
You Are My Phobia


It didn’t take terribly long for Jinki to get sleepy. He was having difficulties keeping his eyes open by 5 o’clock. Him and Joon had taken to chatting after the movie, mostly about Hyoyeon. After all, she was a key component in most of the things happening in Jinki’s life. It was hard not to feel bitter as Joon kept his interest focused on her. Unfortunately, that was a feeling Jinki knew all too well already. Though, his slump of bitterness was quickly interrupted.


“Are you feeling well?” Joon asked. “Your eyelids are drooping.”


“Uh, yeah,” Jinki lied, not wanting to concern Joon. He seemed to do that too often.


“When’s the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Joon pressed. Jinki paused. Actually, that was a good question. The truth was, he probably hadn’t slept more than one hour at a time since Hyoyeon left. And even before that, it was difficult scraping together proper rest. In fact, Jinki was starting to believe that he hadn’t had more than a handful of good nights since the accident.


“I don’t know,” He answered. Joon frowned.


“What, like years?” He asked. Jinki stared at him for a moment.


“I guess it could be,” He said softly.


“And you’re only getting drowsy now?” Joon asked, apparently trying to make it a joke, but ending up sounding more concerned than anything. Jinki sighed.


“I don’t know,” He mumbled. “I guess I’ve been on edge for so long…” Jinki stopped to consider what he was actually saying. He hoped it wouldn’t come off as some kind of subtle confession. “I guess you make me feel comfortable.”


Jinki could tell instantly by the burning sensation in his face that he was probably blushing like a tomato. He hoped that somehow Joon wouldn’t notice. But of course, the man was smiling, and Jinki couldn’t tell if he was being obvious or really obvious.


“Well, that’s good, I guess,” Joon chuckled. He stood up from the couch. “Why don’t you take a nap or something? I was just going to grab some fast food for dinner. Is that okay?” Jinki nodded. “Okay, I’ll be back in a bit.”


Jinki watched him leave the apartment. He always felt a hint of anxiety when Joon walked away from him. An anxiety that he disliked horribly. He let out a sigh, scanning the room. Joon had told him to take a nap, and he planned on doing exactly that. Eventually, Jinki found a blanket folded next to the couch. He wrapped himself in it, again taken aback by how wonderful it smelled, and curled up on the couch.


It took, maybe, five seconds for Jinki to fall asleep. On an average day, it took him at least half an hour. He just felt so at ease in Joon’s home.


As if he belonged there.





Jinki awoke to Joon calling his name from the side of the couch.


“You’re food’s about to get cold,” He warned. Jinki rubbed his eyes and yawned. When he reopened his eyes, Joon was placing a bag of fast food on the coffee table, soft grin on his lips. Jinki slowly sat up as Joon handed him an open box; burger on the bottom and fries on the lid.


“The couch is fine, you can eat there,” Joon assured him. Suppressing another yawn, Jinki picked up a fry and popped it into his mouth. He was about four fries in when something hit him.


“Does Hyoyeon know I’m here?” He wondered out loud, a little panicked that he hadn’t even spoken with her that day. But Joon gave a calm nod.


“I contacted her,” He said. “I haven’t talked to her in weeks upon weeks, and all she cared about was you.” He smiled at Jinki. “You two are cute.” Jinki eyed Joon.


“Joon,” He began. Joon waved his hand at Jinki dismissively.


“I know, I know, Jinki. Honestly, relax for once,” He said, smiling. Jinki quietly resumed eating his fries. “Just the fries?”


“I’m getting around to it,” Jinki assured him, feeling a laugh bubbling up in his throat.


When Jinki was almost completely done his fries, a loud sound made itself apparent. The noise was followed by the sound of pouring rain. Joon was on his feet immediately, and ran to the kitchen. Jinki had become frozen in place.


The noise stopped, and Joon returned.


“I forgot to lock the kitchen window, and a raccoon was trying to jimmy it open,” He explained. “It’s okay now, though…. Jinki?” Jinki stared at Joon, a little too afraid to move. He felt nauseous. Joon seemed to understand. He took the box out of Jinki’s unmoving hands, placing it on the coffee table, and sat down next to him. Jinki didn’t anticipate Joon pulling him into his arms, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want it.


Joon held Jinki until his anxiety melted away, and then continued to hold him until Jinki felt close to melting himself. Afterwards, Joon returned Jinki’s food to his hands, and sat down to finish his own. Jinki watched the man. So calm and collected, no matter the situation. He was calm the last time as well. Did that mean he was leaving again? Jinki was beginning to feel anxious again.


“Does that get tiring?” He asked softly. Joon looked up at him.


“Does what get tiring?”


“Taking care of people,” Jinki answered. Joon paused before smiling.


“When you care about someone,” He said, “You shouldn’t care.” Jinki felt his cheeks go warm again, and he diverted his attention to his lukewarm food.


“Do you eat bad so often?” He asked, trying to change the subject.


“Of course,” Joon laughed. “There’s no joy in a 100% healthy lifestyle!” Jinki felt himself smirking. Maybe that was the truth. Joon was unhealthy for Jinki, after all.



“It’s still rainy out… so, I guess I’ll take the couch,” Joon said. It had gotten to be ten o’clock somehow, and Jinki was tired all over again.


“I can take the couch,” Jinki insisted. Joon shook his head.


“Of course not!” He disagreed, “How could I let my guest sleep on the couch for the night?”


“I prefer it,” Jinki told him. “Large, empty beds make me uneasy.” He was almost laughing at himself when he said it. Joon frowned. His eyes flickered between Jinki, the couch, and his own feet.


