WTH? yesterday he's really nice to me. but today?

you're my soulmate

today as usually you go to canteen with your friends but now you sit beside L.Joe. he was read a magazine.


"hey, L.Joe!" you greet him but he don't answered. *what the hell?*

"yah! L.Joe!" you called him again but still same he don't answered.

"L.Joe!" you take the magazine from his hand.

"yah! what are you doing?!!" L.Joe shouted.

"i've called you many times!" you said.

"so what?! i don't care and i don't wanna talk to you!" said L.Joe

"what? you're weird! you said.

"yah! what are you talking about?! i'm weird?!" he now looks really mad.

"yeah! you're really weird! weird geeky!" you said.

"shut your ed up!" he leave you.

"what the heck? why did he say rude to me?" you said.


then you asked Ricky what was happened on L.Joe.


"oppa? what happened on L.Joe oppa?" you asked.

"L.Joe? he's fine" said Ricky.

"fine? today he's so rude to me!" you said.

"He was always like that" said Ricky.

"what? no! he's not!" you said.

"___, now  i want ask you.. what happened on you? i think you don't like L.Joe?" ask Ricky.

"yes, i am!" you said.

"liar!" said Ricky.

"what the hell?" you yelled.

"never mind" said Ricky succumbed.


Then you leave Teen Top and go to the garden with your friends. and meet L.Joe there.


"yah! L.Joe oppa!" you called him.

he turned and see you, "what?" he asked.

"finally, you want to answere me" you said.

"it's because you call me oppa" he said calmly.

"if i'm not call you oppa you won't to turned?" you asked.

"yes!" he said.

"what?" you want to walked closer to him but, you are not tripping over shoelaces tied and eventually falls

"aww!" you screaming.

"___-ah are you okay?" ask yuri.

"yah! oppa! don't you will help me?!" you shouted at him.

"help you? i won't!" he said coldly and leave you.


*what the heck that jerk nerd?! he's really weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

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i'm sorry bcause all this time i have been a silence reader here.. :( i just made a new account so now i can finally subscribe and up vote this story!!
this is such an amazing story! thumbs up 4 u.. ^^ but why the end is a little sad.. ! but yea this is still an amazing story!! <3
Chapter 33: pretty nice and a good story ;)
yay! i loved the update.. can't wait to read ur next chapter
LOL L.JOE making an excuse just to kiss the girl.....Typical Korean guy jk
-_- hahahaha Update soon~
omg! did she wake up?
nooo..she has to wake up
It's soooo interesting!!!
Oh Mr.Lee just get ou L.joe's life please you're the one who is makin it harder!
LOL you need to update soon! :))
Please update soon!!!! :))
♡♡♡ Please Update Soon ♡♡♡
Just take that ing L.joe's dad to the hell!!