
12 Roses

"Sica," Baekhyun called with a smile on his face. Jessica turned around to see her boyfriend, holding a mysterious object behind his back. "Yes, hyunnie?" Hyunnie was her nickname for him. "What are you hiding behind your back?" she asked. He pulled out a dozen red roses and handed them to her.

"What are the roses for?" she looked at Baekhyun questionly. "No reason, but I will love you until the last rose dies," he smiled. Jessica raised an eyebrow, "But doesn't that mean you'll stop loving me when the last one dies?" Baekhyun nodded his head. Jessica looked at him sadly. 

"Hey, don't be that way." Baekhyun slipped his hands in her's and held on tight. Jessica merely nodded her head. So he'll stop loving me one day?  "Hey, Sooyeon." he only used her real name when he was serious. Jessica looked up at him. Baekhyun was looking at the sky.

"What would you do if I left you one day?"


Jessica didn't have a clue what the flowers were for but took care of them dearly. As days passed, four flowers had wilted. But she hasn't seen Baekhyun. One day, Jessica went to go visit Baekhyun. She looked everywhere, but he was no where to be found. She decided to visit his mother's house. "Oh, Jessica-ssi! What are you doing here?" Baekhyun's mother questioned.

Jessica looked around in the house, but no Baekhyun. "Mrs. Byun, do you know where Baekhyun is?" Mrs. Byun looked at her confused, "You mean he didn't tell you?" Jessica's eyebrow raised, "Tell me what?" Mrs. Byun looked at the girl sadly, "He left the country yesterday."

Jessica was shocked. He, left? She immediately ran away from Mrs. Byun's house. Jessica ran to a random destination. She didn't even know where she was going. There was traces of tears coming out of her eyes as she ran. Is this what you meant by, 'What would I do if you left one day?' 

Jessica raised her head when her legs came to a stop. She was currently at the Han River, where Baekhyun took her to a picnic once.

"Sica! Say ah!" Baekhyun said playfully. Jessica did as she was told and opened , making an ah sound as the food went in . "So how is it?" Jessica smiled and gave two thumbs up. "Absolutely delicious!!!" That day, Baekhyun begged Jessica to let him make her food for a picnic. She didn't want her boyfriend to go through the trouble of making food for her. She finally agreed after much aegyo and whines. After Baekhyun and Jessica finished their food Baekhyun had brought, it was already dusk. 

"Hey, do you know how to make love last forever?" Baekhyun asked. Jessica raised an eyebrow, "How?" He stood up and pulled her up with him. He pulled her to a tree. "We'll carve our initials into this," he pulled out a knife and carved his initials first then put a plus after it. He handed her the knife and said, "Your turn."

Jessica took it and carved JJ. She handed the knife back. Baekhyun carved a sloppy heart around their names. "There! Now our love will last forever!"  

Jessica walked over to the tree which had carvings of 'BB + JJ' with a heart messily carved into it. More tears rolled down her cheeks as she traced the words. Jessica turned around and sat down on the grass, leaning under the carvings as she stared into the sunset. I thought you said you'll stay with me forever?

"Baekhyunnie?" Jessica whispered loud enough for Baekhyun to hear. They were both currently sitting on his bed, Jessica's head rested comfortably on his chest as Baekhyun played with her long blond hair. "Hmm?" he mumbled, this time rubbing her hand as he held onto it. 

"Are you going ever going to leave me?" she asked, looking up at him. He looked at her lovingly while she stared back. He smiled as her brown orbs put him in a trance. "No," he interlocked their fingers and kissed her forever, "I'll stay with you forever." 


When Jessica finally got back to her own house, she lost it. Loud sobs came from Jessica. She was sobbing to much that she could hardly breathe. Her legs wobbly walked into her room. Her body lost control and immediately fell straight onto her bed. Jessica grabbed her pulled and cried into it.

For hours, the only sound heard in the house was Jessica's sobs. She had finally stopped sobbing, but there were still visible traces of tears on her cheeks left. Jessica stared at the photo frame of her and Baekhyun. That day, it was her birthday and Baekhyun surprised her with a trip to JeJu island. 

The picture was of when Jessica finally blew the candles of her cake he prepared for her. She grabbed the frame and threw it at the wall, making the glass brake, but the picture was unharmed. 


It's been a month now, there were about six roses left. Jessica wasn't any worse, but she wasn't any better either. Her best friend, Tiffany, had tried to cheer her up, but Jessica had ignored her. She ignored basically everyone in the world. Because her's was crushed. 

An idea had came into Jessica's mind when she had saw the broken frame on the floor from a month ago. She picked up the peaces and threw them away, taking the picture and putting it into a large box. She grabbed about every single gift Baekhyun had gotten her and put it in the box. Necklace, ring, teddy bear, everything. Next was photos. Both Jessica and Baekhyun loved taking photos, so there were many in her room.

She took every single one and also put them in the box. After she finished, Jessica closed up the box and put it under her bed, far from where she could reach. There I'll never think of him again.


Three roses were left, although, one of them was on the verge of losing all it's petals. "Jessica, come on! We haven't done anything fun ever since Baekhyun left!" Tiffany tried to pull Jessica out of her house. Jessica cringed at the mention of his name. "Don't say his name. Ever." she said with no emotion. 

It had already been months since Baekhyun had left and Jessica was worse now. She wasn't the bright bubbly blonde girl she used to be; now she's a silent cold-hearted girl. She also dyed her hair brown. Jessica went into a small depression, she never left her room unless it was to eat. 

"Jung Sooyeon Jessica! We are going out whether you like it or not!" Tiffany dragged Jessica to the closet and picked out clothes for her, making her change into it. She shut the closet door and crossed her arms. "Don't you dare leave that closet until you have changed!" Jessica had no choice but to listen to her best friend.

Once she stepped out, Tiffany had dragged Jessica out of her house, not forgetting to lock the doors of course, and took her to a cafe. Tiffany ordered two Strawberry shortcakes. She made Jessica sit down at one of the tables and sat in front of her. Jessica glared at her best friend. 

"Why did you take me to a cafe?" Jessica narrowed her eyes. Tiffany smiled a bit. "I want you to be your old self! And why did you dye your hair brown? It looked better blond." Jessica glared at the younger girl. "It's none of your buisiness, Fany," Jessica said coldly. Tiffany sighed. 

"I just want you to be happy again, not depressed and only stay in your room," Tiffany tried to reason with Jessica. Once their cakes had arrived, Tiffany devoured her cake happily while Jessica ate it without any emotion. Once they had both finished, Tiffany paid and dragged her friend to the mall.

"Let's go shopping!" Tiffany shouted and took Jessica to about every single clothing store there. She had made Jessica try out clothes for two hours before she finally let Jessica have a break. They sat on a bench located by the food court. "So do you feel any better?" Jessica shrugged, but kept her cold face. 

"A little," she replied. "Asa!" Tiffany cheered. Jessica stood up to stretch, but suddenly a group of six guys walked by. One of the guys bumped into her. "Omo, mianhae!" the guy apologized. Jessica nodded her head but didn't pay any attention to the guy. When she looked at his friends, her eyes widened and her body froze. 

Tiffany quickly pulled her back and bowed to the guys letting them walk away. Jessica, however, was still frozen from what she saw. "T-tiffany, was that?" Tiffany looked at Jessica questionly, "Was that?" Jessica gulped, "That was Baekhyun, wasn't it?"


Two roses left. Jessica watched as the second to last rose wilted, leaving only one left. Only one left, does that mean you still love me, Baekhyun? All but one rose had died, but it didn't seem like the last one would wilt anytime soon. It's color was still bright and it stood without any trouble. "Should this flower look almost like how the other's do?" Jessica looked at the pile of eleven roses she put next to the last. 

She took the last rose and took it out of the vase, studying it, then she put it back. Jessica turned away from the rose and walked out of the room. But what she didn't realize, was that there was a tag attached to the plastic stem. It was fake.


Jessica sat at the coffee table alone. A warm Vanilla Mocha in her hand as she stared blankly into space. The rose will die soon, which  means he won't love me anymore. A familiar figure suddenly walked into the cafe. It seemed that he didn't even see Jessica when he walked in and just walked straight to the cash register to order. Once he got his order, he looked around to see there weren't any seats left. Except for the one in front of Jessica.

Jessica's eyes continued to stare into space. The man walked over to her table and asked if he could sit at her table. She just nodded her head not even looking at her. It was until she snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see the stranger that sat in front of her. It was no stranger it all. "Baekhyun," she whispered. No one could hear it though. 

