Chapter Eight

We Weren't Ready


Kyungsoo’s mother yawned as she departed from her bedroom; her left hand languidly making its way to her disheveled hair to give it a lazy ruffle. More than two weeks have passed since the little fiasco her son got into, and after days of relentless working, she was finally able to get a day off to do whatever she pleased. Unfortunately, she still had tasks to complete; so lying in bed for the remainder of the day was no longer an option.

Fixing the strings on her crème sleeping robe, the Junior’s mom went on with her daily habit and headed towards Kyungsoo’s room. The latter was, without a doubt, in school, seeing how it was currently Thursday. Yet be that as it may, his mother wanted to make sure that everything was in place and that her home was in a secure setting.

Groggily, the woman dragged her feet in the direction of the wooden door in her view. The reticence of the house was like a lullaby; making her drowsy with each and every step she took. Rubbing her eyes with both hands, Kyungsoo’s mom stopped in front of her son’s bedroom door; frozen. Opening her eyes slightly, she noticed that Kyungsoo’s door was open, which was unusual since he always closed it before leaving the house.

With an eyebrow raised, she cautiously opened the door and placed her ear in front of the opening. The petite woman couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious; but the silent aura reassured her that Kyungsoo most likely forgot to close it when he left for school. Relief coursed through her body, and with new confidence she opened the door and quietly stepped in. Glancing around, the Junior’s mother took note that there was nothing out of the ordinary except for one thing; Kyungsoo, who was sleeping in a heap of blankets.

The former stared at the figure in both shock and confusion; her mind not able to comprehend why the young male is not at school. For the past couple of days, the latter had been sleeping nonstop, which was very uncommon. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Kyungsoo’s mom strolled towards the male’s bed whilst she contemplated on what to do. While rolling her eyes, the woman took a hold of the tangled comforters and pulled the off of the sleeping boy, letting the cool air of the room to make contact with his skin.

“Kyung-ah, why are you still sleeping? You’re supposed to be in school, so wake up!” The Junior’s mother stated as she continued to tug at the blankets.

Kyungsoo stirred a bit before unwillingly cranking his eyes slightly open. “What?”

“You’re late for school,” was all that left his mother’s mouth whilst she stared intently at him. “Care to tell me why?”

The young male’s eyes widened at her words. “What do you mean I’m ‘late for school’?”

You’re late,” Kyungsoo’s mom emphasized; deeply exhaling. “You know what? Just… just hurry up and get dressed. We’ll talk about this in the car.”

With those words said, the exhausted women exited the room, leaving Kyungsoo alone to face the reality that he was, indeed, late for school. The latter was rarely late for school; and when he was, it was usually Baekhyun’s fault. But for some unknown reason, Kyungsoo had been extremely tired lately; and he still was.

“I seriously need to stop texting Jongin so late at night,” The Junior muttered to himself as he proceeded to sit up from his current posture.

Placing his hands beside their respective side, Kyungsoo tried his best to sit up straight. However, upon doing so, a sharp pain struck his lower abdomen, causing the male to wrap his arms around his stomach. Kyungsoo shut his eyes tightly and hissed in ache as the cramping continued, trying his best to withstand the pain he was feeling. He had never felt one before, so he had no idea how to deal with it.

“Kyungsoo, are you re—” his mother stopped mid sentence when she saw the look on Kyungsoo’s face. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it was just a small cramp,” reassured Kyungsoo; his face scrunching up when he tried to rise from the bed. His mom nodded wearily before leaving the room once again. Kyungsoo stood in his spot for a few more seconds until the pain subsided, and he let out a breath of relief when it finally did. Yet when he attempted to get up again, he soon began to feel light-headed, resulting in the Junior sitting back down.

The male blinked his eyes rapidly for awhile; hoping to stop the slight dizziness blurring his vision. And although it worked, the right side of his head started to throb. Kyungsoo instantly thought about skipping school; the pain was too much. But he knew he couldn’t do it. He had to handle the pain, and hopefully, it would disintegrate and never return.

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Kyungsoo placed his forehead against the Baltic surface of his locker as his head pounded like a gavel. Today had to be the worst school day the former had to go through since the beginning of the school year. Not only was his attention span close to nonexistent, he was still feeling tremendously fatigued and the sharp pains continued to jab at his lower abdomen.

