Chapter 21

A Fated Meeting

Jaemi's POV


You were spending a day in with your aunt. You kind of felt bad for always dashing out on her, so you decided you needed some quality aunt and niece time. You and Tae He had DIY manicures and watched Rooftop Prince while eating some yum pastries from the bakery you and Yuna had recently discovered.

“That Se Na character is a piece of work,” Tae He points accusingly at the screen.

“Makes me glad I don’t have any catty girl friends,” You shudder at the idea of even more drama in your life.

“I can’t even be happy for her when Tae Mu proposes,” Tae He says, grabbing another pastry. “Speaking of girl friends, weren’t you really good friends with Cho Hee?”

“You mean my cousin Cho Hee?” You furrowed your eyebrows in thought. You slightly remembered a joyous girl cousin, who you played ring around the rosie with but you hadn’t seen her in years. “Kind of, why?”

“She heard you were living with me from your mother telling our sister and now she wants to visit. Of course, I’ve been telling her mother about your delicious drama you and your friends have been getting into. She was especially eager to find out what happened when we had Kai over for dinner.”

You buried your head in your hands, not wanting to relive that memory. Kai had felt particularly, well, the only word you thought was appropriate was, naughty. Kai sat beside you at the table with Tae He across. When he first put his hand on your thigh and squeezed, your heart squished with it because you thought he was being affectionate. He was being affectionate but it past that level as it started to move higher up your thigh. The entire dinner you had to make sure Kai’s hand stayed in the safe zone by your knee. You practically beat him when Tae He excused herself to go pee.

“I’m just having fun,” You mimic Kai’s smirky tone in a voice too comedically low to be Kai’s.

“What was that dear?” You aunt looked confused at your murmuring.

“Nothing,” You wave Tae He off. “When is she coming?”

“This weekend. I want you to treat her like she was your sister and take her with you when you go out,” instructed Tae He sternly.

You didn’t have any immediate plans for this weekend, so you didn’t think that would be a hard promise to keep. “Sure. Anyone would have a ball with Yuna and the boys.”

Tae He looked a bit shifty-eyed though, “Maybe keep her away from your delicious new boyfriend. I heard Cho Hee is a bit of a heartbreaker.”

Your blush covered your entire face. “Kai is not my boyfriend. We’re still figuring things out. We haven’t even talked about that. And I’m more worried about Kai flirting with Cho Hee, not the other way around. She was way too innocent. You’re probably blowing this out of proportion like you always do.”

The doorbell rang before Tae He could protest that Cho Hee really was a force to be reckoned with. “I’ll get it,” You offered, and ran to the door. You opened the door to the freaking biggest surprise of your life. There was Kai, in like the best outfit you had ever seen him in: leather jacket ped with a thin light bubble-gum pink t-shirt, tight black pants and lace-up boots. His hair wasn’t his normal fall straight, almost in his eyes, oh no, it was ily swept slightly back. If Kai came with the intentions of seducing you, he was doing a damn good job of it.

“Hi,” said Kai.

“Hi,” You lamely reply back.

Kai bit his lip and tried to peer over your head into the house. “What are you doing?”

You step out to the entrance, closing the door behind you. “I...was...uh...nothing...” You really couldn’t perform complete sentences right now.

Kai his lips and you found your eyes following its movement like it was slow motion. “Do you wanna...?” He motioned his head away.

I shook my head, trying to make sure my eyes weren’t glazed over. “Stop with the hypnotising!”

“Do you want to go on a date with me?” Kai blurted out, rocking on his heels.

Did Kai get accidently super confident and seducing when he was nervous? Because if so, you were in for some trouble when he really wanted to come at you. “A date?”

“Yeah,” Kai scratches the back of his head. “To make up for the horrible one we had back when you first came.”

“Ah, so this is a guilt-trip date. Well then, no I’m going to have to decline,” You say rather shortly.

“Wait! It’s not a guilt-trip date!” Kai denied. “I want you to get rid of that memory of me when we went out with Chanyeol and Yuna the first time. I want you to think about this date in the future, instead.”

“So this is...” You motioned to Kai’s delicious outfit.

Kai smiled sweetly. “Do you like it?”