She was really shocked, Baekhyun was really sitting in front of her. He was playing on his phone when he suddenly heard someone call his name, he looked up to see Jessica looking at him shocked. His eyes widened, "Jessica?" He couldn't believe his eyes. Jessica suddenly looked at him coldly.

"It's been a while, Baekhyun," she said with no emotion. Baekhyun nodded his head. "You've," he looked her at now dyed brown hair, "changed." Jessica scoffed. "So have you." Baekhyun looked away. They stayed that way for a while. Not even looking at each other. Jessica decided to speak, "I still have the roses." 

Baekhyun looked up shocked, but kept his cool. "Oh, really?" She just nodded and took a sip of her mocha. "How many are left?" Baekhyun asked curious. Jessica took another sip and closed her eyes, letting devour the tasty drink. She finally opened her eyes and said, "One." 

The fake one. 


It's been a while since Baekhyun came back. Jessica and Baekhyun would occasionally talk, but they weren't close anymore. You could say they were like almost strangers. Jessica has realized that the last rose hasn't even changed a bit. "What the, shouldn't this have died already?" she picked up the rose and was about to throw it on the floor, until she saw the tag. 

"So it's fake, huh." she didn't even think twice and held on to the rose sprinting out of her house. She ran and ran as fast as possible until she reached Baekhyun's mom's house, where he was staying at the moment. She rung the door bell and waiting for someone to open the door. 

Someone finally opened the door and was surprised to see it was Jessica. Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something but was suddenly hit in the face by the fake rose. "What's with this, huh? You give me twelve roses but one of them is fake?! And then after a while you leave me and didn't come back for a year! Now here you are, back here and you act like you barely even know me! What is your problem-" 

Jessica was interupted when Baekhyun suddenly hugged her, immobling her from saying anything else. "Jessica, do you know why I said I would love you until the last rose died?" She fell silent. "The fake rose meant that I would love you forever, because it would never die." Jessica's eyes widened. Baekhyun broke the hug

He closed the door behind him and dragged Jessica to the Han River. "Yah, where are you taking me?" Jessica questioned. Baekhyun didn't say anything and kept walking. Once they arrived, Baekhyun made her sit under one of the trees, looking at the sunset.  "Why did you leave?" she asked.  "I had to go visit my cousin who was dying." Jessica blinked. "Oh." Utter silence. "You know I still love you."

"Really," she said with no emotion. Moments of silence passed by. Baekhyun felt sad when she didn't say anything else. "I still love you too," she said smiling at him. It's been a year since she smiled. Baekhyun was shocked at her words. "Does that mean we're together again?" Jessica chuckled and punched him in the arm playfully. "Of course, Hyunnie. Unless you want me to leave this time?" Jessica stood up and was about to leave but Baekhyun pulled her back. 

He pulled her face to his and kissed her passionally. Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When they finally let go, Baekhyun said, "Never, this time, I'll stay by your side, forever." He pulled her into another kiss. Jessica smiled into the kiss. I love you, Baekhyun, forever. At that moment, the fake rose that was in her hand fell down and landed on the ground, right in front of the tree with the carvings BB + JJ right above it.


HOLY KRISUS THAT WAS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I'VE EVER MADE. But I hope you enjoyed it! The picture that it was based one was this:

-Li Mei 

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Chapter 1: BaekSica always be in my heart :D
babyhoon #2
Chapter 1: so sweeeet BaekSica <3
Lotti_Snow #3
Chapter 1: Best story ever!!!!!!!
aishchincha #4
Chapter 1: waaahhhhh <3<3<3<3<3
Chapter 1: Loved it! I have ship BaekSica before, but your story made me obsess with the shipping~
Chapter 1: OMG!!! I love it~!
BaekSica is new for me, though I think they're cute together even before..
I kinda figure out the last one is fake..
Aigoo, Baek.. you could have just said that to her~
but then, they still ended up together~
I love the tree carvings too.. BB & JJ~
so cute~!!! and sweet!
your stories, seems interesting.. I'm gonna start reading it.
Chapter 1: I became a baeksica shipper because of this FF ^^
-sniffs- omg so sweet <3 BaekSica<3 new combi after JongSica <3