Chapter 1 - Wander Around



Title: Infravision

Genre: fantasy

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Baekyeol with a little of Kaisoo, Hunhan and Taoris because I can't help it.

Summary: Chanyeol is an elf (almost) with a mission.




“My son. It is time for you grow up, to fulfill your responsibilities, to became an elf. From this moment to the future you have a mission, a mission that will transform you. You will not longer be a kid.”

“Just like that?” the little elf reply. “Some weird mission and I’ll be someone else? Cool...”

The older man knew it was time for his son to be someone else, he let his little kid play around for nearly 20 years and that was exactly one of his worst fears... nearly 20 years.




Chanyeol was not an ordinary elf, he was kind of the successor of the throne, the next guy in charge. Well not just kind of, he was actually the only son of the King and being the only son of The King was not an easy task. 

At least that was what almost everyone thought; in fact, for Jondae being the son of the King was totally easy: a few hours of classes after the breakfast, wonder around in the morning, a little of battle practice after dinner, wonder a little more and listen to some old mans before sleep and reading a book in bed. Well, he was supposed to read it, Jondae thought when he tried to unstick said book from the Prince face.

"They are not paying me enough" Jondae said out loud folding Chanyeol battle clothes. The elf can't stop thinking about asking the King for a few more feathers in his next payment but after all being the servant of the Prince was not a job, was a privilege, a privilege his family has the honor to have since the beginning of the... world. Well, almost that long.


"Wassup Kreees" Kris didn't even have to turn to know who said that. Jongin was famous for his... well he didn't speak like a high rank elf or like normal elf for that matters. "Good morning Sir" Kris answered with a deep bow, managing to move his legs the proper way and put his arms just in the right position because that is exactly how he was: adequate. 

"You really have to stop doing that" the Minister reply "one of these days your body is going to stay that way" Kris didn't reply because for the Great Elf what does he even mean? stay that way, that was impossible. "Minister, Minister" Jongin continued "What am I going to do with you?"

"If you have a mission for me I will have the Army of the Forest ready in an hour" Kris answered in less that a second. Jongin should knew he will receive an answer like but he found Kris serious face totally hilarious. "Don't worry my friend, the world is in peace, there is no need for you to recruit the entire army"

"I was not going to call the entire army" Kris answered with a little smirk because recruit the entire army was just the dumbest idea ever. He was going to said that out loud when he say Jongin’s face and instantly knew he was disturbing his mind again. "I was talking about the Forest’s Army, because they are... never mind" Kris stutter, knowing the Minister was making fun of him and he really doesn't care about armies, wars or anything. 

"I actually was looking for Jondae" Jongin began "He was doing something for our Prince" Kris totally notice the mockery tone "maybe looking for butterflies or for a funny worn" Jongin said failing to hide his feeling, as if trying. Kris couldn't let Jongin talk like that about the future of the nation "Every single thing our Prince Chanyeol finds the need to investigate is relevant for the nation" Kris concluded.

"Yes. Because find an specific strand of hair in a horse is something reeeeeally relevant" Jongin said with a smirk, Kris have no idea what to reply because there were times the Prince was a little extravagant with his activities and he totally had to think about the fact that the horse, the same horse with that particular strand disappear for the stables and was actually pretty ugly.

“Erase that” Jongin continued “I’m totally sure he made Jondae look for a specific leaf in a specific tree in the very end of our forest” Kris knew for sure that the adventure Jongin described actually happened but he decided to keep that to himself. There were no need to add that to the tainted reputation the future King already has, not only with Jongin but with many other trusses.

"Jongin" the Prince's servant called, saving Kris to answer Jongin's sarcastic comment. "I’ve been looking for you everywhere” Jondae continued looking tired. The pair greeted each other and started a funny conversation about what the Prince do that day. Kris was one of the highest rank officers, he has under his command many troops and he even has his own truss. Although his power and position the most important characteristic about Kris was his loyalty. Loyalty toward his family, his friends and of course his King. Motivated by that feeling he couldn’t endure another second after hearing the conversation.

Jondae continued “...and then” Jondae fought to hold his laughter ”he asked me to climb the freaking tree with him and then he started to do the most weird noises the forest has heard” Jongin was almost sitting in the floor laughing “I stayed there for almost two hours and then he just smiled to himself and ask me to help him down the tree. Can you believe that?” Jondae finished crashing in the floor next to Jongin.

“Stop” Kris said in a whisper, causing the pair to stare at him with scared faces “Your words are treason” he said with the most menacing face he could achieve “As elf is our duty to respect and” Jongin cut his speech before he could talk about the Greater Days and the Forgotten Language of the Forest. “Come on General, we are just having a bonding time between friends” he said standing up and rearranging his attire “there is no need to talk about outrageous things like treason or exile. Calm down.” The elf finished giving Kris little pats in his back. 

“E-exactly. Calm you mind” Jondae said also patting Kris back “Luhan’s truss is having a spear tournament, w-we should go. Y-you like spears right General” Jondae finished, the elf was totally afraid of Kris, he wanted to calm the General. The faster the better.



Chanyeol knew he should be in bed but come on everyone was doing something and he could swear he was the only elf with a curfew in all the Five Forests. He had to wait for Jondae to do the cleaning. Jondae murmured a few things about a rise, Chanyeol felt bad for don’t notice his best friend needed more feathers. While the Prince thought about the hardships Jondae could have been suffering, the latter leave his room and finally was time for the elf to enjoy the pleasures of the night. Come on, he deserved it; just this morning his dad told him he have to fulfill his responsibilities and that means go to a trip to the other side.

He didn’t know a lot about the humans. He knew they share the earth with them but they live at the other side of the trees. He knew they don’t supposed to interact because they species are different and they thoughts are different and the way they live their life is different. He also knew there were elves scared about the human world maybe because the only elves with knowledge about that world were the exiles; they were send there in order to purify their hearts. Minister Jongin was the only exception, he actually went there with a mission. He wrote a few books about it, Chanyeol remembered his dad being very pleased with the information. Chanyeol read those books but found them not explanatory enough, they were so many holes and were written with an incredible feeling of sadness. Chanyeol asked his father and teachers about that but everyone said he was imaging things. Probably he was.

The Prince was wearing his dance attire because he was going to the one place he knew could use it: the forest. Chanyeol loves to spend time outside the palace, with the trees, the plants and the little animal. Often Chanyeol wished he live in the Old Days when elves were one with nature. His dad told him there was a pact that compromised the elves to take care, feed and be one with the earth. They do the first two things, part of that was his own responsibility for the Great Elf, but sadly there isn’t an elf who remember anymore how to be one with the earth, nobody even remember what that even means. They have a pact, he didn’t knew who the elves have a pact with. He thinks not even his dad knows.

There were another bunch of things he knew about the other side of the trees but his dad and his teachers said there were not really useful things. 


Well, that was chapter 1. Sorry for my mistakes. English is not my mother language so... if you spot something weird please tell me.

I actually have a lot of plans for this story and I'm very excited about it, I thought about this story a long time ago and have like 2321312 drabbles but finally today I decide to sit and write a full chapter.

I hope you enjoy it.

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eeheehee #1
Oooh sounds cool! Update soon :DD