyfriend is... My guess is Jonghyun? Because of the height comment haha <3 (: