Sirens and Muses-Raise To The Top

Background Music : No Other - Super Junior 


chapter one 
practice, practice, practice

10 girls lay flat on their backs staring at the ceiling trying to catch their breath.

"Alright guys again" Lovelyn said, while trying to stand up

"But....leader-ah, we're all tried" all but one of the rest of the girls started to whine.

"No buts now get up and get into your positions, we only have three more days till the showcase we have to get this perfect!" Hui An said while also trying to get up.

The two maknaes, Jaylie and Auburn followed the two leaders and got into position. Lovelyn walked over to them and pat them both on the back, before walking over to her ipod.

"Okay, last time and we get to go home" she annouced while clapping her hands together to encourage the members.

" and a 5, 6, 7, 8......"

What they practiced(Korean Ver.)

"Alright good job everyone, clean up and head down to the van" one of thier four managers, MaeRin, said.

All the girls packed up and started to head down the building. Jin and Melody hooked hands and started to skip to car while laughing their butts off, Song and Aries looked at their unni's with confused looks then at eachother before they got a chance to tell thier unni's to be quiet their manager called  them.

"Yah! Will you two girls quit daydreaming and get into the car, DaeJoon is starting to complain about being hungary and you know what happens when he gets hungary!" thier second guy manager JongHae yelled from the driver seats of one of two vans.

The two girls looked at eachother before running towards the car not wanting to feel the wrath of their manager.

The drive to the resturant was short and soon everyone was sitting at a large, round table looking at their menus.

"Alright so what would you guys like?" the young, good looking male waiter asked.

All at once the girls started to say thier orders before yelling at eachother wanting to go first.


All the girls stopped arguing and looked at their angry manager

"That's enough stop talking right now!" DaeJoon said in a loud voice with a frown on his face.

4 seconds later that frown turned into a smirk as he said "Because I'm going first! AHAHAHAH!"

"What?!?! NO FAIR!! " the girls started complaining and yelling at their manager.

The other 3 managers sat back in their chairs and shook thier heads.

"This is going be a long night" SeoMin said to her self before closing her eyes to get some peace.

"and what may you like young miss?" the young waiter, whose name was Johnny, asked.

"huh, oh I'll have the Kimchi Fried Rice" SeoMin said, slightly blushing and not looking him in the eye.

"Alright, your order will be here soon" he said while smile before walking away.

"I saw that unni" Kae said while winking at her blushing manager.

"Saw what? I don't no what you are talking about" SeoMin replied after drinking some water.

"Uhuh whaterever you say unni" Giva said while smirking. They other members chimed in to, having to much fun teasing their manager.

Soon after the food came out and everyone dug in happy to have some food in thier stomache after a long day of training.

After eating the girls pailed into the van and slowly started to fall asleep on by one.

"Finally some peace and quiet" JongHae whispered. MaeRin smiled and nodded her head. She turned around looking at the sleeping members before turning back and closed her eyes. She too fell asleep.

"Oh wow... everyone gets to fall asleep except for me. Tsk" Jonghae said with a click of his tongue at the end.




 author's note 06/28/2012----Hope I didn't bore you. I wrote this chapter in a rush since I wanted to update this story but I ]have a bunch of vocab I have to learn for my SAT class. Anyways I'm sorry if I didn't write your character completely like her personality, I'm still trying to get use to them so yeha. LOL. COMMENT COMMENT & COMMENT. :D

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Chapter 29: As always the website looks AWESOME~!~!~!~!~!~~
Chapter 28: C::: mE GUSTAAA!!! xD All the biz are ADORABLE LOL xD
Chapter 28: Wahhhhh~~!!~!~!
The kids are so adorable.
LOL at how Kris found his and Lovelyn's kid. Heheheh ^^
Chapter 28: I'm a mother to a 3 year old?! Joy... Even my brother's a father to a girl...
Chapter 25: lolol xD loved the chappie. GOOOD LUCK AUTHOR'SSI!!!! :DDDD
Chapter 27: I can't wait for the show!! It's gonna be awesome!! EXO appas XD 可爱!(cute)
Chapter 27: WAHHHHH~!~!~!~!
Super excited for their show!!
-flails hands in the air-
So this is what the survey was for. I see, I see.
The teaser photos are so CUTE~~~~
The EXO appas with the babies >.<
-dies of cuteness-