Welcome, Cho Kyuhyun

Destiny In A Bottle Found At Sea




Yesung’s eyes fluttered open only to be greeted by the bright, golden sun that was just rising.
He winced at the sudden brightness and stretched a little, trying not to disturb the sleeping boy next to him.
His back was extremely stiff from trying not to get too close to the younger during the night, and has actually been balancing on the edge of the bed all night.

Yesung sat up lazily, before sliding out of bed to shower and make breakfast for them both.
Luckily, today was Saturday so there was no school, but he still had training later in the afternoon.

Yesung took his time in the shower, before stepping out of his bathroom only in a pair of dark skinny jeans that rose well past his prominent hips. He never was the type to be fully clothed at home.

He heard the front door open just as he trudged out of the bathroom and into the hall.

“Hey! I’m here!” Leeteuk’s voice rang out.

“Yeah. I know. Kind of hard not to know.” Yesung grumbled. “Lower your voice, geez. And don’t slam the door.”

But of course, Leeteuk slammed the door shut happily.

The originally sleeping boy stepped out of the guest room, rubbing his eyes tiredly just as Yesung walked by.

“Oh. You’re finally up. You’re a messy sleeper.” Yesung said in a monotonous tone.

The boy didn’t answer though. Instead, his eyes were slightly wide as he saw the elder.

Yesung raised an eyebrow in question and followed the younger’s eyes to look down at his comfortable attire, which was only the jeans. He shrugged it off simply, looking back up at the tall boy.
“Sorry, force of habit. Anyways, we’re all men.” He said, not even truly apologizing as he approached the kitchen where Leeteuk was frolicking about, digging around for strawberry milk in the fridge.

“Who’re you talking t-OH! Hey!” Leeteuk started, but completely changed the topic when he saw the homeless boy.

“H-Hi.” The boy stammered quietly.

“What’s your name?! I’m Leeteuk, if you remember!” The manager said cheerfully, sticking his hand out to shake.

The youngest looked down at the hand as if it was a foreign object, before stuttering out. “K-Kyuhyun. Cho Kyuhyun.”

“Kyuhyun? Well then, Kyuhyun, welcome to Yesung’s messy habitat!” Leeteuk grinned, letting his hand drop back down as he gestured around the large dorm with the other.

Yesung frowned at the comment as he sipped at a cup of orange juice that he had poured for himself and not bothered to ask if Kyuhyun wanted any or not. “It is not messy. And who says he’s staying?”

“Me. And, it is quite messy for one person who’s living here.” Leeteuk replied back simply, pouring Kyuhyun a cup of banana milk and handed it to the boy politely, unlike Yesung.

“What? No! It’s my dorm!” Yesung snapped suddenly.

Leeteuk just waved the raven haired man off and turned his attention back to the younger who stood in the kitchen a bit awkwardly.
“Will you sign a contract with SUJU Entertainment as our trainee?” Leeteuk asked.

Kyuhyun looked up from staring blankly at the cup of banana milk in hand and up at the eldest in the room. He hesitated a little, before nodding once, earning an arrogant and proud smirk from Leeteuk to Yesung.

“Good. That means you guys will now be sharing dorms!” The manager announced happily.

What?! Hello no! This is my dorm! Shouldn’t I be able to pick my own dorm partner!?” Yesung yelled.

“Hmm……let me think…..” Leeteuk said, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “No.” he answered sternly less than a second later.

Yesung slammed his cup down into the sunk angrily and scowled at the two of them before stocking off towards the living room.

Kyuhyun flinched a little at the sudden burst as Leeteuk just checked his watch boredly as if Yesung acted like this all the time. (Which is actually true)

“Oh, and by the way, since you don’t have school this morning, why don’t you go and help buy daily needs for Kyuhyun. Put all the costs on my account id you want.” Leeteuk said with a shrug as he finished his milk and set the cup in the sink for Yesung to wash (of course.)

“I said, he’s not going to be my roommate!” Yesung snapped from the couch, glaring at the TV that wa son mute.

“Dorm mate.” Leeteuk corrected. “And…….too late. Now, Kyuhyun, come over to SUJU Entertainment after you’re done shopping and we’ll give you your contract.”

Kyuhyun blinked, and then nodded once, earning a string of curse words from Yesung.

“Well, I got to go. Bye bye!” Leeteuk said happily, and left with a wave over his shoulders.

Yesung fussed around with washing the cups that they had used as Kyuhyun stood in the center of the kitchen awkwardly again.

“Th-Thanks.” Kyuhyun stammered quietly.

“Yeah. No need to act all nice around me anymore. Leeteuk’s gone.” Yesung grumbled, but sighed a little once he saw that the boy looked a bit hurt at the comment. “You feeling better?” he asked.

