Little bit of love

It's war...


“Jonghyun, wake up” I was shaken awake gently by Taemin - the beautiful blonde boy who sat beside me. I opened my eyes reluctantly and glanced over to him. He was smiling down to me, showing his flawless white teeth. I opened my mouth to tell him how beautiful he looked, but was interrupted by a booming voice but 10 metres away from us.

“Lee, Kim! Get your pretty little asses out from your princess castle and get in the van. This aint’ no tunnel of love you worthless maggots!” He was tapping his foot whilst he waited for me and Taemin to get out of the handmade ‘princess castle.’

I was the first to crawl out from the ‘castle’. I stood up awkwardly and brushed the dust and dirt from my legs. I glanced up towards Minho, taking in the heavy bags under his eye lids, his shaggy hair sticking up at all ends, and the rifle held closely to his hip. His clothes had creased overnight and he looked as though he hadn’t slept in months. His lips looked sore and cracked, the harder I looked the bigger the cracks in his lips stood out. His nose shone a bright red, colour getting darker around his nostrils where he clearly had been wiping his nose too often.

I felt Taemin’s arm brush against me as he stood. He looked up at Minho the same way I did, accept he didn’t care to hide how repulsed he was when his face creased up in disgust. He nudged my shoulder gently, nodding towards the man who looked angry and exhausted with stress. I turned my head towards him again, re-taking in the sight that stood before me. I could admit yes he was stunningly handsome, however his main gorgeous features had faded away, and whatever he used to look like had been replaced with a wise, depressed man that showed no sympathy.

He looked both me and Taemin over, eyes lingering longer than comfortable.

“Move it” He mumbled to us, turning around and taking large strides towards the main doors.

I looked over to Taemin – who looked slightly scared – and shrugged. I began to walk out of the room but was stopped by a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I whipped my head round to see what was wrong, why he’d pulled me back. I blinked then watched as his eyes filled with tears and he began to shake his head multiple times.

“No, no, no, please Jjong don’t make me go back on that van… The guys on that truck scare me…” He continued to pull at the shoulder of my shirt like a child not wanting to leave their parents on the first day of school. He pleaded with me, hiccupping back loud cries of pure terror. “Please, hyung… Don’t make me” He sniffed back his snot and blinked away his tears.

“I won’t make you, you can come with me” I his soft blonde hair from his face, wiping away the tears that inhabited his strong tensed cheekbones.

“R-really?” I saw him swallow every few seconds, showing clear panic rising throughout his body.

“Yeah, now come on. We’ll need to get there quickly” I held out my hand for him to hold on to. He looked down to my hand, accusingly, as though I was going to try something I promised I wouldn’t. I just smiled bigger and firmer, waving my hand for him to hold on to.

“O-okay” He unsurely reached out for my hand, entwining his finger with mine. It felt strange, soothing somehow; it felt like a mother feels when their child first holds onto her fingers. It sent waves of relaxation through me; it was like he was my own child.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


~ ~ ~ ~

“Alright you lowly maggots, get into the bunker now. We can’t afford to lose any more men…” Minho yelled tearing open the dark green woollen doors at the back of our truck. Taemin tightened his grip on my hand, squeezing the bones of our fingers together. I returned a gentle but reassuring squeeze back to his own hand and stood up, walking slowly with the crowd to get off the truck.

“Let’s go girls. Pick up the pace ladies, we aint’ shoe shopping” Minho kept yelling things in order to get us moving faster into the bunker. However we were a last resort to the military, all their best men had already died in action. If they wanted us to move they would need to offer us something that would give us pride and a reason to want to fight, all their bull ‘the enemy eat your babies’ no longer worked because even we knew no sane human would ever want to participate in such monstrosities.

We followed the group of men into the bunker, all of us collapsing onto the nearest available bed in the small confined space. Taemin hurried to the bed into the far corner, dragging me with him; he wanted to be as far away from the fighting as possible.

It wasn’t but five minutes that passed before Minho strode to the far end of the room where I and Taemin were setting up our bed areas. Minho looked over to Taemin, face softening when he saw the younger boy recoil at the sight of him.

“S-Sir?” Taemin stood stock still, eyes wide, staring blankly in front of him.

