Chapter 9

The Eternal Battle

 “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars.”

                                -Khalil Gibran

“Ji Yeon!” screamed a little girl.

Ji Yeon froze in her spot as her eyes widened in horror. “Emi!” she exclaimed. She gasped as the menacing figure hovering over her friend turned its eyes to her. Blood dripped down the corner of its lips as it bore its teeth at her.

“Ji Yeon, it hurts!” cried Emi.

Her body shook as she watched the monster busy itself once again with the little girl beneath it. Ji Yeon reached for her sword as anger pulsed through her veins. “Get away from her,” she growled, drawing her sword.

The clean metal glinted against the sunlight as she steadied it in her hands. “And what if I don’t?” asked the monster as he turned to her.

Ji Yeon let out a scream as she charged at the monster, raising the blade above her head. Just as the blade made contact with the vile creature, the scene dissolved and left her in the dark.

“Ji Yeon,” whispered a little voice.

Ji Yeon stared into the blackness in front of her.

“Ji Yeon, why didn’t you save me?” asked the girl’s voice. “You promised me that you’d save me.” A little girl materialized before her. She clutched a teddy bear in one hand.

“Emi,” breathed Ji Yeon. “I’m so sorry.”

“You promised you’d save me,” Emi repeated.

“I know. I’m sorry. I tried. Believe me, I tried,” Ji Yeon replied.

“You didn’t try hard enough,” Emi said coldly.

Ji Yeon fell to her knees as she cried, “I tried! I was too late! It was too late to save you!”

Ji Yeon bolted upright in her bed. Her hair was matted to her forehead. She ignored the cold sweat that stuck to her skin as she traced the S-shaped scar on her shoulder. As her breathing evened, she pushed away her comforter and walked to the bathroom.

Her reflection stared at her mockingly. The faint scars and shadows served as a constant reminder for her sleepless nights. Ji Yeon scowled as she the faucet. The water cooled her burning skin as she let it run over her fingers.

The same dream had haunted her since the day she lost her friend. The only thing that changed was her appearance. Each time she visited the dream, she was another day older. A new scar adorned her pale flesh. Another weapon appeared to be strapped to her belt.

She let out a heavy sigh as she turned away from the mirror. Deciding that sleep would continue to evade her, Ji Yeon made her way to her desk tucked away in a corner. Mountains of requests littered the rich oak bureau. Her eye fell on the top file labeled, “Urgent.”

Annoyance washed over her as she plopped down on her chair and flicked the lamp switch on. Every request was stamped with the same red letters. Grabbing the file from the top, she lazily scanned the request.

“Urgent: Unknown presence haunting family home.” Ji Yeon scoffed at the request. She was a hunter, not a necromancer. She made a mental note to pass it on to one of her friends in the business. Throwing it to the side, she picked up another one.

“Urgent: Livestock found dead, blood drained from body.” She straightened her posture as she read the details in the file. It wanted her blood, but the wounds were far from a simple need for it. The creature had torn into her savagely, as if it wanted more than just her flesh. Ji Yeon glanced at the origin of the request. "District 5, Head Sorcerer.”

A sense of urgency overcame her as she packed her necessities. Adrenaline rushed through her blood as she bolted out the door. Perhaps she would find Emi’s killer and put her nightmares to rest.


So...I decided that this story isn't going to take place in an actual country. Therefore, I made up my own. I have a roughly drawn map, and I can't help but laugh at it. It reminds me of all those projects in grade school when you had to make your own country. I hated those projects. Coming up with names for cities and landforms were horrible. And yet, here I am, making a map of a make believe place that doesn't have a name. Because of this, I stuck to district numbers. For the most part. :P Maybe if I make a better detailed map, I'll upload it and post it here so you can have some sort of visual when I refer to places such as "District 5."


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hey :)
this wont get updated, right?
I'm clearing up my subs list of inactive fics, so it'd be nice if you let me know if this fic is dead or not :)
Ah, this is getting more epic with every chapter <3<br />
I really really love how you include a quote at the beginning of every chapter :) I looove quotes. I even have a notebook where I write down the ones I like. Here are a few, maybe you'll find some of them useful :)<br />
"Every man dies. Not every man really lives." -William Wallace<br />
"Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches." -Alice R. Longworth<br />
"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh." -George B. Shaw<br />
"Clouds come floating into my life no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." -R. Tagore<br />
"Don't get mad, get even." -Joseph P. Kennedy<br />
"Men talk of killing time, while time slowly kills them." - Dion Boucicault<br />
"“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain..!” -author unknown<br />
<br />
waiting for more updates ;)
james_maknae18 #3
you're writing is really great!<br />
I'm curious to when all of the characthers will meet each other
Soo many updates!!<br />
Wow this is wonderful stuff. I can't to see what's next, and I'm more than curious to see how you're gonna combine everyone's story together. =D
Wow. I liked your updates! I also found mine!! Can wait for the next one and the actual story, when the characters are all posted!!
so many new chapters, its heaven xD Yes, it takes long to give pieces about all characters, so it will be more hard to make them intract, but than it means that this story will be long, I vote for that <3 <br />
And I found myself :P (btw, thank you for letting me levitate the guy instead of carrying, that whould have been hard Lol)<br />
And the quotes are great!
silvrwngz #7
Amazing!! I loved it!!<br />
Your new found source of inspiration is glorious!!
ShinHyeJin #8
weeeeeeee!!! finally an update no.... scratch that.... 5 updates!!!! woooohoo! and damn they are good!!!!!! woah!!! can't wait for the rest!!! good luck!!!