Closing his eyes, Kyungsoo soon felt a pair of arms slither around his waist. There was no need for the former to glance at the culprit, since the touch was so familiar that he was able to identify the person instantaneously. Kyungsoo leaned his head back against the other’s chest as he tried to block out the bustling sound of students that were roaming the halls for their last period of the day.

“Ugh,” groaned Kyungsoo as the sound of slamming lockers caused his head to twinge. “I feel like .”

Jongin let out a small chuckle whilst he tilted his head so that his cheek was touching his boyfriend’s. “Yeah, I noticed you weren’t here second period. I got a little worried since you’re usually the third person there.”

His partner smiled to himself; turning his head right so he could see Jongin. “Sorry, I just… I’ve been really tired the past couple of days, and now my stomach is bothering me.”

“Is it serious?” questioned Jongin, his voice laced with worry.

“Not really, I probably just got a stomach beetl—” Kyungsoo paused mid-sentence, placing his hand over his mouth. A queasy feeling immediately filled his stomach and the former felt as if he was going to hurl. With his cheeks lightly puffed out, Kyungsoo tried to impediment anything from coming out, and the sudden action troubled his partner.

Jongin faced Kyungsoo towards him, only to see the latter clutching his stomach. “Hyung, what’s wrong?”

The male being addressed to shook his head as if to say ‘nothing’, despite the fact that the feeling was worsening. Not believing the other’s words, Jongin once again situated an arm around Kyungsoo’s waist and led him in the direction of the nurse’s office. The latter said nothing as they walked; and the nauseous sensation that was dwelling inside of him was beginning to dissolve.

Both Juniors arrived at the infirmary within seconds, and Jongin, taking the lead, took the initiative to open the door and guide his boyfriend inside. The nurse’s office was nearly empty, seeing how it was the last period of the day. Looking around the couple headed towards the front desk, where the nurse was seen staring at file filled with medical forms and physical papers.

“Excuse me,” Jongin said in his nicest tone.

The nurse merely glanced up at the two with an expressionless face. “Can I help you?”

Kyungsoo bit the inside of his cheek and before giving her a simple answer. “I… don’t feel very well.”

“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” the nurse muttered nonchalantly. Jongin shot her a sharp glance, earning a sigh from the latter. “What do you want me to do about it?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Jongin started off sarcastically, “maybe something that will make him feel better? That is your job isn’t it?”

The elder woman gave the younger Junior a disapproving look before rising from her seat. Jongin hardly ever spoke back to teachers, or his elders, but his relationship with the school’s nurse wasn’t a good one. It was as if she held a grudge against him, and it seemed to have gotten worse over time. Then again, the former wasn’t very fond of a lot of the students that walked through her office door and disturbed her.

Seconds later, both Juniors arrived at the backroom of the infirmary, which contained a row of chairs and cheap beds. The nurse led Kyungsoo to a random one, and told him to lie down for the time being. Kyungsoo did as told, with the help of Jongin, and the nurse soon exited the backroom to retrieve some Tylenol for the former.

Silence engulfed both males as they took a look around the bland, white room. Jongin, who was sitting down on a chair that was conveniently situated next to his partner’s bed, placed his right arm over Kyungsoo’s clothed stomach. The younger of the two wasn’t much help to anyone that was sick, and at times he wasn’t any help at all. However, he was sincerely worried about the elder’s well-being and wanted to at least do something to make him feel better.

Kyungsoo stared at the other in curiosity; his mind not able to comprehend what Jongin was doing. Yet, the older male couldn’t help but smile when Jongin slowly, albeit a bit awkwardly, began to use his lower palm to soothe his stomach. Kyungsoo stiffened slightly when he felt another jab in his abdomen, but the circles the younger Junior was massaging on his abdominal region lessened the pain.

“Does it hu—” Jongin halted his words when the backroom door suddenly slammed open, revealing an upset Kris, who was holding an ice pack against his left temple, and a calm Tao following him.

“What happened to you, hyung?” interrogated Kyungsoo.