“At ease boy, come on Lee, Key requested you be in the same room as us” He smiled softly at Taemin, completely ignoring everybody else around him.

Taemin lips curved into a small smile, instantly drooping again when he remembered me; sitting on the edge of my bed silently observing the conversation. “W-what about Jonghyun-hyung?” Now he’d started to use formalities, when he was speaking to the lieutenant.

Minho reluctantly looked towards me; face creasing up with repulse and hatred I didn’t even know was possible to award a person with - especially after only knowing them for merely a day. I glanced up at him expectantly, anticipating his answer. Was he going to let me stay with the first friend I met here?

Fine…” I cast Minho a toothy smile, practically mocking him.

“Thank you hyung” Taemin jumped to his feet and threw his arms out around Minho – who stood there smiling half-heartedly as the smaller boy hugged him.

“Okay that’s enough, now gather your stuff and follow me” Minho peeled the smaller boys’ hands apart from each other from behind his back, holding his hands using only his thumbs and index fingers. He pushed Taemin arms away from him, letting them drop miserably to his sides.

“O-okay hyung” Taemin nodded coyly, turning back to the bed to pick up his bag.

Minho turned to me, mentally slapping me around the face ten times. After a few minutes of locked silent threats between me and Minho, Taemin tapped us both on the shoulders, smiling widely. Minho jumped, slightly started by Taemin - who’d just interfered in our silent staring competition.

“Hyung, I’m ready. Let’s go?” Taemin held a messenger bad to his right hip, patting the bag softly.

“Yes, right, okay… You get your stuff as well maggot” he glanced towards me – the only gesture which told me who he was referring to - and rolled his eyes.

“Yes, sir…” I mumbled barely audibly. He must have heard me because when I next glanced up from the bed he was striding across the room to the entrance. I looked over to Taemin’s bed, surprised he was still there waiting for me when he’d had the opportunity to already be in an under-crowded room.

I picked up my bag and slung it up over my shoulder, glancing over to Taemin – who’d followed pursuit by standing there silently with his own messenger bag hanging from his shoulder – before walking quickly from the room full of curious men and into Minho and Key’s lieutenant quarters.

“Taeminnie, where have you been? I’ve been so worried” Key sauntered over to Taemin, swinging his hips femininely and holding out his arms in front of him, stopping stock-still when he saw a figure step out to the left from behind Taemin. “Wh-what are you doing here?!” Key let his arms drop to his sides, finding sanctuary in his deep pockets.

Taemin stepped forward, pulling Key into a full hug “I asked if he could stay in here to because he was the one who helped me get through last night when you weren’t at the hospital…” Taemin pouted, tears gathering behind his closed eye lids - memories of the pathetic excuses for men trying to him. I looked accusingly over at Key, who just turned away, blushing with embarrassment.

“I-I’m sorry Taemin…” Key squeezed Taemin tightly, opening his eyes for a moment to send a angry scowl in my direction. Apparently nobody here was fond of a good guy.

I shrugged off Key’s glare, wandering over to a small desk which was layered with newspaper clippings along with their original paper. I picked up one which didn’t look to destroyed and slumped back on the available bed - next to Taemin’s bed - near the corner of the room. I raised the paper just barely above my head and began to read through the current events - which for some reason I’d never had the patience to do so at home. Taemin slumped down onto the bed next to me, sighing in defeat.

“Night Jonghyun-hyung, I’m going to sleep” Taemin sleepily pulled the thin, soft blanket over his body, wrapping himself into a small man-made cocoon. I smiled wearily at his cuteness before returning my divided attention to my book, every now and then tuning in on Key’s conversation with Minho.

“Key this kid can’t stay in here and we both know that… This room is for lieutenants only” Minho sighed deeply, searching a mutual understanding of the situation from Key.

“I know, but I don’t want Taemin to-“I strained my ears to hear what they were saying; my eyes still drifted across the newspaper without actually taking in the words that were being read.

“Taemin’s not a baby Key; he’s a grown man…”

“He’s only just left school for your information” Key scoffed and rolled his eyes at Minho.

“Key, I just thought-“Damn my hearing - after the many hours in the recording studio down my street I’d damaged my hearing. I had to strain super hard and stop reading the page in order to focus.

“You may have thought that but no! Taemin’s like my own son; he’s lived with me for 6 years after his parents died…” , Taemin never mentioned his parents to me…

“I know but-“Minho was cut off by a clearly irritated Key, trying to be in control in at least one thing in their relationship…

“Don’t you ‘but’ anything Choi Minho! He’s staying here and-“

“Key…” Minho cut Key off his sentence, probably angering the feline even more. “I love you; now stop being such an …” I heard kisses being planted on Key’s body and glanced over the tip of the paper, hoping my fringe would cover my eyes so I could watch.

“I love you too, yeobo” Key threw his arms gently around Minho’s neck, pulling him into a strong passionate kiss.

I scrunched my face up in disgust, Key, kissing him? I love my share of guyxguy as much as the next gay, but with the doe-eyed freak and the gorgeous feminine boy in front of me I felt awkward, almost like it shouldn’t be like this. I heard a light moan leave Key’s throat, plunging a well-aimed stake into my empty heart and pouring the single content of my growing attraction for Key into my lower body. I tried to relax, pulling my legs up to my chest in attempt to hide my growing arousal. I reached out to my left, picking up a glass of water from the floor and taking a large shaky gulp.

“Key, c-can I ask you a question?” I heard the last word whispered slightly as Minho got down onto the floor, reaching into his pocket. I choked on my drink and started to cough and splutter the cold water everywhere, making the already thin and cold blanket damp.

Minho and Key glanced over to me accusingly before returning their attention back to each other. They’d decided to try to be quieter after catching on to what I was doing.

“Neh, what do you want?” Key smiled eagerly up to Minho, awaiting his answer and making no attempt to quieten his own volume.

“Key-…would you-…honour-…marrying me?” Minho’s chest had stopped rising and falling, clearly showing he’d held his breath for Key’s answer. Minho looked down to the floor, denying defeat to himself silently.

I flicked my head towards Key –who had stood from the bed and was lifting Minho head up to face his own. Minho had a worried look in his eyes, he watched fearfully as Key’s eyes began to fill with tears. Key looked down to the man who was declaring his love and shook his head sideways. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The main job of this fic was to get all of them living in the same room ALL AT ONCE! Which I figured would be kind of hard because Minho completely despised Jonghyun and Key was just kind of 'hating' him silently I guess.



But anyways I hope you liked it! Feel free to comment and subscribe, or else I feel unloved. If I get subbers and/or comments I feel compelled to update more often. So shows your love, adopt the subscribe button today! :D

Peace out!



>The addicted one <

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29/01/13 It's war : It'll be updated today or tomorrow :)


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Really love this fanfic! Never thought i'd be reading a war fanfic x) continue writing & UPDATE SOON!!!!!
CheonsaKeikeu9 #2
Chapter 12: Noooooooooo
You already killed Minho
Please don't kill Taemin everyone does
It's solo depressing
If you kill him I don't think I'll be able to read this anymore D:
Otherwise it's really good and a good plot too
Chapter 12: omgomgomgomgomg, taemin will be alright right???
how in the world did key can carried jonghyun0.0
he is lighter than jong by 5kg0.o
Chapter 10: LOL TAEMIN!!
b1acksharpi3mark3r #5
Chapter 10: Hmmm I could share... or I could just keep drooling over my posters. @.@

I love your Taemin character in this. Too often he's characterized as having the personality of a little kid which is just plain creepy in fics with . ><
Missunderestimated #6
Chapter 5: Nooooooo YOU KILLED MINHO!!!!! :( :(:( :( :(
b1acksharpi3mark3r #7
Chapter 9: Ughh. But no srsly I was like OMGOMGITSMIRaw____hedied. I totally fell for his engrish too. It makes me agdjdlshfa. I'm so excited for the rest. :3 This chaoter was perfect and I can only anticipate the amazing teasing that will be achievable based on Jjongs hearing Key blabbing. Yeshhh. I gotted so much SHINee and MBLAQ shtuff for Chrishymash I lovee it. <3 But yeah, I'll fanboy with ya. xD
b1acksharpi3mark3r #8
Chapter 8: Mir!!! -sobs- whut have you done to me?? I think I have PTSD from reading this. ><
baeknips #9
Chapter 6: Please update soon, author-ssi's <3 i really love this story ^^ kekeke<3