The First Promise.

Why am i falling in love with you? O.O

*The promise they made*


"Wang Zi ! Im scared ! I'm only 8 years old ! Do you know it's dangerous to explore the town at night? " Gui Gui hid behind him, looking scrutinizingly around her surroundings, it was so dark.

"Don't be afraid. Hold my hand and i'll kill anything that comes into your way." Wang Zi looked at her.

She held his hand. 

Suddenly Wang Zi grinned. " Gui! There's something behind you ! BOOO!" he ran away from her.

"Ahhhh! " Gui Gui screamed and ran as fast as she could. Suddenly, she did not know where she is.

"Wang zi ?" Gui gui asked, "Wang zi where are you? I'm scared ><" 

No one appeared.

Feeling afraid and insecured, Gui gui started to sob.

"Gui ?" Wang zi spotted her and hugged her, "Im sorry.. I will never let you go, I promise."

This is the first promise he made to her.

"Really?" She looked at him with her watery eyes.

"Hold my hand, I promise to never let go. " Wang zi smiled.

He held her hands on the way back. 


*10 years later*

Wang zi stood there, looking helplessly at the ceiling.

How is he going to tell her? Isn't it cruel ? To tell her that he would be going to Hong Kong to further his studies?

He could imagine how sad she would be.. *sighs*


"WANG ZI! Let's go to the movies!" On the other side it was gui gui who spoke cheerfully.

"Would she be that cheerful when she heard what i'm going to say?" He thought to himself.

"Gui.. actually. i'm going to Hong Kong for a badminton tournament tomorrow. I'll be back in2  weeks time. Take care of yourself. I promise i will be back alright? Really, i will."  He spoke.

"Alright ! It's just two weeks ! Its not like forever ! Why do you sound so sad"? " She didn't notice anything amiss.

"No.. never mind." He smiled.

*the next day*

Ahh ! I'm going to see Wang Zi off at the airport ! I can't imagine how much will i miss him! Luckily it's just for two weeks ! >< " Gui Gui thought to herself.

"Gui ! why do you still look so happy? Isn't wang zi going to hong kong for 10 years? " Suddenly, her brother came into her room.

"What ?! Stop lying dude ! It's just a badminton tournament ! " she laughed.

"No. it's really for ten years.. His.." Gui Gui ran out of the room before he even finished speaking.

She dialled his handphone number, her hands trembling.

"Hello? "  His voice came onto the other end of the phone.

She took a deep breath. "Wang Zi .. Are you going for further studies?" 

He was startled. He did not say anything.

"WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME !? YOU KNOW I HATE LIARS ! WHY! ?" she cried trerribly and shouted.

"Im sorry.." He muttured.."I.."

She put down the phone.


"Im not going to the airport." She told her mother.



Hi People ! This is the first time i'm writing about this story! This chapter is abit boring because its about gui gui and wang zi >o< 

So sorry >< ! Please give me some comments about this story :D

Hope all of you enjoy it ^^


-Ribella- :D






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serendipitous #1
Update soon
Love this story
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Btw update soon ~~ my laptop is runnign out of battery :( gonna charge it too :(
NicLuvGuiLun #3
lol, guigui is quite bad.. but it is still okaay, it's cool..
lol guigui said that aaron cant even be compared to her hse's hamster..but aaron deserve it cos he is really annoying.. now s alr 12.57am and it's late alr so im gg to sleep now while listening to aaron's song :D
NicLuvGuiLun #4
woah another chapter out alr?? you're quick, nvrm bout it , i go n read the new chapter now thks for your quick update :D
NicLuvGuiLun #5
hahas it's quite boring even though i USED to like guiwang after watching them cooperate in the show n had to act as a couple.. but after i wacthed pi li mit i loved~~ the couple guilun :)
i knida like your story plot so continue to update~~
PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! N can you update like.. quite often?? if can't it's okay.. thks for this chapter :)