Pretty Please!!

I Want To Be Human

12:30 p.m at YuFeng yin’s shopping district

“Finally!!! The city!! You are so clever, panda~” Tao stood in the middle of the crowded street, full of the bus, the motorcycles, the cars, and the high buildings.  He laughed merciless and compliments himself.

“HEY DORK!! COULD YOU JUST MOVED FROM HERE!!” a man with his motorcycle yelled at him.

*honk *honk!!“YEA!! I’M LATE YOU KNOW!! MOVED ON!!” a woman with her car screamed at Tao, angrily.

There was a bus driver who pushes the bus’s horn.  “HEY!! DON’T STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STREET!!”

*honk- honk… *hooonnkk!!

The traffic light sign was green. Just in couple a minutes, the street was crowded full of horn’s voices and has been in traffic jam. And it was because of our panda… (Ups, he was human now..,)

Many people struggle wanted to know about the one who messing around and made traffic jam. Too many of people who yelled and cursed at our pathetic Tao, he just stood there still didn’t know what to do and what were their problems? Exactly…

However, just about 5 minutes later, a police showed up and drag Tao to the police station, because of the trouble that he made. He told him to wait on interrogation room. It was his first time to went inside the building, so he just glaring around the building nonstop, amuse.

“Hi, I’m Kim Jonghyun, a detective. May I ask you about something?” one of the young detectives with gorgeous voice came through the door and grabbed a lot of files.

Tao still didn’t know anything (he even still felt confuse to interact with another human…) just nodding and didn’t forget to smile. The police officer smiled back for the replied and asking him to sit down on the chair.

“So…” officer jonghyun sat on the opposite chair and putted the files on the desk. “Who is your name?”

Tao glared at officer jonghyun and didn’t blink at all, he was afraid with him, since he didn’t used to be with stranger before but he tried to answer his question.

“Tao…?” he replied it hesitantly and aware if he didn’t understand what he mean since he used to be a panda. Panda couldn’t have interaction toward human. It was valid for the opposite too.

“Okay… your name is Tao…” jonghyun nodded and smiled at him. “What are you doing anyway? You know, when you stood in the middle of the street and made such a long traffic jam… someone is calling us, it was you who made it…”

‘Cool!! He knew what I talking about, it means Kris will know my ‘human language’ too!!’ Tao was bouncing on his mind.

“Why? Is it wrong?? I just stood on there because finally I reached this city… I’m so happy~” Tao proud about himself and speaking without hesitations anymore since he knew that the police officer understood what he meant.

What a weird kid? He didn’t know if messing around the traffic is forbidden??’ at least it is what he thought about this boy.

“Of course it was wrong… why you didn’t know the simple rule like that? What on earth you were going all this time??” jonghyun trying to explained.

“Hmm… it is a rule… hmm... It means the people must obey that… hmm... What kind of another rule then??” Tao mumbling softly but the older still could hear that. He shook his head and sweat dropped.

“Are you an alien?? You didn’t know all about the rules and what kind of them?? Oh my god!! Are you serious??” jonghyun yelled in frustration about the younger reaction, he was starting to make deductions about this boy.

There were 3 possibilities about this dude:

  1. He was telling the truth (he really didn’t know about it because he was a villager before…)



  1. He was a victim of illness (amnesia, an Alzheimer, anything about brain damage…)



  1. He just a crazy person who escaped from the asylum.


“I’m an alien?? No I’m not...” he let out the sighed and closed his eyes within 2 minutes and opened them again. “I-I am a panda…”


My mouth opened wider for itself… hell man!! I didn’t have a time for interrogating a crazy people. I stared my calendar picture with a panda picture in there. I pulled it hardly and saw the panda picture, I lined it beside his face tried to compared them… okay, and I’m must be dummy for trying it.

I really pity him about this. I decided to call the asylum “h-hallo, I’m from the police department, we found a crazy people and need your people to pick him u-…”

“Hey!! I’m serious!!! I have the evidence!!!” cut him.

I was staring at him while grab the phone and decided to off the phone. I thought about different idea… like I will trust him, anyway…

“The evidence?”

“Uhm… I can speak to panda??”  Is that all?? I face palmed.

“We have no choice… it’s because of you who always talk weird stuff since our investigation… you even don’t know the common rules in this world!!” I half yelled at him. “Hey, there… bring the lie detection here!!” I asked to the one our man.

10 minutes later, we had done for the prepared. Now, he kept stand in front of me with the ring on his head and cables.

“What is this!!? Let it off from me!! I’m scared!!” he tried to struggling.

I tried my best to keep him calm. “Tao, calm down… we put this stuff for detect you… it isn’t hurt… just relax…”

He starting calmed a bit but the worried still on his face though. “R-really?? It isn’t hurt… right?? You aren’t lying to me, right??” he pleads at me with his puppy eyes.

“Kick my if it hurts…” after convincing him enough I begin starting the procedure.

“But…” Tao looked at the other our man standing to assist me. “Can I have a privacy with you… you know, uhm… it’s a little bit secret… just two of us!”

I glared that innocent man and turned to the police officer, asking him to leave for at least one hour.

“Okay, let’s begin… you just need to answer my question honestly… okay??” I told him about what he must to do and he just nodded. I push the red bottom for the beginning.

“The first question… who are you?”

“My name is Tao, I used to be a panda but I am a human now… I guess…” he answered it awkwardly.

My eyes widen, the graphic on the screen just wave slowly, he wasn’t like… wow, I’m too surprise about it, so the miracle happened huh??

“The second question… is that true that you can have a conversations with pandas??”

“Yes, I can…” he answers it quickly.

Twice, the graphic still relax and agree with him… I wonder, all of this time he was telling the truth?? I thought, it’s not use to continue this investigation, it’s just wasting our time… he wasn’t lying all this time.

“Okay, it’s done… you can release the cables…” I stood from my chair and help him. “You are innocent enough, you may go now…”

Tao smiled happily and turned around… Hmph! What a weird kid… but cute enough though… he sends I a nudged and said thank you for believe him, although at the first I was believe the lie detector, not him…

“So… what is your plan after this??” I’m really afraid of him by doing something silly again.

He stopped moving and thought about it… my guess are correct, he didn’t planning anything yet…

“Uhm… what is the first thing that human must have and do?”

“the house, a money, jobs, act normally I mean since you aren’t a human before its necessary for you to gain the human’s knowledge and learning about anything… like their socializations, needs and other.”

“Aright, but I don’t have them all!! What should I do then??”

“Well, I don’t know… it’s your fight between them… okay, it is our good bye, take care…” I shook my head and about to leave

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weeww... sorry for taking so long for the updates, it's hard to found the internet connection since now i'm in the other side town..


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
Eshinco #2
Chapter 4: Omo I love it keke please more panda tao ^^
awww, please update soon XD
update please?
Dancemach97 #5
Panda <3 Y U SO CUTE. And krisis a sweetie down below. A warmhearted guy like yixing said. ;)
RIGHT !!!!
Bliss_Destiny #7
200 IQ?!!!!!!
Too smart.... T________T
Way to go, my panda!!! XD
Bliss_Destiny #8
"I'm a smart panda" ....
Can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
I don't know why but I have a thing for that sentence!! XD
Awwwwwwwwwwww, what happemed to Kris? :'(
Poor Tao T_T
Dancemach97 #9
Oh why is Kris like that? Don't break Tao's precious heart... :''(