The First Time Go To School Isn't Really Bad

I Want To Be Human

i'm sorry!! everbody!! that i didn't update so fast!! i went to the city where there isn't any internet conectivity!! but now i'm back... yeay!! to pay my sin... i write a long story for this chapter... please enjoy and leave the comment <3 ow, one thing!! sorry if my grammar and spelling aren't good *bowed

The next day, Tao begun his lessons about the human things, jonghyun been his tutor. He learned about how to had conversations with human (politely), how to make a friend, the history and how to write. Jonghyun randomly bought him to test his IQ on the lab, the result really made his jaw open up. His IQ was 200, really could defeat human being (imagine!! Human got beaten by a little panda).


2 weeks later, jonghyun asked Tao to go to the school, the same one as Kris’s. Tao was agreeing, but it was a problem for our Kris.


"Kris!!Wait for the breakfast and don’t go alone!! Wait for Tao!! Tao, remember, always say hyung to the elder Korean and gege for Chinese!!" jonghyun yelled at them with apron on his body and spatula on his hand, like his eomma.


The both of them rolled their eyes. 'Why do I must wait this maggot!?' Kris deep though.


"Yes hyung!! Thanks for remembering me, don't worry, I never forgot!!" Tao was answering politely but confident.


"Yeah, okay... Here!! Don't forget your breakfast!!" he gave them a two couple of bread. "And here Tao, your launch..."


"Huh? Why? I could eat with Kris gege later...” Kris muttered with his face.


"Tao, since it is your first time, I want you to bring your lunch box for 1 week, what if you gotten sick because the foods on school's cafeteria?"


Tao pouted but he silently agree with the older one, he didn't want to get sick though. Well, panda must eat hygiene foods only. (Our panda forgot about what type foods that he eats before live here, from garbage -____- ,etc.. And now, he comes really picky...)


"Hyung, thx for the food, I’ll go now..." Kris was walking to the outside the apartment and went alone. Tao quickly was rushing behind him.


"Yah!! I told you not to go alone!!" jonghyun yelled at him while shook his head.


At Da Sue high 07:25 a.m


"Kris ge!!! Wait for me!!!" Tao ran slowly behind still behind Kris, waving his hand asking for the wait, but the older neglected it. ‘Really this guy, his legs are too long, no wonder he walk so fast' Tao thinking on his brain. Because of the long thought, he didn’t realize that Kris was getting far away. “Hey! You!!” Tao conscious if Kris left him and yelled of frustration about this one man, walked inside of the school building.


Tao’s pov


Ugh, my position inside the building, for the truth, I’m standing in the middle of the building between the strangers and it was horrible, I lost Kris. Aright!! I felt wanted to crying right now!! I didn’t know where the headmaster office is. I squeezed my bag and looked from side to side, I continue walking. Still cursing me why I got this dumb action with my eyes stared on the floor. I couldn’t take it anymore, I wanted go to home, relax on lounge while saw TV program and eat my favorite snack, cakes and potato chips, lays. I continue walked away while daydreaming and didn’t know what things in front of me. Encounters the group of bullies people… !!


“Ouch!! That’s hurt!! Watch out your eyes!!Skinny!!” I fell into the floor cause of the crash, I looked at the boy who I crash into…, well, it was my fault but I swore it wasn’t hard so, it supposed to be hurt.


“Hey, it looked like he is new student in here… I never see him before…” the fat boy with blond hair interrupted. The other just giggles happily like girls.


“Hoooh… look at that his cute face… we can make it cuter… bwahahaha!!!” suggest the red hair, he clapping his hand… nasty!!


“Hmm… so... Are you going to apologize?? Apologize now!! The boy with the ugliest face in the world grabs my cheek roughly and forced me to stand. Compared to me, my body looked more small and skinny then his; it looked like he is the leader.


“I-I’m sorry…” I said


“Huh?? What did you just say? I couldn’t hear you~~” he mocking at me by cupping his ear pretending couldn’t hear my sorry.


“I’m s-sorry…” I said a little bit louder than before, they just giggle more.


“See?? He said sorry to me!!” he pointed on me while giggling. “But I’m not satisfied yet…” he made a gross aegyo ever on me and grabbed my collar school uniform. “You must beg to me and kiss my shoes, it with your saliva until it cleans…” bastard…


“Bwahahahahaha… Dae Geon, I saw you stomping dog’s poo, this morning… bwahahahahaha” the fatty blond hair laughing like crazy. It made that entire member laughing satisfied.


I slapped his dirty hand on my collar shirt and staring at him angry. “I won’t, ask your friends to do that for you…”


Immediately, he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into the lockers. “You, know? Your action made pissed me off, do you know who I am?? Its look like I must teach you a lesson...” his eyes turned a little bit darker and another member stop laughing, the situation became tense.


“Humph!! Do whatever you want; I don’t afraid to you…” I rolled my eyes; I have been studied wushu for decade. But deeply I knew inside of my heard I’m still afraid, however he’s human and I’m panda. Bah... I tried my best for resist and replied his punches.


“You little brat!!” he raised his hand, got ready to slapped my face, I closed my eyes preparing received the first blow. His groups shouting wildly encourage their leader to do it. The other student who didn’t have relation with our problems just stood and watch the moment, without any reconsiders to help me.


Suddenly, for two minutes, I didn’t feel anything towards my face… why?? I didn’t hear them shouting too… what happened?? Slowly I starting open my eyes and I saw a hand that’s holding his punch. I saw Dae Geon expression turned to freeze. I turned slightly to his side to see who my savior is. The girls who were there to see this event suddenly screaming hysterically amazed and I got shock…..


