
Practically my Knight and Shining Armor



YoonA’s belly rumbled noisily.

They’d fetched her some food the night before but her appetite had been none-existent so she’d only picked at it but now she really wished she’d eaten more.

Footsteps sounded outside and she sat up straighter on the mattress.

The lock squealed a protest and then the door opened, revealing Doojoon. He seemed calmer today, more relaxed.

Maybe her parents had sent them the money already.

He gestured for her to get up, “You’re parents have paid. We’re doing the exchange in two hours.”

She grabbed his arm as he turned from her, “They’d have given you the money anyway, you know. You didn’t have to kidnap me to get it.”

His eyes locked on her hand, “I’d remove your hand, Princess, if you want to keep it.”

YoonA quickly dropped her hand and let herself be pulled down the hall to the same large room as yesterday.

The video camera was no longer there or the large monitor that she’d seen her parents on. “You’re getting ready to go.”

Doojoon stopped talking to his accomplice long enough to meet her gaze. “We can hardly stay here, the police are looking for us.”

She didn’t want to annoy him, unsure of what he might do to her, so stayed silent.

They left half an hour later, YoonA once more bundled into the van.

Doojoon sat in the driver’s seat, leaving her in the rear with his three goons. Two of them seemed bored and stared out of the back window but the other couldn’t seem to take his gaze from her and her skin crawled in revulsion.

Tucking her legs under herself, she tugged the dress to cover her exposed thighs but he didn’t stop staring just changed what he stared at, moving his gaze to her s.

The ride seemed to take forever but eventually Doojoon pulled up and using a mobile, phoned the palace. “Let’s get straight to the point, shall we? The Princess will be waiting under the subway bridge. We’re watching every step you make so don’t try anything,” then cut the call and turned to look at her over the seat. “That applies to you too, Princess.”

YoonA swallowed hard.

Doojoon’s gaze went to the man who’d been leering at her. “You know what to do.” The man nodded and with one last heated glance at her, exited the van. She let out a relived sigh when he’d gone.

“Right, you two, take her with you, tell her what to do. If she tries anything…then make her co-operate.”

The two nodded and dragged her roughly from the vehicle. She’d barely gained her feet before she was being marched along at a gruelling pace.

Strangely, the park was deserted. There were no children screaming, no joggers, no birds in the trees. It was eerie.

“It’s time,” one muttered.

“I’ll do it,” the other told him and walked her down some steps into a subway bridge.

“What’s going to happen?” She asked him nervously.

He squeezed her arm in warning but said, “Just a simple exchange. See that black bag there,” he nodded in the direction, “that’s the money we asked for. See that man near the end, he’ll take you as we take the money. Simple.”

She nodded and relaxed.

As they reached the money, he urged her to continue and she did, walking slowly to the man in black. Reaching him, he pulled her up the steps and spoke into his wrist, “I have the package.”

YoonA raised her brows at that. Package? Was this for real?

The man rushed her from the subway and to a waiting black SUV. The door was pushed opened and she was dragged inside. The car sped off as soon as the door was closed and she was thrown back in her seat.

“What’s happening?” She asked, shakily.

“You’re safe now, Princess.”

Was she? She felt more afraid of these men than she had been of Doojoon.

The car took a corner sharply and she slid along the seat, then it quickly braked and she smacked her head into the seat back and groaned.

Her door was flung open and her father appeared and she’d never been more glad to see him in her life. His eyes worked their way over her and with a tremulous sigh pulled her into his arms. “My poor little girl,” he murmured.

YoonA collapsed into his arms with a sob.

After several minutes, he let her go, “I know someone else who’s excited you’re safe.”

Her heart sped up.

Nichkhun, it had to be.

With an arm around her shoulders he led her into a large office building and to a long room full of bustling people. YoonA glanced around looking for her gorgeous bodyguard.

She couldn’t see him.

“Here we are,” her father said and she quickly turned to see--her mum.

Her heart sank even as she was enveloped in her mothers arms, “Oh, baby, we’ve been so worried about you.”

“I’m fine,” she told her mum honestly as she shot subtle glances around the room. He must be here somewhere.

“Who are you looking for, honey?” The Queen asked, ever the observant. Meeting her mother’s eyes, she wasn’t sure whether to tell her. The answer must have been obvious because she asked, “Nichkhun?”

She nodded slowly.

“Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. He left as soon as he heard you were safe.”

“What do you mean?” She asked, her voice shaky with emotion.

Her mum a finger down her cheek, “He’s gone back to Busan”





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KhunAFanatics #1
Chapter 8: please authur update it..i think its not been completed because of its not an ending....good luck on your updates here in this story..hope to read this soon
ImYoonAndNichkhun #2
Author, it have been such a long time since you update, plz updte soon author.
This so sweet. Update soon :D
mysticalbeez #4
love is in the air! Khuna
gooseberry27 #5
Please, please update soon. This story is so exciting..
ImYoonAndNichkhun #6
Update !!!
ImYoonAndNichkhun #7
Update !!!
iamme1 #8
He loves her or not? Guess we have to wait to find out.
But please save her now Nichkhun!
Yoona is being captured but by who!
I wonder who's her captor.
Update soon
Good story
Update soon