Kyuhyun looked up in surprise, not knowing that the raven haired man actually had a ‘nice’ side, and nodded once in reply.

Yesung smiled a little before motioning him to follow him.
He walked down the hall and opened a small hall closet, before tossing a towel and a new toothbrush at the boy.
“Here,” He muttered. “Go take a shower. We’ve got some shopping to do. Use my body wash and shampoo for now. I’ll go dig up some clothes for you to wear for now.”

Kyuhyun leaned forward so his nose was only an inch away from Yesung’s chest and sniffed a little, surprising the elder who took a step back from the sudden action.

“You smell like a girl.” Kyuhyun said teasingly with a crinkly of his nose. “But I guess I’m still stuck with your body wash.” He shrugged as he tossed the given towel over his shoulders and disappeared into the bathroom before Yesung could react to what he had just said.

Yesung blinked and quickly snapped out of his frozen state.
“I’ll get you for that, Cho Kyuhyun!” he yelled, giving the door a hard kick, earning a chuckle of amusement from the other side of the door.

Yesung huffed and went back to his own room to dig out his largest T-shirt and longest jeans along with a pair of boxers for the younger, since Kyuhyun had a larger frame than Yesung’s. 

Yesung heard the running water stop and the shower curtains open, but he still banged in anyways since the lock on the door has been broken for a long time, not that he cared since he usually is home alone.

Kyuhyun jumped in surprise when the bathroom door burst open just as he stepped out of the hot shower. He grabbed the towel so fast from the closed toilet seat that he nearly slipped, and quickly covered his body up.

Yesung raised an eyebrow as he studied the boy. “Hm. Not a bad body for an idol actually.” He smirked, watching the boy blush deeply.

Kyuhyun knew that he had blushed even harder when he felt the elder study him even more just to intimidate him by the heat that rose up to his cheeks, and wrapped the towel tighter around his body.

Yesung snorted and tossed the clothes he had to the boy.
“We’re both boys. No need to be such a sissy.”

Kyuhyun caught the clothes clumsily while still trying to hold up the towel.

“Hurry up. We ain’t got all day.” Yesung said before turning around and leaving without closing the bathroom door behind him.

Well, this’ll be a ‘fun’ shopping trip. Kyuhyun thought to himself.

“Mmmm……..no…yes…no…..no….yes….a different size…..yes…..no…..yes….yes….get it in red…..no….no….”

Yesung was sitting boredly on a chair outside of the men’s dressing room, stating his own opinion on each outfit Kyuhyun stepped out in.

They’ve already brought 5 pairs of shoes, 2 pairs of expensive sunglasses, and a new haircut for the boy. Since Leeteuk said all costs were on him, why not spend as much as you want? It was Yesung’s idea of course.

“Could I be done now? I’m tired and I have over 20 outfits by now.” Kyuhyun groaned, trying to hide the whining tone in his voice although it was quite obvious.

Yesung looked up from checking his nails and raised an eyebrow questioningly at the younger. “Free money. You sure?” Yesung teased, before motioning for him to get dressed and go pay.

Kyuhyun quickly got changed happily and grabbed all the wanted/needed clothes to the cash register to pay.


“Hyung, I think we’ve spent enough…..” Kyuhyun said, looking at the pile of receipts they had in hand, all of them adding up at least past $5,000 (around ₩5,819,204).

Yesung smirked to himself as they walked back out towards his car.
“Ah….sweet revenge….” He grinned, sliding into the driver’s seat. “You wouldn’t be saying that after you know who he really is.”

The car ride to SUJU Entertainment was awkwardly quit for Kyuhyun, but Yesung felt quite content that the boy had shut up.
Yesung lead the boy to Leeteuk’s office, not bothering to start any conversations with him.

“Finally! You guys are so slow!” Leeteuk said once Yesung barged into his office without a warning.

“Yeah. Probably because we’ve spent over $5,000 on Kyuhyun from you.” Yesung smirked.

Leeteuk’s lip twitched ever so slightly as he glanced towards his future idol trainee who was smiling sheepishly.
“I guess that’s alright, as long as you got him some decent stuff.” He said, leaning back against his computer chair.

“Of course it’s alright. You being the company’s main manager and also the son of SUJU Entertainments finder. You have millions! No wait, billions!” Yesung scoffed, taking interest in playing with one of Leeteuk’s pens as he sat down from across the desk that Leeteuk was sitting behind.

Kyuhyun’s eyes widened at that fact. “Y-You’re….you’re the c-company’s s-son?!” he squeaked in disbelief.

