
Practically my Knight and Shining Armor



“Princess YoonA?” YoonA turned to see who had spoken her name. It was an elderly man in a grey suit, she smiled at him. “I’m Kangta Ahn, the organiser, we spoke earlier on the phone.”

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you, Mr Ahn”

“And you too, Princess,” he kissed her hand and bowed slightly. “I‘m glad you chose to come, it‘s a great honour to have you grace the red carpet here tonight.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing the film and meeting everyone who was in it.”

“I’m sure they’re looking forward to meeting you too. May I you inside?”

“Of course.”

He led her through the throng of people waiting on the red carpet and to the crowd of waiting paparazzi and she had a few pictures taken of her. Kangta touched her hand to get her attention.

“This way, Princess.”

YoonA took his arm and let him walk her into the big cinema where the premiere was being held.

“May I say you look lovely this evening.” He turned to Yuri, “Both of you.”

Yuri hadn’t tried anything with Nichkhun yet so she was trying to act normal around her

“Thank you.” They told him in unison.

She’d chosen a black strapless, figure hugging gown with a pale blue flower design curving down the front. It also had a slit to mid thigh. It was a dress meant to taunt Nichkhun. After they’d made love he’d blanked her. If it was supposed to push her away it had worked but only up to a point, you see, he’d been pushing her away since they first met so it made no difference really.

Yuri was wearing a red halter neck dress that was low cut and it too had a slit up to the thigh. She looked good and YoonA had told her so. She’d smiled a thanks but hadn’t returned the compliment and that had annoyed YoonA even more.

Kangta led them inside and to the bar, “I hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”

“Thank you, Kangta.” He bowed again and then disappeared into the crowd, leaving them to it.

“Drinks?” Nichkhun asked and she turned to face him properly.

“No thanks…Nichkhun.” She said it slowly and waited for his reaction. His eyes met and held hers for several long seconds.

“I’ll have some champagne,” Yuri said, obviously missing the tension between the two of them.

Nichkhun’ gaze went to Yuri and he smiled genuinely at her which caused a pain in YoonA’s chest.

She looked away and scanned the crowd for anyone she recognised.


“Here you go Yuri,” she turned back to see Nichkhun hand Yuri her glass of champagne. Maybe it was just her sensitiveness but she was sure they took longer than necessary to transfer the glass from his hand to hers.

“Are we going in?” She asked abruptly and without waiting for a response she entered the theatre and found a seat on the back row.

YoonA kept her gaze fixed firmly on the screen as Nichkhun and Yuri entered the room. They found seats a few rows in front and she felt Nichkhun’ gaze on her before he sat down.

The film was good, a mix of action and romance.

It seemed to go the same course she had with Nichkhun, though the heroine of the film wasn’t a princess, she was a witness in a murder case and it was up to the hero to save her from the people she was giving evidence against.

Afterwards it got her thinking. They’d had a happy ending in the film, why couldn’t she have one in real life?

“You okay?” Nichkhun was stood beside her in the almost empty theatre.

“Oh, yeah,” she picked up her clutch bag and stood. He tried to take her arm but she moved it out of his reach.

“Princess!” He said exasperated.

She just glared at him. “Look. You started it, I’m just carrying it on,” and walked down the steps to the exit.

It was childish but she was hurt by his reaction to their earlier time in bed. How could he be so distant when they’d spent the better part of two hours making love?

His footsteps echoed behind her and in a way she was grateful he still wanted to do his job. It meant he was always going to be near.

Walking out of the auditorium she was surprised by the amount of people here tonight. She saw Yuri at the bar and walked through the crush of people to get to her.

“What’d you think of the film?” YoonA asked.

She wrinkled her nose. “It was okay. I wasn’t taking much notice to be honest.” She smiled a little smugly, “I was too distracted by having Nichkhun sat beside me.”

YoonA’s hands clenched into fist and she felt her nails digging painfully into her palms.

Nichkhun appeared behind them, “You two okay?” He looked between the two of them, his gaze staying longer on her.

He was killing her.

