-o1-The Beginning

Melancholy of Love


Baekhyun’s P.O.V

“Baekhyun hyung, I-I think I don’t love you anymore.”


I knew that something bothered him the past few days but I never thought he was going to say that.

Tears started stinging my eyes.

He took my silence as a sign to continue.

“You know there’s this new guy at school-Kris. I think…I might have…fallen for him.”

His words came out insecure. He was nervous.

“I see.” Was all I said.

I was about to break down.

But I couldn’t let him see me this weak.

He just kept on talking.

“I don’t think we should break up though.”

He sighed before continuing.

“I don’t want to hurt you hyung. You’re too precious to me.”

Precious? Then why are you doing this to me Park Chanyeol?

Telling me that you love someone else after dating me for three years?

I just wanted him to get away but I knew he was waiting for an answer.

“Chanyeol I don’t think it’s a good idea to carry on with the relationship if you don’t love me.”

I didn’t want to be stuck in a one sided relationship.

Even if that means that I would lose the love of my life.

“Maybe it’s just a period and I don’t really like him. I’m just so confused. I thought about breaking up, but…we can work it out, right?”

Just what happened to us?

I didn’t even blame Kris for this.

He wasn’t at fault. He never hit on Chanyeol. He respected the fact that he has a boyfriend even though it was obvious that Kris had a thing for Chanyeol as well.

I don’t know what happened to Chanyeol.

I don’t believe that the Chanyeol who is standing in front of me is the Chanyeol I love.

My Chanyeol wouldn’t have eyes for someone else.

As much as denied it, it was still true.

Chanyeol fell for someone else.

I sighed.

“It’s okay Chanyeollie.”

I smiled weakly at him.

“Just figure out your feelings. I’ll wait.”

“Thank you hyung. I knew you would understand.”

He smiled his mind-blowing smile and grabbed his bag heading for the door.

Just when he closed the door behind him I grabbed onto the doorknob suddenly feeling dizzy.

My eyes b with tears.

I wanted to cry out ‘No! Stop it all! I’m the only one you need!’ but as weak as I am I would have never done it.

He must have stopped in front of my apartment because I heard him saying:

“Phew, I finally told him.”

That’s when I fell the ground hugging and crying myself to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I hoped that maybe, just maybe everything was only a dream

But after realizing where I was lying I knew it was true.

I stood up and went to bed, letting pain take over me.

After two hours of staring at the ceiling I remembered that I had school today. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Kyungsoo.

“I’m sick.”

That’s all I was able to write.

Hopefully Kyungsoo wasn’t too busy with Kai to see.

After only a few seconds a text came back.

“Are you okay? Should I visit you after school?:(“

I immediately wondered whether he knew about it.

His boyfriend was Chanyeol’s best friend after all.

Chanyeol and Kai were always sharing secrets.

“Everything’s okay. :D”

No it’s not. Nothing’s okay.

I was craving for someone’s comfort.

But no one should comfort me.

Because it’s my fault. I’m even too weak to tell what I really feel.

I’m  useless. Trash. I deserve this.



Author's Note: 

yaaaaay the first chapter is up :D

tell me what you think...

I'm hella curious since it's my first exo fic :D





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I'M SOO SORRY FOR ALL THE WAITING....I'm making it up to you with a sequel...check out the last chappie and the sequel "Euphoria of Love" :D


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Chapter 10: chanyeol is a jerk ... but I love him ... so baekyeol forevah !!! ahahah okay
baek is just amazing as always , but chanyeol doesn't deserve his forgive
Chapter 10: Chanyeol still don't deserve Baekhyun tho. But at the same time, I'm still glad they ended up together. XD
This is beautiful. OTL
;A; maybe im just cruel but i really didnt want Yeol to get baek back.
I didnt think he deserved it.
Either way. Great story ^^
5a8ina #4
Chapter 10: love this!!!!!
Chapter 10: Yay! BaekYeol ended up back together! I'm sooooo happy :D This couple is so flipping sweet. And I love that Baekkie did the "first moves" this time; he held Yeol's hand then sweetly kissed him <333 Very sweet, very adorable, very squeal-worthy hehe~ (:

Thanks for finishing this story, I really, sincerely enjoyed it. I'm off to the sequel!
Chapter 10: they are back and happy togeter. the end. ;))
Chapter 10: <3333333
Loved This!
Chapter 10: sigh ;A;
you finally end this
i thought that you forget about this ;A;
im happy for the BY ;A;
Chapter 10: yes ! finally author-ssi ! my friend and I are dying for an update , well , at least you did after all these time . and i totally understand you , i'm a writer and a college student as well . so slow updates are really not out of the ordinary since school stuff now are like ten times harder than before . so yeah , best wishes , i'mma read your sequel too . thank you for not abandoning this one . :)