LeeTeuk smirked and looked up at Kyuhyun who still hasn’t taken a seat.
“Yes, which means you’ll be a very successful idol in our company if you sign this contract.” He said, pulling out a small packet of papers.

Kyuhyun took a seat furthest away from Yesung amongst the three chairs in front of Leeteuk’s desk, and gingerly took the packet to read the content.

“Is everything to your satisfaction?” Leeteuk asked, snatching the pen away from Yesung who glared at him evilly, and handed the pen to Kyuhyun. Leeteuk had a whole pencil cup full of pens, but he liked pissing Yesung off so he had to take Yesung’s.

Kyuhyun quickly finished reading the last sentence about ‘signing below’ and nodded once.

“Sign it then.” Leeteuk smiled, gesturing towards the paper as Kyuhyun took the pen hesitantly.

Yesung let out a groan of frustration when Kyuhyun signed the contract, secretly wishing he didn’t.

“Welcome, to SUJU Entertainment.” Leeteuk smiled, shaking the boy’s hand. “Yesung will be your tour guide, and you both will have the same schedules here for training.”

“NOOO!!! The horror!” Yesung groaned against, face palming into his small hands.

“Move along now! Show him the dance room and music room. Tomorrow, you can show him your schedule and classes.” Leeteuk said shooing them towards the door.

Yesung stood back up and stalked out of the office in a rage, Kyuhyun stumbling clumsily after the elder.

“You know I’m not going to play nice with you.” Yesung said through gritted teeth once they were a good distance away from Leeteuk’s office, not sparing the younger a single glance.

Suddenly, Yesung felt himself thrown back against a wall and a tight grip on his slender jaw.

Kyuhyun had suddenly reached forward, grabbed Yesung’s jaw, and forced him back against the wall, their bodies pressed up against each other.

“Nor will I put up with your .” The younger said with a sneer.

Yesung chuckled darkly, ignoring the painful grip on his jaw that forced his head back against the hard wall as he glared at the boy. “Finally showed your true self now, huh?” he smirked.

“Oh no. This is me only around you….” KyuHyun grinned, enjoying this more and more as his grip tightened even more, pulling a pained grunt from Yesung. He leaned forward so his lips were pressed lightly against the elder’s ears. “I look forward to playing with you, my new toy.” He whispered, before pulling away and walked off with a laugh that made Yesung shiver as he rubbed at his sore jaw.

Yesung scowled at what Kyuhyun had just told him. His new toy? What does that mean?
Well, Yesung knows that it’ll be hard to get rid of Kyuhyun now.



New Chapter!
Sorry for the late update, but I've been busy witht he end of the school year....so....yeah...... :3

I hope you guys are enjoying this so far! If so (or not), pelase tell me what you like, love, or hate, or tell me what you want to happen, or what you predict will happen!

Any type of comments will be greatly appreciated (unless you're going to bash on me then nevermind =.=)






Song: Bounce by JJ Project










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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 23: Nooooooooooooo this can't happen!!! Why!!!!Why!!!Why!!! This would be one of the most heartrending fics I have read.....It's a crime that this fantastic, marvelous story has not been updated and given closure!! Sad, so very sad!!!!
392 streak #2
Chapter 23: Aaaaaaaand you left me hanging here~ cruel~
392 streak #3
Chapter 5: Oh my gossssh, I hate it when I read kids got T^T
392 streak #4
Chapter 2: this really sounds promising~ but I didn't see completed tag there so... I'm going to have my heart broke again I guess
Chapter 23: Are you going to update this anytime soon?
Please, you're an incredible author.

I'm gonna wait patiently.
Thanks for sharing all this beautiful stories with us.
Chapter 10: I like it when the parts are not explicit but implied. It feels soooo nice cause you can let your imagination run wild. :3

As always, nice job, author. ^•^
Before I start this amazing story I want to ask you a favor.

Please, send me those pictures. *-*
I need them. Look at my babies. They lool just perfect.

Now...let's start reading!!! C: ❤
Chapter 13: Oooops I mean Yebaby, please be safe and sound immediately! And talk to Kyuhyun with a calmer state of mind. Huhu
Chapter 13: Aish. Just... Ugh... Kyu did not know. Yes of course it's really a bummer, Kyu chose to go out with friends last minite when he already promised to stay with Ye. Plus it's his fureakinbirthday!!!! Gosh. He is such a bad boyfriend... I mean, if you just know that part of the story. But that was just a mistake. If JW did not have such a heartbreaking story before, it would not have escalated this much :(

Oh... KyuSung.

Kyu, better be safe and sound. Then just be together and not keep secrets anymore so that there wouldn't be misunderstandings and stuff like this again :(