She tried for a smile and failed, “I’m just going to go congratulate the actors on their success.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“No!” It was said too forcefully and Yuri looked at her almost thankfully. I’m not doing it for you!  “You stay here. I won’t go far.”

He looked like he wanted to argue so she walked away.

YoonA did search out Lee Dong Wook and Lee Si Young in the crowd and found Ben at one of the other bars.

“Dong Wook?” He’d been about to take a swig of his beer but turned to look at her.

He blinked in surprise, “Princess YoonA, how nice to meet you.” He put his beer bottle back on the bar and turned to face her. He picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to the back.

“The same can be said for you. I’m a big fan of yours.” She boosted his already big ego some more. He was attractive and he knew it. He was in his early thirties and had dark blacke hair and brown-mochaish eyes, though they weren’t as pretty a shade as Nichkhun’s were.

“Glad to know I’m appreciated as an actor.” He grinned but it did nothing for her.

Not knowing how to reply she glanced around. Her eyes met those gorgeous brown bedroom eyes of Nichkhun’ across the room and she noticed he didn’t seem happy.


“So,” YoonA’s gaze returned to Dong Wook’s, “what did you think of the movie?” He asked.

“I liked it. It reminds me of me.”

Dong Wook laughed and it was a nice sound, “So, you’ve been witness to a murder, have you?”

She smiled, unable to hold it back. “No. I meant the whole needing a bodyguard thing.”

“Where is he, anyway? Your bodyguard.”

YoonA nodded to where Nichkhun was with Yuri at the other bar, her smile dying when she saw that her friend was running a finger down his chest and he was letting her.

“He’s a good looking chap, I‘m not surprised she‘s coming on to him, whoever she is.” Ben turned back to face her and seeing the devastation on her face, he sighed, “Oh.”

tightened and she knew she was going to cry. “Excuse me, wont you?”

“Of course,” he stood as she got up and she felt his eyes on her as she stumbled her way outside.

The tears fell unheeded as she slowly descended the stairs of the movie theatre. She was extremely grateful the press had gone or she’d have been front page news tomorrow.

So he was attracted to Yuri.

That thought alone made her tears fall faster and heavier.

“Princess?!” The word sounded breathless as if he’d run, “Where are you going?”

“Somewhere.” Far away from you!

He took a few unsteady breaths, “Where’s somewhere?”

YoonA spun on her stiletto heels, suddenly angry. “Like you actually care!” The tears were still falling freely. She wanted him to see she was hurting.


“Stop calling me that!”

He sighed, “YoonA…what’s up?”

The gentleness in his voice was almost her undoing. “Like you don’t know.”

She knew the moment he understood, she saw his body tense. “Don’t.”

Her shoulders rose in a helpless shrug, “I can’t help it, I can’t help how I feel.”

“I wish…I wish I could make it better for you.”

“Then want me! Like I want you.” The emotion in her voice was enough for even the strongest person to give under.

Tyres screeched behind her on the road but YoonA was too intent on getting him to admit he wanted her to take any notice.

Nichkhun’ gaze moved behind her, “No!” It was little more than a breath and she strained to hear him.

A strong arm clamped around her body and a cloth was pressed to her nose and mouth and she fought to breath as she struggled against her captors arms. YoonA was dragged backwards and hoisted into a waiting van.


The last thing she saw before she passed out was Nichkhun running down the stairs to help her.



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KhunAFanatics #1
Chapter 8: please authur update it..i think its not been completed because of its not an ending....good luck on your updates here in this story..hope to read this soon
ImYoonAndNichkhun #2
Author, it have been such a long time since you update, plz updte soon author.
This so sweet. Update soon :D
mysticalbeez #4
love is in the air! Khuna
gooseberry27 #5
Please, please update soon. This story is so exciting..
ImYoonAndNichkhun #6
Update !!!
ImYoonAndNichkhun #7
Update !!!
iamme1 #8
He loves her or not? Guess we have to wait to find out.
But please save her now Nichkhun!
Yoona is being captured but by who!
I wonder who's her captor.
Update soon
Good story
Update soon