Excuse You

School Yard Rumble


Ch.2 “Excuse You.”

U-Kwon’s POV

“Shut the hell up!”I began yelling at them but they didn’t listen to me. Deep red juice kept dripping from my cuff links. I stared at my image in the mirror with anger oozing from me. “She gave it you good U-Kwon.” I turned to face him. “Say one more word Zico…one more word!” I was shaking in rage and they all started to back off. P.O threw a towel at me and I caught it wiping off my face. “So Kwon…what are you going to do about this chick?” I thought deviously on that question for a moment.

“I’m going to make her life a living hell.” He walked off smiling and joined the rest of the gang in the lounge. I slowly pulled of my jacket and began ing my once all white dress shirt and threw both of them to the floor. I stepped into a hot shower and let it wash away the stained juice from my skin and hair. What kind of girl does that? Ugh!!!!!!!!! She made me so mad. No one has ever in my life disrespected me like that! Oh she was gonna get it…someway…somehow. The water ran down my chest as I scrubbed off the stains.

I began mumbling to myself. “Short little…ugh!” I didn’t even know her and I already couldn’t stand her! I mean yeah she had a banging body and I’d love to put my hands all over her but….she’s so infuriating! I imagined my hands around her neck and noticed that I was starting to grow hard just at the thought of her. Oh hell no not this! I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around my waste. I dried off and threw on a pair of loose sweat pants and a beater. No need to dress up….just me and the guys.

I walked out into the lounge and noticed Kyung, JaeHyo, and Taeil playing a game of pool while Zico, P.O, and MinHyuk were sitting around a table playing a game of cards. They were bumping music and I walked straight towards the bar and cracked open a few cold bottles of soju. Drinking my anger away until I was numb sure wouldn’t solve anything but it beat the hell out of feeling everything. “U-Kwon…put the bottle down. You know what happens when you drink like that.” I didn’t care at all. “Go away Zico. I don’t need you or anyone else telling me what to do for that matter.”

His look intensified as he snatched the bottle out of my hand. “What the hell is wrong with you?!?” I stood up from the bar stool and got in his face. “I said that was enough Kwon. Go chill and relax.” I growled slightly and pushed him out of my face. “Whatever…I’m going to bed.” I trailed off to my room and slammed the door shut. I flopped down on my and slid the silk covers over me. I felt a huge headache coming on and I rolled over to my side mumbling to myself. “Damn girl.”


Jasmina’s POV

“No way!”I began laughing hysterically as Jessica finished her story. “I’m serious! Sometimes he even leaves me drunken voice mails and I can’t help but laugh at him.” She played them over for me and I continued to laugh even harder. There was a knock at the door. “Come on in!” Jessica shouted out. It was Neng. “Hey ladies…mind if I join you?” He asked as he plopped in between us on the bedroom floor. “We were just talking about you.” Jessica said with a playful grin. A cautious look crossed his face. “About what?” I began laughing and accidently snorted.

I covered my mouth embarrassed. “So Jasmina…I heard you made a new friend today.” I rolled my eyes at Neng’s remark. “You girls get all the hot guys!” He shouted with a pout. I hadn’t known he was gay but I had nothing against him for it. I honestly loved this crazy guy even though I just met him. He wrapped his arms around both of and brought us in for a picture. He took it with his phone and posted it as his profile picture. “Well ladies…new day tomorrow so I shall see you both in the morning for History!” He ran out of the room waving his hand and both me and Jessica dressed down to our pajamas.

We were both lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. “You ready for tomorrow Jasmina?” I turned over to face her. “Well I’m a little nervous it being the first day and all…but I’m pretty excited to. I can’t wait for my dance class though.” I could hear her shift in her bed. “You’re going to love it! The performing arts program is great. The only thing I tend to worry about is the partner work they have us do in each class.” Huh? “What do you mean?”

“Well for each class there are major projects and you get partnered up with someone for it…I just don’t really care for it. I never get partnered with anyone I like.” I silently hoped that I wouldn’t get partnered with any idiots. I rolled over and saw that the clock read three in the morning. “Oh damn girl we gotta get up in four hours!” I shifted under my blanket and got comfortable. These beds sure were amazing. “Night! See ya in the morning!” We both silently fell asleep. Hours later, I woke up to a loud alarm.

Jessica was already dressed and ready sitting at her desk writing away. “Sorry haha…woke up early. Go ahead and get ready and then we’ll get some breakfast.” I jumped out of bed and after taking a nice shower I got dressed. I slid on a pair of skinny jeans and a white long-sleeved t-shirt with a black vest over it. I pulled my hair into a side braid and put on my all white Supra sneakers. “Dang girl work it!” Jessica shouted out as she snapped her fingers. “You know how I do girl.” I said as I did a twirl.

I laughed as I slightly lost my balance. “Come on let’s go get some breakfast!” We made our way downstairs and both grabbed a plate full of wonderful breakfast foods. Neng was off flirting with a table of guys to no avail. I bit into a warm piece of toast and almost choked when I turned and saw U-Kwon and the rest of his group standing behind him. “Hey new girl.” I rolled my eyes and put the toast down. “It’s Jasmina your moron.” He scoffed. “Okay Jasmina, I’m waiting for an apology.” I immediately began choking on laugher. “An apology…please you aren’t even worth one.” I could see slight bits of anger returning in his eyes. He glared down at me and walked off in defeat once again.