“Like it?” You shouted and forgot how loud your own voice could get. “I mean, it looks like you’re going out to a club.”

“We can go wherever you want,” Kai assured you.

You looked at him suspiciously, “You’re not going to use you seducing skis to convince me to do something I don’t want to?”

“Chanyeol apologized to Yuna yesterday,” Kai brought up instead.

“What’s that got to do with us going on a date?”

“Lay’s father owns a bakery close to here, so he let Chanyeol borrow it to apologize. By the big, stupid grin he came home with, I’m assuming Yuna forgave him,” Kai filled me in.


“I figure, Chanyeol must be doing something right if Yuna sticks around, so maybe I don’t have to seduce you all the time,” Kai admits softly.

“I could have told you that, you skinship monster,” You gently rebuke him.

Kai peeked at me through his dark eyelashes, “So you’ll go on a date with me?”

“I would love to go on a date with you, Kim Jongin. Just make sure not to choke this time,” You couldn’t help but .

Kai smiled happily and then banked the emotion quickly. He pulled out his phone to check it. “You’re only got a little bit to get ready. Chanyeol says Yuna ‘s almost done.”

“Kai!” You shouted, instantly patting your hair. You ran back into the house.

Tae He was on the phone, “...and now she’s coming back in.” She covered the receiver end of the phone and asked “Where are you going?”

“Out with Kai, Chanyeol and Yuna,” You replied quickly, taking two steps at a time to get to your room.

Kai must have followed you in because while you were ripping through your room to find appropriate attire, you could hear your aunt say “You better bring my niece to an upscale restaurant. And pay for her meal. And bring her home by 10.”

“I don’t have a curfew, nice try Tae He!”You yelled, contemplating 2 dressed in the mirror.

“I like the red one,” Kai said, lounging at your door.

You frown at him through the mirror. “It’s too nice! I have to match your level of attractiveness otherwise everyone will wonder why you’re with such a dumpy girl.”

“I dressed up for you, not so you would feel intimidated,” Kai pushed aside my worries. He grabbed the red dress and set it on my bed. “I like the red one, it’ll give you a nice blush to your rosy cheeks,” Kai drew his hand down you face.

“I said no more hypnotizing,” You watched Kai’s eyes sweep across your face and smile.

“If you are going to have a boy in your room, keep the door open!” Tae He tried to play the overbearing aunt.

“Yah! I’m not 16 anymore!” You focus back on Kai, “Fine, I’ll wear the red dress,” You physically turned him around and pushed him firmly out of your room. “Give me 10 minutes. I’ll be ready, I promise.”

You applied some heavier make-up, fluffed your hair to give it some more body, slipped the red dress on, buckled some gladiator sandals on and spritzed some body spray on yourself. Lucky for Kai, he had not picked a high-maintenance girl.

You were just about to open your door when Lovey Dovey started to play from your cell phone. Happy that your pocket-dress was coming into use, you reached for your phone. You barely pressed the answer button before Yuna wailed “Jaemi, I have nothing to wear!”

“Yuna, breathe!” You sent a cursory glance at your closet. “I’ve got a little black dress; it’ll be perfect on you.”

“You are a god-send,” Yuna replied, sounding comforted.

“We’ll be over soon,” You promise and hang up the phone.

You wrapped up the dress in a garment bag and finally opened your door. “Fashion crisis, we have to jet,” You tell Kai, and he steps in beside you.

Tae He eyed Kai “Don’t have too much fun.” And when she thought you weren’t looking, stuffed some money into Kai’s hand.

You and Kai hurried to Baeyoung and Yuna’s place and you were surprised when Suho answered the door. “Don’t you look beautiful,” he complimented you.

“Mine,” growled Kai, putting a possessive hand on your shoulder.

You ignored Kai, for the moment. “Thanks Suho. I’m sorry if this comes off rude but why are you here?”

“He’s my date!” pipes up Baeyoung, twirling in a flirty wrap-around dress.

“Oh,” You felt like you had just been punched in the gut. Baeyoung must have seen your stricken face because she swiftly pulled you aside.

“As long as you’re okay with it. It’s really so I can come with you and Yuna. It doesn’t mean anything,” Baeyoung tried to reassure you.

