
Letting You Go

(Words written in italics are flashbacks) 


"Kevin oppa, come look over here!" My innocent voice called out.

My cute, blonde-haired, playful boyfriend skipped over to me gently wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What is it baby? What did you find?" He nuzzled my neck spreading warm kisses along my skin. 

"Shhhh," I pressed one of my fingers to his lips "Look in the grass." I pointed his gaze towards a wild hare munching on the grass, enjoying the slight summer breeze that filled the meadow Kevin and I were standing in.

"Omo! So cute!" He whispered in my ear, "Do you think we could get close enough to it?" He questioned, his eyes lighting up.


I woke with a jolt, hearing a noise in the distant.

"Kevin, did you wake up yet?" I almost whispered already knowing the answer. I turned to see my beautiful boyfriend hooked up to dozens of wires. I let out a heavy sigh.

I remembered the dream I had a second ago, and wished that things could have stayed that way longer then they had. I could still remember that day, only one year ago, when Kevin and I were having a picnic in our secret meadow. He was so cute, playing with that hare.

"Hey look, I think it likes me, it's nibbling on my fingers."  Kevin called out to me, a grin spreading across his face.

I remember sitting next to Kevin, playing with the hare before leaving it to eat while we went to have our picnic which was already laid out on the grass next to the glimmering lake.

Smiling at the simple memory I took Kevin's fragile, limp hand and held it gently, beginning to fall asleep again.


"Jinhee, lets go sit down. I have something important to say." Kevin stopped pushing my swing, gently grabbing my waist with his hands to allow me to jump of the swing.

He held my hand as we quietly walked through the deserted park till we found a bench to sit on. As we sat down I looked up at the bright stars in the night sky and couldn't help but notice how beautiful everything looked. It was a perfect night that I was spending with my first love.

"Kevin what did you want to say?" I tilted my head slightly to the side as I questioned him. As a response he gently caressed my hand that he was holding using his fingers, slowly creating circled patterns on the back of my hand.

"Don't be nervous." I reassured him after seeing that he was looking at the ground struggling for words. I used my free hand to carefully pull up his chin so he was looking straight at me. He pulled up my other hand that he was holding and planted a sweet kiss on the back of it.

Then he got up of the bench, moved so that he was stood directly in front of me and bent down so that he was kneeling down on one knee.


Once again I was jolted awake, only this time the cause of the noise that had woken me was right beside me. I looked over to Kevin hoping that the noise was good. Instead of finding his eyes open, I found a couple of nurses beginning to surround the bed.

"I'm sorry darling but you're going to have to wait outside in the waiting room." A nurse explained, helping me out of the chair I was in and pushing me towards the door.

As soon as I was out of the room the door was shut and the blinds closed, leaving me leaning against the wall not knowing what was happening to the most important person in my life.

"Lee Jinhee, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. Will you marry me?"

A cry escaped my lips as I fiddled with my engagement ring, remembering how nervous he had been that night. It had been one of the sweetest moments in our relationship, I had said yes without any hesitation. We were meant to grow old together and have our own family.

I didn't even know if that could still happen now.

"Lee Jinhee we need you to come down to the hospital."

I'd rushed there, needing to know who was hurt. Why hadn't they told me on the phone?

"There's been a terrible crash," they'd told me once I had reached the hospital, "And we regret that we have to tell you that your fiancée was involved"

That was two months ago, and the memory was still vivid in my mind. When they showed me Kevin hooked up to wires and machines for the first time I had cried for days. This couldn't have been happening to my beautiful baby. I felt a warm tear flowing down my cheek as my heart ached at the memory and the idea of losing Kevin forever. The tears kept flowing unconsciously as I tried to hear what was going on inside Kevins hospital room, hearing the nurses speaking to each other but I wasn't really taking in any information they were saying to each other. I was too caught up in such heartbreaking memories, I just wanted Kevin back.


"Surprise!" I removed the blindfold covering my sight to find that Kevin had decorated our apartment in pink and red balloons, confetti and roses.

"Ohh!" I walked towards my blushing boyfriend, "Baby this is beautiful, thankyou"

"Happy valentines day." He pulled a box of chocolates and a single rose from behind his back.

Smiling I leaned up and planted a soft warm kiss on Kevin's neck. He dropped the rose and chocolates, slipping his arms around my waist and lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his skinny frame as he carried me to the bedroom not, breaking our kiss.


"Umma, appa. I'd like you to meet the love of my life." I looked at the floor, blushing as Kevin showed me off to his parents. "Isn't she just perfect?" He chuckled noticing my blush.


I woke up in the middle of the night, recovering from nightmares again. I reached out to wake Kevin, but he was already awake looking straight into my eyes while softly my hair.

"It's okay baby, it was just a nightmare. Go back to sleep, I won't let anything hurt you I promise." he said soothingly, singing me to sleep.


"Awwww how cute are these." Kevin showed me a pair of tiny pink baby shoes. I laughed at his excitement.

"Honey I'm not even pregnant yet."

"Not yet, but one day we'll have our own family with tiny kids running around everywhere." he put back the shoes he had picked up and continued to look through baby clothes. Planning our children.

"Okay, but I want a boy first." I giggled sticking my tongue out at him before running of to the baby boy section of the store.


"Lee Jinhee" I broke from my trance, hearing my name being called out.

"Ermm … yeah … I'm here." I stumbled out. I began to stand up, unknowingly I had slipped down the wall while I was waiting and was curled into a ball sat on the waiting room floor with tears streaming down my face.

"Sweetheart we have some terrible news to tell you. Please follow me." The nurse held out her hand and motioned for me to follow her into a private room. There was no need, I already knew what the news would be. I'd known since I'd opened my eyes, waking from my sleep earlier.

Kevin was never going to wake up again, I was never going to feel his fragile hand in mine, his soft lips were never going to press against mine ever again. Every inch of my body ached, ,my heart tearing itself apart as the realisation hit me.

Kevin Woo, my fiancée, had gone. Forever.

Ignoring the nurse I burst my into Kevin's room, laying down on the hospital bed beside him.

"I'll always love you Kevin," I whispered to his lifeless body. I lay there for hours, crying until my tears dried out and my heart could ache no more. I felt like I myself had died.

However, I had to face the world sometime. Wiping my tears I lifted myself up, I climbed of the bed and stood beside it for a few moments.

Before turning away to leave I looked at Kevin for one last time, knowing he wasn't coming back. I leant down and placed a final gentle kiss on his forehead, remembering the last words he'd spoke to me the night of the accident two months ago.

"Jinhee you know it's bad luck for us to see each other the day before our wedding." He sighed through the phone, "I promise I'll be waiting at the end of the aisle for you,waiting to spend the rest of our lives together."

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lilcandycane #1
OMG! the description sounds SOOOOOOO INTERESTING!!!!
plz update asap ^^
<3 alice