Seung ... Hyun ... Help ... Me ...

Baby, I'm not a vampire


Here's chapter 2 for all of you ^^ read, comment and ENJOY !!

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As I am questioning myself , I didn’t noticed that Seunghyun’s slowly leaning to me

“Hmm… that’s great then” then he leaned to me closer, and very closer

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As he leaned closer to me, I quickly closed my eyes and shut my mouth tightly. As I wait for him to kiss me, I heard Seunghyun laughing, and when I opened my eyes I saw him looking amused, and I felt my cheeks heated out of embarrassment, so I decided to stand up and leave him. But when I was about to stand up, Seunghyun held my wrist and pulled back on the sofa, and before I can stand Seunghyun hovered on top of me, and pinned me on the sofa.

“Y-yah ! w-what a-re you doing ?!” I asked him as I struggle under him

“I’m not doing anything to you … yet” then he smirked, and I unconsciously gazed my eyes towards his piercing eyes, and I felt lost

“w-what d-do y-you mean?” I asked him I finally gotten my senses back

“this…” then he I felt his lips over mine, I was really dumbfounded at that point so probably my eyes looked like an owl’s eyes. Then as he started to move his lips, I felt a warm feeling spreading to my face down to my body as I started to kiss him and my eyes fluttered closed.

  As a long time passes our mouth are still in contact and our tongues are still battling nonstop, I felt myself not wanting to pull away from his addictive kiss but when I remembered that we’re still inside the club which is a PUBLIC place, I quickly pulled away, stood up and find my way out of the club.

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“Aish!! Why did I let him kiss me?!, but WHY DID I LET MYSELF KISS HIM TOO?!!” I asked myself as I walk down alley outside the club “Monster Party”. Then I heard Seunghyun calling my name that’s why I quickened my pace, as I felt myself tired, I slowed down my walking and as I decided to checked if I had totally lost him but I bump into a hard chest, and when I looked up I saw Seunghyun with a stern face.

  I was totally shocked to see him behind me that fast and when I observed him, his breathing pattern is very normal unlike mine, “How did he followed me here that fast ?! and why does he looks like he just walked while I run away from him?”

“Why did you run away?” he asked me with his deep, and cold voice

“How did you followed me here that fast?” I asked him

“It doesn’t matter” he answered me plainly as he take a step forward her

   As he started to walk forward to me, I don’t know why but I kneed him in his crotch, and I run away again. As I grew tired out of running I looked around the place and noticed that I’m lost.

“Where am I?” I asked myself while looking around the dark alley that I’m in. As I was finding my way out of the dark alley, I felt a hand pulled me and dragged me to a much darker alley with a single light post on the corner.

“Y-yah! Who are you?!!” I asked him as he push me on the wall

“We’ve only just separated for just an hour and you’ve already forgotten about me?” that voice … I know him

“T-taecyeon?” I asked a little relieved but still with nervousness

“Correct” then he smirked

“Thank God!! I think I’m lost can you help me to find my way out of here?” I asked him

“Sure” he answered but we remained still on our position (him pinning me to the wall), then he started to lean towards me

“Yah!! What are you doing?!!” I shouted at him as I tried to push him away from me but he just pinned me harder to the wall. I struggled and shouted to get him away from me but he suddenly punched me in the stomach and that made me weaker and then Taecyeon started kissing my neck, and all I can do is to whimper and cry

“Taecyeon please … stop this …” I begged him but my begging just passed from his right ear to his left ear and as he continue to kiss me

“Seung … hyun … help me …” and in just a speed of light, Seunghyun came and shoved Taecyeon away from me and punched him

   I only watched Seunghyun beat Taecyeon up, while I slid down from the wall crying and hugged my knees. Then after a while I felt a warm hand on my elbow and thinking that it was Taecyeon, I panicked and shoved his hands away from me

“Yubin ! it’s me! Relax!” and when I looked up, I saw Seunghyun

“S-seunghyun” then I hugged him and my tears broke out again

“Shh … it’s  okay” I don’t know why but after he said that my sobs got louder, then I felt him put an arm around me and soothed me while rubbing my back in circular motion. I feel very secured in his arms and felt like I don’t want to go away in it.

   After a long time of crying, I feel very worn out, I really can’t believe it I was almost !! But thank God, Seunghyun came and help me

“Seunghyun ...” I called him while still wrapped in his arms


“Thank you … for … saving me” I thank him as I felt my eyes slowly closing out of tiredness from running, and also because of the alcohol in my system

“It’s nothing, Yubin are you tired? You can sleep if you want” he told me

“hmm … thank … you” then in the next few seconds I fell asleep in his arms




-End of Chapter 2-

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gonna post the first chapter once my friend is done editing the poster ^^


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Reachelicious00 #1
Chapter 3: luv ur work... keep on going! I am here waiting for the next chapter *^^*
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #2
Chapter 3: love it, update :)
TooBinxismyxlollipop #3
Chapter 3: update update !! I love the concept so much !
Chapter 3: Please update!
TooBin_Luv #5
Ooh interesting.. toobin's hot moment! :)
sorry for having no toobin in this chapter :))
strawberrysohee #7
Will u update again? Update soon pleaseeee
ilikek444 #8
wonder if yoobin is going to be a vampire too ???!!
Please update soon :)