Knock Out

Baby, Goodnight

Eun-Kyung walked home from the grocery store. The small amount of food she had managed to purchase on her minimum-wage pay was barely enough to keep her alive. Unfortunately, she could barely afford that meager amount. She walked down the sidewalk, her feet aching from the long hours working. A limousine drove past her, splashing a puddle onto her shoes. She tried to catch a glimpse of who was in the car, not that it was important anyway. She was just curious who was in this bad neighborhood with that kind of money. She sighed and continued to walk--now with her feet squelching in her shoes. On top of that, she felt a few drops of water drip onto her nose. It had started to rain. She turned into a side-alley between buildings, a short-cut she occasionally took when her feet were really aching. She shivered. It was truly a miserable night.

Within a split second Eun-Kyung found herself on the ground, a foot smashing her head into the rough pavement. An intense pain bloomed through her skull and its roots spread down her neck and into her back. Her vision became severely blurred and she heard a ringing in her ears. The foot pressed down even harder, grinding the side of her face into the ground. Her attacker stepped off her face. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain and horror. Something impacted with her ribs... again and again and again. She curled up slightly, though not much due to her newfound injuries. She let out a small moan, and the beatings stopped for a moment. Then, she heard a crack and seconds later she felt an explosive pain in her leg. She screamed a bloodcurdling scream and then out.


G-Dragon had his face pressed against the limo's cool window. The rest of the men in the car looked equally bored. Big Bang had hired a new driver after the old one retired, but this guy was young and stupid. So, now they were lost for the third time in that day alone. Suddenly, he slammed his hand against the window so forcefully that the whole carful of people jumped.

"What the hell was that for?" Seungri yelled angrily.


The boys scrambled over to G-Dragon's window and saw the same thing as he.

"YOU STOP THE CAR!" TOP screamed at the driver through the divider.

The limo came to a screeching halt, sending them crashing around in the back seat. They all seemed to burst out of the car door at the same time, pushing each other aside trying to get to the girl to help. An ear-splitting scream pierced the night and they all ran faster.

They all ran at the hooded figure who was now looting the poor, unconscious girl, yelling ferocious battle-cries. The man looked up at them and began to run away. G-Dragon caught the man first, leaping onto his back and biting his shoulder. The man threw G-Dragon to the ground and continued running. TOP and Taeyang reached him next, flanking him as they ran. TOP threw a punch that sent the man sprawling into Taeyang who kicked the man fiercely in the gut. The man kneed Taeyang in the crotch. He TOP, pulling out a knife and jabbing it in the space between them. Daesung sprung out of seemingly nowhere throwing punches at the man wildly. In the final run Seungri chased him all the way to the end of the alley but only managed to break the man's arm before he escaped.

G-Dragon called them all back to the girl who was in true need of their help, reminding them all where the seething hatred for that mysterious man had been born from in the first place. Daesung and G-Dragon leaned over the bloodied and broken young woman.

"I'll carry her to the car where we can try to wake her," Taeyang offered.

"No," Seungri panted as he jogged back over to the group, "We need to just take her home."

"Seungri! You !" G-Dragon snarled, "This is no time to think about how you could take advantage of a pretty girl! She needs help!

"I was not!" Seungri cried out, "... wait, she's pretty?"

Everyone looked down at her and took a good look for the first time. She really was beautiful in a sweet sort of way. They all stared for a moment in awe.

Daesung cleared his throat loudly, "Ahem. As much as I hate to agree with Seungri on this, he's totally right. We couldn't just leave a battered and soaked girl alone in her apartment anyway."

"Then it's settled," G-Dragon stated as he reached towards the girl.

"HEY," Taeyang called, "I thought I was carrying her."

"Excuse me guys, it was my idea" Seungri said casually as he went to grab her.

"YOU GUYS" Daesung cried out, "Stop arguing and save the girl!"

And with that TOP scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the car. The others had no choice but to dejectedly follow.

On the ride home there was no chatter; barely anyone talked. They all just stared as the beautiful, unknown girl sat curled up against TOP in his lap.  

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Defhouseconvict #1
Chapter 1: Wow its so nice of them to help her out.
Good start!! ^^