Kris said nothing and made his way towards the chair closest to him. After taking a sit and let out a frustrated sigh and turned to face the other two Juniors. “Tao hit me in the ing head with some… some ing stick that he was swinging around like a damn sword.”

“I wasn’t swinging it around like a ‘damn sword’; I was teaching Baekhyun hyung wushu,” retaliated Tao as he crossed his arms over his chest. “And it was your fault for running towards me like an idiot.”

“Don’t call me that, I’m your hyung. And I thought you were going to hit him,” Kris responded before shooting the Sophomore a cold stare.

The younger of the two simply scoffed. “I’m sorry you see me as such a hazard. I guess that explains why you—”

“I already apologized for that!” yelled Kris, causing the couple in front of them to flinch.

“Well ‘sorry’ isn’t going to bring him back, now is it?” Tao screamed back in return; his clam exterior now shattering into several pieces.

Kyungsoo groaned; his head not able to take in all of the yelling that was going on in the room. The once soothing aura was replaced by an awkward and tense atmosphere, one familiar to the couple, and one they never wanted to feel again. Kris furrowed his eyebrows in anger, while Tao eyes seemed to be watering by the second. However, both males were too stubborn to say anything to each other, and it truly reminded Kyungsoo and Jongin of themselves before they got together.

“Does it still hurt?” Jongin finally asked the male lying down.

Kyungsoo shrugged a bit. “It comes and goes, but I’m ok. I’ll be fine by tomorrow so there’s nothing to worry about.”

The younger Junior was still skeptical but sighed in agreement. “Maybe you’re right. But them on the other hand…”

"They’ll be fine,” reassured Kyungsoo. “This will be ‘for the best’, trust me.”

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A/N: Important chapter! (For obvious reasons). Yes, I know what you're thinking: "Finally! After a month she finally updated!". Yeah... I'm very sorry for that. AFF was down, and then I had a ton of summer work to get done since I was procastinating. But since school starts for me tomorrow (bleh...), I decided to treat you guys to a little dramatic chapter. Now remember how I said I hated the last chapter? Well, I hate this one twice as much. I know it's following the plot I have planned, but it seems kind of 'bleh' to me.

Anyways I want to thank those of you who subcribed and commented last chapter. I didn't think it was that good, but I got over 100 subscribers for it so I guess it was good enough for you guys and I'm forever grateful for your love and feedback ♥ And about the little Taoris bit there, it'll all be explained in upcoming chapters so watch out for it. But for fun, I'll let you guys guess what happened in the comments or whatever :D

Once again, thank you for patiently waiting and I hope you like this chapter. I'll update as soon as I can with a better chapter with a lot of more pairings *taorisulay*. And remember, don't be afraid to send me a friend request or a message :) I like talking to people.

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We Weren't Ready: Feedback wasn't as great as I had hoped :( So the next chapter may be delayed. Sorry guys, but my motivation has gone down T^T


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Chapter 16: I have loved ALL your chapters and the way they make me feel I hope you return soon.
Chapter 13: Why do you always say that you hate what you publish? Are you rushing? DON'T!!!! Slow down if you are not happy; we'll wait!!!!! I am afraid to comment if you feel unhappy with your work. I view it as really good and I will leave it at that. Just slow down and only publish what you can honestly say that you like, my friend.
Chapter 12: FIRST, and most importantly, please write at YOUR leisure and convenience. No one, especially yourself, should make you feel guilty for living your life and doing things other than writing here. You have a life outside of AFF and we should COLLETIVELY acknowledge and appreciate that. After all, WE all have lives beyond this app. I do appreciate when authors DO remember that we are here and come back as soon as they an to write. There are other stories that I have waited for YEARS to be updated, so I understand. I see both sides. Now to the story:

Nope, sorry, right now Suho IS on my list. We should NEVER transfer the harsh realities in our own lives to those who have no part in it. Yes, crying on friend's shoulders is very important, but to get upset for their misfortunes........especially ones that they can't help??? Suho was WRONG!!! I always try to place someone's pain "on the table" and try to look at it in 360 view and place myself in it.

Mama is stepping up to the plate in high fashion, so to speak. I am glad for her resolution and Baekhyun's unwavering support. Even if Suho comes back, Baekhyun was the better friend by NOT trying to qualify if Kyungsoo's situation was worthy of support. Kyung is his FRIEND, which means that Baek didn't have to think it over o support him; it was already in the cards for him to be a supportive friend. I would like to think that the talk that they had in "Baekhyun's Jeju" was a big part of Kyungsoo's decision.

Poor Baekhyun. At first I thought it was Chanyeol who had died and I was so hurt. When I read that it was Baekbeom, I was devastated!!!! It took my back to being by my brother Ron's side as he breathed his last. It was earth shattering and your writing pulled it all out of me. I cried and stepped deeper into my feelz. That is what good writers do to their readers. I honestly felt you saying "it's okay to cry.....again" Absolutely riveting!!!

And now Jongin knows something is afoot. I feel the awkwardness of the staring contest that the two are having. I wish Baek was there.
Chapter 11: Mama Kyungsoo has my forgiveness, but her timing still STINKS!!!!! As mama, you should have been "quicker on the draw" on showing your support and telling your kid that you hate them for even a second is unforgiveable. That second an turn into forever in their heart. Kids tend to personalize comments like that and make them grow like tall tales. He should have never known that, but it is part of the story that pulls readers in and makes us "emotional participants" and I love it.

Congrats on your school accomplishments. I know that you have done so much more by now. Keep us in the loop!

Suho is gonna read Soo the riot act for lying!!!! Baekhyun will do the same while crying. Really Kyungsoo really SHOULD come clean and tell them what is happening. He needs as much support as he can get, no matter which way the test go!!

My query is.....when is he gonna be brave enough to tell Jongin??? If it's cancer, then it's his boyfriend that is in danger. If Kyungsoo is pregnant, then it's his baby and he deserves to know.
Chapter 11: I have only read up to the part where Kyungsoo's mom walked out of the boardroom and left a devastated boy behind to deal with the terror and sadness of a possible too early parenthood at best and death at worst that is MORE crippled by the guilt that she has heaped on him and I HAAAAD to go to the comments!!! I am SOOOOO FREAKING MAD at her!!! How DARE she leave the son that she SAYS that she loves to deal with all of this alone! SHE IS A RETARDED !! Parents that walk away from their troubled children deserve NOTHING good because the good that God gave them (ie the baby Kyungsoo) they threw away!!! She should go back to him, apologize and BE THERE FOR HIM!!!!

And before you say it, I am a mom myself with a pregnant granddaughter. She was a bit apprehensive about telling me, but when I got the all and I told HER that I already knew and was exited about becoming a GREAT grandmother, she felt relieved! I do understand her shock. No, I DO NOT understand her "disappointment". Kids are going to do things we don't like; testing the boundaries of everything about their lives.

Also, I lost my brother to pancreatic, testicular and lymphomic cancers. I know the pain that he felt telling us and I watched him take his last breath in my home.

This is the emotional chaos that she is allowing him to bear .............. at age 16??????? I just want to beat the ever loving F OUT OF HER!!!!!

I like the fact that this story is just pulling me in and live every moment and emotion with the characters!! You write so well!!! It's really very compelling!!!
Chapter 10: Hi. It's about 3AM here as I read. This story is very intriguing and I love it. I am "late to the party" for reading this but thanks for the update. Poor Kyungsoo. He is taking this better than I would. Know that I will never press you for an update, but I will TOTALLY chat my head off about how exciting it WOULD be if you updated! I believe that greatness takes time and would never rush you to create something that you are not happy with just to have an update. Life DOES have to be dealt with and as an educator. I understand the critical all of schoolwork.
Chapter 9: I have RACKED my brains trying to figure out what is wrong with Kyungsoo!!! I will find out soon enough.
Chapter 8: Taorisulay sounds like a french dish! LOL I loved this chapter even better and I am willing to wait for more greatness! As an educator, I understand that life gets in the way of living and having to make a living sometimes doesn't help you enjoy the life that you're trying to make. I wish you could read your wonderful story through the eyes and emotions of your readers and understand how we really long for your literary masterpieces
Chapter 7: I liked it....A LOT!!!!! This was so sweet!
Chapter 6: I know that if Luhan knew the truth he would be so upset. I wonder if he would use martial arts to kick their asses? Something tells me that HE will be Sehunnie's protector