
Worst Love


              You’ve been keeping something from me.

My best friend of ten years texted me after a long day of tactless avoidance,

            I saw you run away today after math…What’s going on?

There was a tense feeling disappointment in his messages and I immediately began to feel guilty.

            …Are you mad at me?

I quickly respond, “Nah, I just remembered that I had something important to do after class. That’s all.”

            I don’t believe you. This has been going on for a while now. Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you never come over my house anymore. Or how you always have something to do at lunchtime now. You barely even talk to me these days!  Now what’s going on? >o<

“I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy lately is all…”

            Don’t lie to me. Something’s up and you’re keeping it a secret! Is this about Kaemi and Tao??

“No. Don’t even bring that up…”

            Then what’s your secret?!

“I can’t tell you…”

            Why not? We’re friends, right? Don’t you trust me? >_>

“Of course we are, and I do…It’s just I’m not ready to tell you. Not yet.”

            When will you be?...

“Hopefully this whole thing will just blow over, and I’ll never have to tell you.”

            /: Fine, I’ll let it go for now…but only if you stop avoiding me!

“Haha, ok, I’ll stop…Wanna go get icecream?”

            Are you picking me up?


            Are you paying for me?

“Sure… TT___.T”

            After that emoji, I’m not so sure I want to go anymore, hmph…

“Yah, jugullae? Icecream, yes or no? .\___/.”

            It’s a date! Yeah, I want free icecream! Text me when you’re outside~“Mmhmm.” I put down my cellphone and sighed deeply. My heart beating a mile a minute, I looked up from my bed and gazed into the mirror hanging on the opposite wall. I took in my flushed appearance with shame welling up in the corners of my eyes, blinking back the hot tears, I tried to slow my heartbeat and come to my senses. A date? I could not help the speculative thoughts that quickly sprang free of the box I had been trying to lock them in, my treacherous pulse stimulated their excitement and now they were running rampant in my mind as I nervously prepared to go to the ice-cream parlor with Luhan.



            I don’t remember when I had fallen in love with him, or even how I got the notion of being romantically involved with him at all. It just happened. We have been best friends for ten years and now, in our senior year of high school, I suddenly decided that I felt something more for him. I fought the idea a lot at first, when my dreams would show me scenes of us holding hands and having candle-lit dinners; I reasoned that I must have eaten something weird before going to bed on those nights. My subconscious must have heard this because a few weeks later the dreams transitioned to a higher level of intimacy.


We kissed.


             Still I would pay the dreams no mind. The next night came, and we made-out. That following morning I stayed home from school, I was sure that I was some kind of sick and I convinced my umma to let me stay at home that day. All that afternoon I couldn’t stop thinking about that dream and how vivid it had been. I could feel my arms wrapped around his waist while we locked lips, then tongues, then fingers in my hair. I could feel the rise and fall of his chest clashing with my own, and the bridge of saliva’s snap was cool against the skin of my chin. There were no words exchanged between us, only breath, spit and desire. But my thoughts were loud and frantic, willing me to stop even though I couldn’t; I felt incredibly helpless in the wake of wild impulse. I finally managed to pull away from the vice grip on my hips with the aid of my alarm clock.


            The dreams in essence didn’t disturb me nearly as much the mornings after when I would find my physical body as excited as the me in my dreams. As if things weren’t hard enough, I had to start my days off with a shower in cold water and shame from then on. From dreams to love, as if it were the sapling of my destruction, the whole ordeal seemed to blossom overnight. This is the worst kind of love. 



This a prologue of sorts for the story...Yeah, I don't have much to say on the story just yet. 
But I will say this. Oh Sehun. You are so perfect. Luhan is so lucky to have you~ 
Luhan (idk your surname). You are so perfect. Sehun is so lucky to have you~
Hunhan. You are so perfect for each other. The Romeo and Juliette (ho~) of the Kpop world~Your fans salute you.

That aside, I'll update in liiiike three minutes as of 1:18 Central USA time. 

Commenttttuh~ subscribeeeeeuh~ Please and thank you~

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Nothing's happened yet. Just exposition at the moment. It'll get interesting soon I promise. :)


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Nomichui #1
Hey, just wanted to say that the story is really interesting and I like your writing ^^ Looking forward to your next chapters and reading about Sehun"s secret crush (: