
11 may 2010, Friday

dear diary, there's one guy in my class that i've been stalk for a month. his name is daehyun. he just move here a month ago. and i start to like him when he introduce about himself at the class. i can't take my eyes from him on that time. the way he smiles~ totally can make me faint. he already have many friends in the school. he is so friendly and it makes everyone want to be his friends. but i never talk to him. i really hope i can talk with him. someday. hmm


11 may 2012, Friday

Dear diary, it has been a month since i moved here. my classmates are really kind towards me. but there's something i curious about. since i've move here, i feel like there's someone always stare at me. i don't have any idea who. but there's a gossip said that the school is haunted. is the ghost who always stare at me. i hope not TT____TT i don't want to die at this age. btw there's a girl that i've attract to. her name is choi min-i. i still remember her big eyes looking at me on my first day at the school when i introduce myself to the class. lol it's really cute. but i never talk to her. i never had a problem to make a new friends. but when it comes to her, i can't even speak. is this mean i am in love??


14 may 2012, Monday

Dear diary, today is my lucky day. today in my arts class, the teacher want us to work in pairs for a new project. we won't able to choose our partner. the teacher will do it. i was pray that i'll be in one group with daehyun. i guess god had answe my pray. my science teacher pair me with daehyun >/////<. i don't know how to described my feelings on that time. i try to control myself infront of him. he just look at me a smiles OMG /faint/.  this project will end this friday. means i'll work together with daehyun for one week. yeah baby (^ ^)V  /rolling rolling on the bed/


14 may 2012, Monday

Dear diary, today my arts teacher told us that we will have a new project. she want us to work in pairs with the partner that she will choose. i don't care to be pair with who but deep in my heart hope that will be pair with min-i. then the teacher call min-i name and she strat to look around the class to search for the person who will be pair with min-i. i just act casually but actually i really want to know who will be select for min-i partner. then i heard the teacher called my name. then she said that i will be pair with min-i. i just look at her and smiles. but actually on that time, i feel like i had won a jackpot. this the chance for me to talk to her and know her better. HWAITING!! ( ^ ^)/


15 may 2012, Tuesday

Dear diary, today after school, me and daehyun went to stationery shop to look for some materials for our arts project. he is the one who asked me first. so i nodded and went to the shop with him. at first it's a bit akward cause this our first time hanging out together. okay actually not hanging out cause we had work to be done. since he still new in this city, so i am the one who lead him to the shop. i start the conversation  first. i asked him some question. as i expected he is really friendly. after bought some items at the stationery shop, he then asked me to take him to an ice-cream shop. so i take him to my favourite ice-cream shop. this is the best part, he buys me an ice-cream. he said it was a gift for the begining of out friendship. auuwww he really sweet~


15 may 2012, Tuesday

Dear diary, today i went to stationery shop with min-i. this is one of the way for me to know her better. since i don't really know about this town, so i just let her take me to the shop. i want to start the conversation, but my mouth feel like be lock when i with her. then he start to asked me some question. i managed to anwer it ^^. and the atmosphere start to change. i can feel the joy all the way to the shop. i was thinking to do something special for her. yup i got the idea. right after we finish bought all the items, i asked her to take me to an ice-cream shop. yeah i'm going to buy her an ice-cream without her knowing it. the ice-cream shop is a bit far from the stationery shop. as we arrived i asked her what flavour she want. peretend like i'm going to help her ordered which actually not. she looks a bot shock when i said i will paid it for her. but i said it was a gift for the begining of our friendship. she just smiles and accept it. really cute. my heart start beating a bit faster then usual when i saw her smiles. damn what kind of this feelings.


16 may 2012, Wednesday

Dear diary, can i scream. Daehyun invited me to his house tomorrow after school time . okay actually he invited me because of the arts project. he said that we only have a few times left but we haven't start anything. okay min-i focus on your work YOU WORK. no time to dating. aaaahhh can't wait for tomorrow. >3< /cover face with pillow and scream/


16 may 2012, Wednesday

Dear diary, i don't know what i've done. is it a good thing or a bad thing?? i actually invited min-i to come to my house tomorrow. damn daehyun what have u done. it come out from my mouth all of sudden. there's no use to regret it now. well look it at the good sides, besides finishing our arts project, i can use this chance to know her a bit more closer. well done daehyun. =)


17 may 2012, Thursday

Dear diary, still remember what i wrote yesterday. yes today min-i came to my house. we managed to finish our arts project sucessfully \(^o^)/.  min-i is really a cute girl actually. i found a red diary at my table. i think it belongs to min-i. she maybe forgot to take it with her. i was thingking to return it back to her. but, oh min-i please forgive me. i didn't mean to do that. i actually read her diary. omg please forgive me.she also have a diary. i'm amazed. i thought i am the only living things on earth who still keep their secret in diary. but i...i don't how to said this. i think i know who stare at me all this while. it's min-i. everything was written in her diary. she actually like me. aaaa my heart start to beat faster now. n i think i know why my heart react like this.


18 may 2012, Friday

Dear diary, i don't wrote anything yesterday. it is because i left my diary at daehyun's house. forgive me diary. you so careless min-i.but actually i don't regret. guess what, as i open my diary just now, i saw a paper. it was from daehyun. here what daehyun wrote in the paper ' first of all i am really really sorry min-i. i secret read your diary. okay you can punish me. actually i like you too. i just realized it when i read your diary. now i know why my heart beating so fast and why i always happy when i with you. it is beacuase i like you. will you be my girlfriend? this is my number 010-xxx-xxxx. message me if you accept it' i told you he really cute and sweet. i want to message him now.


18 may 2012, Friday

Dear diary, i already did it. i already confess to min-i. i told her that i like her. i leave a paper in her diary. i ask her to be my girlfriend. and i just received a message from her. she say yes. oh god i can't believe it. it's like a dream. somebody slap my face. wahhh i already have a girlfriend. min-i ssi, i love you.

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Cute and ended up be couple.
Awwww what a cute story line. Both of them are shy and ended up being a couple :D

Well there are some grammar mistakes but it can be improved.
Everyone does Grammar mistakes, dear :D
Fighting! :)