
Jina's Top 5 Male Groups! :D

Up for the third in my list?

Well, /drum rolls/



- Just released a new music video

- 6 members

- All members has their stage names

Pretty easy, I guess?


Hehehehehe~~~ It's Teen Top~~~~

I know you like that body roll so I decided to use that hehe~~~


So the group is Teen Top!!! Yay~~~~

I think it's pretty easy to know who's my favorite member, right?

It's Lee Byunghun (L.Joe)~~~ Yay~~~

Well the reason why I like him it's because... i don't know, he's tall, perfect, and so asdfghjkl.

have you heard their new song?!??! hey to you to you to you now~~

l.joe is perfection. otl.


photo/gifs not mine. credits to owner. <3

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@INeedzaHug Hahahaha Woohyun was my bias at first but then Myungsoo caught my eye and I was like: Wow he looks so.. Perfect. And i started making him my bias lmfao
Infinite is too awesome! They are my first too! They have to be on my top! Inspirit forever! XD and Myungsoo is my bias too haha he's perfect in every way.