memories of the past

Forgetting you

(A/N: Sorry guys my internet was broke for a couple days, and thats why this is posted so late but I hope everyone likes it and ignore mistakes not edited)


Today was like any other day since you left. No, that was a lie, today I felt different. I felt, at peace. I am at peace of the fact your gone. I have moved on, no more tears, or heartaches because of you. We, didn't work out, you wanted something else, and I shouldn't cry over the fact that you changed your mind about us. I'm an adult, and I should know better, but some things are easier said then done.

A year ago I didn't think you would leave me like this. Hell a year ago, I didn't think you would go out with me but you did. In fact you asked me out.


I was walking to my dorm when I tripped and fell dropping all my books. I got up, and looked around to what I tripped over was a rock. I sighed and went to pick out my books, I turned and saw Kim Jonghyun picking up my books. The same Kim Jonghyun I had a crush on since I saw him my somphore year of college. "T-thanks" I stood up and took the books from him. 

"No problem, I couldn't walk by a pretty boy who needed help and not do anything" he smiled his dazzling smile and I looked away trying to hide my blush.  I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. THE Kim Jonghyun thought I was pretty.

"I'm Kim Jonghyun, you" 

"Kibum,  but you can call me Key, if you like" I introduced myself trying not to stutter. "Key, that's a cool name I like it. So, Key-ah are you gonna be busy in a hour" He asked curiously and I looked up shocked at him. Was he really asking me out, I wasn't any special. "Y-yea" I nodded and he brighten up. "cool, meet me here in one hour and we can go out to eat at this cafe close to the campus. My treat" He winked and I agreed before we went our seperate ways.

I made it to my dorm quickly and hurried to my room. My mind was racing as I paced back and forth in my room. I was just asked on a date by the best singger in the whole university who is the most perfect boy who I've had the biggest crush on for forever. I think my life is complete.  I had the biggest smile as I went to my closet to pick out an outfit that he would like. But as I kept going through my closet I couldn't help but frown at my clothes. They were nice, yes, but not nice enough to go out to a cafe with Jonghyun.

Not the singers most prized singer, no I souldn't just wear jeans and a shirt, but what can I do time is slipping away. Hmm, maybe if I add some jewerly. I sighed and grabbed a pink v-neck, a black vest, and white ripped skinny jeans. I slipped the clothes on and went to my dresser to get some bracelets, and rings. Then I lined my eyes with black eyeliner. I smiled at my reflection, well I hope he likes it.

I looked at my phone and saw I had about 20 minutes. I figured it was better to be early than late so I left my dorm and went to the place we were supposed to meet. As I got closer I saw that Jonghyun was pacing back and forth around the quad, but he stopped and smiled when he saw me. I began to panic alittle, was I late, how long has he been here, I couldnt be late I came early. 

"You came early" He beamed at me and I let out a breathe I didnt know I was holding. I wasnt late, but how long had I made him wait. "w-were you waiting long" I asked nervously and he nooded his head no. "I just didn't want  to come late" he chuckled and I relaxed alittle. "well I guess we should go now" He grabbed my hand and lead us to the cafe. I looked at him and then our hands and blushed. I hope my hands arent sweaty or that he's grossed out. "you have really soft hands" He rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand and I blushed again. His hands felt good around mine. 

The rest of the way to the cafe was quiet because I was too nervous to say something to him.What if I said something stupid, and he realized he was wasting his time with me. "here we go" he said as he opened the door for me. He followed in after me and we sat down in a booth. He  sat very close to me, and I had to bite my lip to hide my smile. A waitress came over to take our orders and Jonghyun ordered for both of us. I was glad because I had never been here before so I didnt want to look like a fool infront of him.

Once the food came, the date reallly picked up, Jonghyun feed me my food, and we found out we had some things in common. Then after we finished he asked if I wanted to take a walk around the park. I agreed and he held my hand the whole way. We talked about our lives, and ourselves and when it was getting late he walked me back to my dorm. It was alittle awkward when we said goodbye, but I knew it was one of the best dates I had ever been on when he pecked my lips,and smiled sheepishly. I blushed and we parted our ways not before making plans to meet again.

I knew then i was head over heels for the Kim Jonghyun.

End of Flashback

We were a happy couple, until you got that part time job. We used to see each other everyday, but then the days you visited became less and less and so did the minutes we spent together. You always said that you had to work, or you had singing lessons and I believed you because I wanted us to work, but the more time you spent away the more distant I felt our relatonship become. It even got to the point where  when we did see each other  it became awkward, and you wouldn't look at me the same way. Instead of his bright loving eyes, they were dull and uninterested but I choose to ignored it all. To ignore all the texting you started doing while we were together, the smell perfume that would cling to your clothes, and the happines you would show on your face when you would had to leave. I ignored ot because I loved you, and I knew that you did too. Well I knew the Jonghyun that asked me out that day did.

The Jonghyun, who would surprise me with flowers on a Tuesday, just because I hated the classes I had on Tuesday, or would sing me to sleep when I was too stressed out too. I wanted him back, and I thought if I acted as if everything was okay then he would come back, but it only got worse. I still remeber the day everything fell apart.


Today is Jonghyun's birthday so I'm going to surprise him at his job with his gift. I had bought him a brand new white gold watch, and on the back it had 'I will always love you' ingraved on it. I had to borrow money from my mom to buy it, and I know she didn't like Jonghyun or that I was gay but she did it for me because she said she didnt want her only son to leave her. I was greatful to her for it, so I slipped on my shoes and left for the cafe he worked at. The same cafe we had our first date at.

I didnt come that often because Jonghyun said I made him uncomfortable at work, and I had a busy shedule since I started taking dance classes so I wouldnt be so lonely all the time. I had even made acouple of friends. Anyway, it didnt take me very long to get to the cafe, and when I did Jonghyun wasn't there. I asked the manager, where he was and he said, that Jonghyun and his girlfriend  took the day off together. I had felt my eyes burn with tears when he said that, so I asked him to make sure it waas Kim Jonghyun, my Kim Jonghyun.

"Yea, he and his girlfriend Minyoung both took the day off to have a date for his birthday" he explained, and I nodded, trying to hold back my tears. "c-can you n-not tell h-him I w-was here" my voice broke as I tried to not break down infront of the guy. "Okay, hey are you alright" he asked looking at me concerned I nodded keeping my head down and running out of the shop. As soon as I was out of the shop, my tears fell and my vision become blured. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the tears but they kept falling. So I just let them fall. I didnt really know where I was going but, ssomehow I endup up at the park. The same park Jonghyun use to take me too. 

I sat on a bench and just cried my eyes out. How can he do this to me. I know he was up to something, but I never thought he would have the decency to cheat on me. I loved him so much, and he, he just played with my emotions. Did he ever even love me, or was I just some play thing for him to have until he got bored. I gave him my all while he was out with some, some girl. I gave him my heart, my body, my soul and he threw it away. What did I do to des-

"Jonghyun!, stop it that tickles" I heard a girl scream and I looked up. I saw Jonghyun and the same girl who waited on us on our first date playing with each other. Their backs were facing me so they couldn't see me. I was going to leave, I didn't want to face him now, not with her around. That was when he picked her up and spun her around, She kept laughing but he looked shocked when he saw me. She asked him what was wrong, but he just  smiled and shook his head. She pouted and looked over to where he was looking she saw me and her jaw dropped. 

She pulled Jonghyun over to where I was, and I turned to leave but she was faster. "Oh my gosh sir, are you okay, if you don't mind me asking. I just dont like watching people cry." She asked sweetly, and I looked up at Jonghyun who had his head turned away from from me, my tears came down faster and I turned to the girl. She was very pretty indeed, rosy pink lips, milky white skin, and long brown hair. No wonder why Jonghyun liked her, she was way prettier than I was.  "i-its nothing, I j-just broke up w-with my b-boyfriend, excuse me" I tried to walk away, but Jonghyun grabbed my hand. "whoever it was, Im sure they weren't worth your tears" he briefly made contact with my eyes before he let my hand go , and his girlfriend nodded in agreement. I tried to smile but I just couldn't. 

End of Flashback

That night I curled up in my bed and cried. I didn't go to my classes I just stayed home and cried. I called my mom, and told her what happened. She scolded me for bein gso stupid with my heart, but she drove to the school to make me some home-made soup and to hold me. She made me feel better, but I couldn't be in this college anymore. All the memories of us, and everything we had even if it didnt work I still loved you and I couldnt move on if I stayed there, so I transfered schools, and I finished my schoolig, but I didnt date again. I still haven't dated since then, I just find it hard to trust people, after what happened, but I think I'm ready now. I'm ready to forget.

I got up and got dressed in a simple shirt and jeans, and decided to head out and go get some coffee. Its been awhile since I went out for anything other than shopping, but today is the start of not moving on, but forgetting about you. I already moved on, but I can never forget about you. Since it was fall, I grabbed a sweater and headed out to the cafe, I always passed when I went to the grocery store. 

I smiled as I made my way there, and for the first time in a long time it was a real smile. I opened the door to the small shop and it was empty. I looked back at the sign and it said the shop was open so I went to the counter and rang the bell. "Is anyone here" I asked and a woman with a ame tag that said, Minyoung on it came out. I immediately regretted my decision to come here, but it can't be the same person, right? 

"How may I help you."  She aske brightly and I told her a medium latte. She smiled and a phone rang. "oops I'm sorry, I have to get that. My partner will help you" she apologized and disappeared into the kitchen."how can I help you" Thats when He came out and I frozed. He looked at me, and he was surprised. "K-key" He asked unsure, and I nodded my head looking away. "T-thats okay, I'm n-not thristy anymore" I lied and tried to leave but he called after me. "Key, wait don't go." He hugged me from behind and I felt tears well up in my eyes. "l-let my go" I said quietly but he refused. "Key, I'm sorry, please don't go. Minyoung and I aren't together anymore, I'm sorry for what I did to you, but when you left I regretted what I did. I broke up with Minyoung, and we stayed friend and opened up this shop. But not once have I ever stopped thinking about you. I-I still love you" I was crying by now, and I tried to push him away.

"J-jonghyun, It's not t-that easy, you hurt me, because of you I cant trust people, and I certainly can't trust you. I'm sorry but w-we can't be together." I pulled his arms off of me and ran out the shop. I ran home, and cried. I cried my heart out. I thought I was done, I had moved on, I was trying to forget. But that's just it, I can never forget Jonghyun.

Okay Hi everyone there will be a sequel but I dont  know when so subscribe if you want to read it because I will post the link here  \(^u^\)


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gonna wait :3
Waiting for the sequel~~<3
PigRabbit1912 #3
Omg u should totally make a sequel!! Ohhh and can u please pm me if u do?? Cuz I rlly want to read it!!
So sad T_T Could you make a sequel???
So sad T~T , yet so good!!! I loved it! You should do more jongkey oneshots!!!:)