The one who saved me is…..




Kris’s pov



"Kris ge!!! Wait for me!!!" Tao ran slowly behind still behind me, waving his hand asking for the wait, but I neglected it. He must think that I’m such a jerk now but whatever… it was his fault, who said that he must walking like a slug. I kept walking; I thought that little guy followed me from behind. When I inserted my ID card at the classroom’s door, I’m still thought that he was following me. “Why you still following me? Try to go to headmaster office, will yo-” I instructed him as I turned back to look his face, but I didn’t saw him!! !! Where did he go?? What if he gets lost and hyung will mad on me later?? !! I must look after him, that kid really troublesome…


I ran back to the school’s lobby for search him; I asked many people if he or she saw the jet black hair boy with three piercing on his ear with his black backpack. They all kept shaking their head, I walked fast. I could hear the girls around me giggling and whispering each other ear whiles them blushing. After this I got surrounded by my girl fans, ugh!! These are so annoying!!


I tried my best to avoided them and struggling for escape from the fan’s gripping. Then, I saw another crowed made into a circle. I tried to enter inside the crowded, anticipate if I could find Tao in there. When I went deeper to this circle, I saw the punk, Kim Dae Geon with his gang made another victim again. Dae Geon grabbed the person shoulder and pushed him to the lockers, his friends yelling happily and wildly. Tch!! I hated the wild people like them and majority, people behave like that.


I tilted my head slightly to see who Dae Geon’s victim this time is, and I got hell shocked.

“Tao…” I mumbling my body worked itself to defend him. I stood behind Dae Geon and caught his punch; abruptly I could hear the cheering stops. Dae Geon turned his body and face to saw the person who dare to stopped his action and he saw me. His face went to red and purple, he was sweaty like a pig. Quickly he bowed his head to me asking for apologize which I didn’t care and I pulled Tao’s arm who still looked confused and couldn’t believe what just happened. The girl cheers us and continues yelling hysterically. I dragged him immediately and he just followed me quietly.


“Where’s we going?” his voice seems tremble.


“… Nurse office…” I responded coldly.

“Why?" he asked confused.

"Shut up, you ask too many question" I sighed loudly.

Once they arrive at the nurse office no one was in there. So, I decided to put him on the bed. I saw him from side to side, up and down, front and back if he had wound. I noticed the big red spotted on his back.

“Open you shirt…” I said it with demanding voice.

“Huh?” he asked dumbfounded.

I let out a big sighed and forced to take out his shirt, he because the cold air. There were a lot of abrasions and bruises on his back because got scratch and hit by lockers and floor. I got up from the bed to search some antibiotics, alcohols to disinfect the bacteria, medication to relieve bruises, and some cotton. I returned to sat behind his back and applied some alcohols on the cotton and touch the abrasions first.

“Oww!!” Tao complained the pain.

“You… stop being like a kid, you aren’t kid anymore…” I continue applied the antibiotics on his abrasions.

“Why… why did you help me?” Tao lowered his head.

“Hmph!! You mean I must saw you got tortured by him and got fatal injured??” I applied the medication to relieve his bruises.

“Ugh…” he jolted up because the coolness. “It’s not like that… I mean, I thought that you hate me…”

“I don’t hate you…it’s just my attitude towards the people…” Tao widen his eyes and turned his head to saw my eyes, I resisted to saw his and staring on the floor.

“It means… that I still have a chance??” whispered him.

“Huh? What do you mea-” I looked at him back but I stopped, I saw him crying.

I hate to saw someone crying… I really hate…


Because if they were crying… I didn’t know what should I do…

“u-uhm… don’t cry??” my , I didn’t like this feeling, and he immediately wiped his tears, awkwardly.

“S-sorry… uhm… you right, ahahaha, what the hell why am I crying… ahahaha” he still wiped his tears; he looked like kid who losing his mother right now.

I didn’t know what to do, so I just write on the paper (there were papers on the corner of the left side this room and I picked it a few.) a few sentences, and gave it to him. I left the nurse room to go back to my class room.

Tao’s pov

After I calmed a little bit, I saw Kris was leaving me. I felt horrible, is because of me that he was leaving?? God, I hate myself… I decided to picked up his paper and begin to read it.  


To Tao

You must go to the headmaster room after this; headmaster room is on the left, in lobby room, the bigger room one. You’ll know what you must do after this. And… I’m sorry about the last, you know… if you there with me for the beginning, you would never be encountering Dae Geon.



After read this, I felt my energy come back, ahm… I really love this person, he saved my live twice!! Such a hero!! I was starting to think back the event, the part when he saved me. The girls must be envy to me, bwahahaha!! But this letter and his last treatment to me, it means he didn’t change a lot… right?? He still the same Kris who helped me that 5 years ago, a kind and helpful Kris that I adore a lot…

It means I still have a chance… right??

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weeww... sorry for taking so long for the updates, it's hard to found the internet connection since now i'm in the other side town..


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Eshinco #2
Chapter 4: Omo I love it keke please more panda tao ^^
awww, please update soon XD
update please?
Dancemach97 #5
Panda <3 Y U SO CUTE. And krisis a sweetie down below. A warmhearted guy like yixing said. ;)
RIGHT !!!!
Bliss_Destiny #7
200 IQ?!!!!!!
Too smart.... T________T
Way to go, my panda!!! XD
Bliss_Destiny #8
"I'm a smart panda" ....
Can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I don't know why but I have a thing for that sentence!! XD
Awwwwwwwwwwww, what happemed to Kris? :'(
Poor Tao T_T
Dancemach97 #9
Oh why is Kris like that? Don't break Tao's precious heart... :''(