“That’s right I mumbled under my breath. Damn idiots interrupting my food.” I sat back down and continued enjoying my meal. “You sure know how to start off your morning right.” I turned towards Jessica and playfully threw a piece of my toast at her. She brushed it off and continued eating her meal. “Come on Jasmina time for the first class of the day…History!” She seemed much more excited than me but I followed her to class anyways. We walked in and the room was huge but had a small desk setting to where maybe twenty students at a time would fit. I liked the intimate setting…it allowed for more one on one help.

I took a seat right by Jessica as other students began pouring in. Jessica yawned and leaned backwards stretching over the desk behind her when P.O plopped down in the seat and smiled right in her face. She immediately jumped away from him and back towards her desk. “Oh come on Jess…no need to be tense. It’s just your good old friend JiHoon.” She smacked his hand away as he went to grab her shoulder. He sat back down behind her with a smirk on his face. I began laughing but my smile faded as U-Kwon sat in the desk right in front of me. He turned around with a devilish grin on his face. His perfect white teeth formed a melting smile.

I straightened in my desk and folded my arms. “Looks like we have history together.” What an idiot. “We may have this class together…but we will never have any kind of history together!” He laughed and turned to face the front of the room. The professor walked in and a screen which showed all of the notes we would have to take and videos we would have to watch. I couldn’t see a thing with this boy’s melon in the way. “Kwon…move your big fat head I can’t see.” He chuckled and moved perfectly in the way of my line of vision.

{He really wanted to die.} I moved my desk further away from his so I was finally able to see. I terribly bored and began to scribble in my notebook. I looked over Jessica and saw that she was fiercely taking down notes as if she were genuinely interested. I’d definitely have to get those from her later. The professor then a video about some war and I kept doodling. P.O kept throwing balls of paper at the back of Jessica’s head and she was getting more furious by the second. The teacher flicked the lights on and turned the screen off.

“Okay class listen up! We have a new student. Her name is Jasmina. She transferred here. Please make her feel welcome. Oh and Jasmina I’ve assigned Neng Min as your partner.” I was beyond excited that I didn’t have U-Kwon as a partner and that my partner was actually a friend. I walked into the hall waiting for Jessica when someone bumped into me and knocked my books out of my hands. I looked up and saw those intense eyes again. {Damn him} “Excuse you” he muttered as he kept moving past me. I tossed a book at him and he came charging at me but Kyung and MinHyuk grabbed both off his arms.

“One day Jasmina…you’re definitely going to regret that.” He was all talk to me. The boys pulled him away and Jessica came walking out of the room with a frustrated expression on her face. P.O grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “Hey partner I’ll see you later” he said with a wink. She punched his arm and playfully grabbed it. “Ah…why do you have to hurt me noona.” “I’m only a few months older than you…I’m not your noona.” She rolled her eyes and he went off running to catch up with the rest of the gang. “One of these days I’m going to kill him.” She helped me gather my things.

“Good…I can kill U-Kwon too.” We both laughed and split off to our separate classes. Calculus was a blur…I hated that class. I walked into Human anatomy hoping for a fresh change. “You have got to be kidding me.” The first person I saw when I entered the room was U-Kwon. I decided to sit as far away from him as possible. That didn’t really help me as the teacher began going over the list of partners. “U-Kwon and Jasmina.” Was this professor doing drugs? Did I hear him correctly? Anger was building inside of me and I was all too happy to run out of the room as the teacher dismissed us.

I didn’t want to run into U-Kwon so I booked it to my next class…dance. Once in the room I began to let all of my frustrations out. Dancing was so freeing that I never wanted to stop. Sadly I had to. I went to the writing class and happily attended it with Jessica where it was a U-Kwon free environment. Jessica and I had actually gotten assigned as partners for that class. I was pretty excited. We parted ways once again as I headed to my last class for the day and probably my favorite. This dance class was much more entertaining than the other.

I was able to choreograph my own dances unlike the other one. “You’ve got some good moves there Jasmina.” I smiled at the professors comment feeling very honored. “I’d love for you to be a part of the dance team.” “Oh I’d be honored.” She smiled happily as well. “Good then it’s done, can’t wait to see ya there.” I beamed with excitement. I noticed I was sweating terribly so I ran to the locker room to take a quick shower. These showers were so grand and amazing…I quite enjoyed it. The hot water felt so good. It washed away all of the dirt and sweat from today. Many of the girls were leaving and heading back to the dorms but I stayed longer to enjoy this beautiful shower. I walked towards my locker not seeing anyone else.

I put on deodorant and sprayed a bit of perfume. I wrapped the towel around my body and pulled out a brush from my locker. The whole locker room was so quiet and I was the only one in here…or so I thought. I heard a locker abruptly slam shut and I was slammed against the cold metal of my locker. My brush fell to the floor and I struggled against the tight grip. “Let go of me!” I began to flail my arms wildly but it was of no use. His toned body pressed me up against the locker even harder. His soft hands brushed the hair away from my neck as he began to whisper in my ear “I told you that you’d regret it.”

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Thank you too everyone that has been following the story so far. It means a lot! The last chapter will be coming soon!


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Chapter 11: Omg the gif for this chapter makes me smile so bad XD
Chapter 4: ooo good story! kitty kwon is adorable.. mmm
Chapter 13: Cute story!! Like it so much!!! <3
yukwonbaby #4
Chapter 13: Sweet ^^ i like it so much and yeah, please write another ukwon story :p thanks for share the good story :))
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story :') i love it alot ♥
love love love :*
awh, sweet !
happymoon #8
I'm a lil sad that it is over already but I gotta say that was an amazing ending!!!
XxKay-NiixX #9
It ended so quickly ='( On the other hand the story really is amazing!! I love it <3