“That’s upsetting,” He finally stated. “Hang on, I’ll make sure the couch is comfortable.”


Jinki yawned into his hands as Joon left to get some sleeping accessories. He honestly didn’t mean to upset Joon. He was sooner jump into a pool than intentionally upset Joon. But he had to be honest, now that he was in the man’s home. The phobia had screwed him up, no matter what direction he looked at it from.


It was tiring.


“I hope you like blankets and pillows,” Joon sang. “I have enough here to supply an army.” Jinki got off of the couch while Joon tucked sheets under the cushions and arranged everything nicely.


“Are you sure you’re okay here?” Joon asked. Jinki nodded, and Joon gave him a pat on the back. “Alrighty. Sleep well, Jinki.”


Oh, god. That phrase hurt a whole helluva lot. Jinki felt his heart twist in his chest as Joon turned to leave, and a few words were forced out of his mouth.


“Will you be here when I wake up?”


Joon turned back, eyes wide. Jinki instantly regretted it, but it was a little too late by then. Joon chewed on his lip before managing one last smile.


“Of course, Jinki,” He said. “I’m not gonna leave you.”


Jinki was a little put off by the slight emphasis on the word I. What did that mean? That others were going to leave him? Well, of course, they already had, but…


Oh, it was too much to think about.


Despite Jinki’s exhaustion, and how much he loved falling asleep amongst Joon’s blankets, he couldn’t fall asleep that night. His head was simply too full.



Perhaps hours upon hours into the night, Jinki noticed a small light atop a table near the front door. Jinki held his breath as the light disappeared and reappeared again.


Naturally, Jinki couldn’t help but investigate.


As it turned out, Joon’s phone was on the table. It was receiving messages, and as it turned out, Joon had no password lock. Jinki wouldn’t dare go through the messages, but the alert on the screen was enough to unsettle Jinki completely for the night.




Jinki put the phone back down, on its face this time. Not unlike the feeling he had when he looked through his mom’s photo albums, Jinki found that the phone wasn’t worth looking at anymore.


Jinki snuck back onto the couch and went back under the covers. Finally, after what must have been hours, Jinki fell asleep.







Jinki knew he recognized the voice, but he couldn’t put a face to it at all. He tried to ask who it was, but his voice wasn’t working.


“Jinki,” it repeated. Jinki held his breath. It was becoming more familiar now. The same dream he had had multiple times in the past. Though recently, the dream had been manipulated. The hand was slower then. Now, it was just out of reach. Trying to touch him, but was just a bit too far away.


Was the hand even trying anymore?


It seemed as though the hand wanted to get closer, but couldn’t find the strength to. When it did reach close enough, the hand merely patted his head or poked his forehead. Jinki waited patiently for the hand to finally find its target, but when it finally looked like it would, the hand retracted.


Whoever was behind the hand was now hiding their face with it. Jinki couldn’t move or speak. He merely watched the owner of the hand grow more and more fearful. Finally, the hand swung out and snatched Jinki’s arm. It pulled him forward,






Until, to Jinki’s dismay, a body of water was in sight.


The hand that he waited for for so many nights was going to push him in.


Jinki squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the plunge. But when the hand let go, it was not Jinki who was falling into the water.


It was Joon.




“Are you awake?”


Jinki stared wild-eyed at the man before him. He was completely not drowning, thank goodness.


“Did you have a nightmare?” Joon asked. Jinki hadn’t even realized Joon was sitting at his feet. Slowly, Jinki nodded. Joon reached over to brush some hair from Jinki’s face.


“About what?” He asked. Jinki considered actually telling him for a moment, before realizing that that was the worst idea in the history of everything ever.


“Spiders,” He lied. Jinki knew that Joon knew he was lying. But Joon was gracious. Joon accepted the answer.


Joon was a godsend, and Jinki was being terrible about it.



Aaah! Sorry guys! I almost didn't make it! T^T I hope you liked the chapter regardless! Story progression soon! (I was just so tired today orz)

Thank you for all of your wonderous comments so far! They make me happier than Joon makes Jinki! XD And thank you for subbing! Please let me know what you think so far!


See you on Tuesday! :D

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i'm back here to reread this for the 50th time otl
still love it
the_green_graffiti #2
Chapter 37: I loved this fic, it's 4am,i blame you for sleep deprivation. Just kidding haha I loved itt. Especially the hurt/comfort.
aurorabby #3
Chapter 37: Wow just WOW!! This story is epic!! I love it^^
Chapter 37: But what happened to the Key plot line? Why was the photo album all messed up and why didn't Jinki remember him? Or I might have just missed that part, I read this whole thing in one day so it's likely not everything stuck.
Chapter 37: I loved this Joonew!
Chapter 37: sretdrfyyguuih omfg omfg feels man the feels no too many feelsomfg
that was such a cute ending :D
and the angst *flails*
*thumbs up*
Raven_Hatter #7
Chapter 10: wait I just thought about that how does someone who's afraid of water take a shower
Taemax #8
Chapter 37: Sigh.
Just beautiful love.
Why do I keep reading these love stories when they only make me depressed?!
I love you author-nim, this was an amazing read.
ilovefanfiction2010 #9
Chapter 37: I remember reading this on my iPhone way before I got an AFF account. I loved this story then and still do. It helps that Joon and Onew aren't afraid to show their friendship to each other in real life. Good for my Joonew feels. Anyway, this story is very well-written. You've tied up the ending very nicely. Now, I'm off to check your other stories.