You pasted a smile on your face. “No, that okay! Suho was never mine to being with. You’ll have a lot of fun with him tonight.”

You move to Yuna’s room. “The best friend is here to save the day!” You sing cheerfully, pushing down the horrible feeling in your stomach.

Yuna was in her bathroom, finishing her make-up and Chanyeol was on her bed, sending dark looks at her Myungsoo poster.

“Give it here,” Yuna grabbed the dress out of your hands and cooed as she opened the garment bag. “This is so nice.”

“I told you, you have great privileges as bestie,” You grinned.

You sat beside Chanyeol on Yuna’s bed while Yuna put your dress on. “I’m glad you guys made up.”

Chanyeol sent me a knowing look. “Me too.”

“How much up did you have to do?”

“Not too much,” Chanyeol smiled impishly. You couldn’t imagine anyone being able to stay angry at Chanyeol when he used his pout and puppy-dog eyes. You were the last person Chanyeol wanted to focus on when Yuna came out of her bathroom; he let out a long whistle.

Yuna fidgeted at the door, uncertain. “Does it look okay?”

“You’ll be the prettiest girl in the room,” Chanyeol replied softly, getting up to meet Yuna. You left the room when you realized Chanyeol wanted to show his approval with a kiss.

“Everything okay?” Baeyoung wondered as you joined her, Suho and Kai at the table.

“We need to give them a couple of minutes. I think Chanyeol’s up some more.”

Baeyoung sighed dreamily “That boy sure knows how to apologize.”

A few minutes passed and Yuna came out with Chanyeol in tow. Yuna’s face was flushed prettily and Chanyeol sported a very pleased smile.

“Are yo tow done appreciating each other?” Kai drawled.

You smacked Kai on the arm “Chanyeol never said anything when you took me captive in the bathroom, so you can return him the courtesy.”

Regardless, Yuna was getting really red in the face from Kai’s comment. “Let’s go,” she suggested.

The three boys took the lead so we girls could have a talk.

“Making up is the best part of fighting,” You elbowed Yuna in the ribs.

Yuna let a silly grin slip on, “It is pretty good.”

“Stop talking about all the action you guys are getting,” groaned Baeyoung. You blanched at the thought of Suho and Baeyoung kissing.

“I should have told you about Suho!” whispers Yuna. “I got so caught up in getting ready and...”

“I’ll be okay. I think,” You said. You were being stupid, you scolded yourself. You had Kai. Why did you still feel wistful about Suho? Was it because Suho broke things off, just when the two of you were getting close? That had to be it. You just didn’t feel the finality of it.

“Kai is looking hot tonight,” pointed out Baeyoung. At the mention of his name, Kai sent a wink over his shoulder.

“He really put all his cards on the table,” Yuna said.

The girls were right. Tonight was about Kai. You had to cast these melancholy feelings aside and focus on the fact that you were one lucky girl this evening.

You spontaneously ran and jumped on Kai’s back. “Piggy-back!” You squealed.

Kai gripped your thighs easily and you hoped your dress was not riding up too high. “What do I get in return for this physical labour?” he wondered.

“My eternal gratitude?”

“Try again,” chuckled Kai.

“How about...” You gave Kai a quick peck on his cheek. You smile as Kai smirks, happy to get what he wanted.

However, out of the corner of your eye, you see Suho look away. You mentally apologize to Suho in your head. Please have fun with Baeyoung!

Kai stopped in front of a building with a huge neon sign. “No-rae-bang,” You sound it out. “What’s that?”

Kai let go of your legs and you slide down his body and luckily didn’t manage to flash anyone. “You’ll see.”

The group of you stood at the admission’s desk. Suho ordered 3 hours, took a key from the cashier and you all moved into room #5. You took in the big screen, the ring of seats and the random microphones and everything clicked. “Karaoke?”

“I can’t wait to sing my song!” declared Baeyoung and the boys groaned in response.

“I don’t know guys. I’ve barely got my Korean down, little lone sing in Korean,” You balked at the idea of singing.

“But I like the way you roll your r’s. It’s shexshy,” Kai scrunched his nose up. You started to laugh and pushed his adorable face away before you attacked him.

“Come on Jaemi! Who will sing “Be Mine with me?” Yuna egged you on.

“Does it have to be INFINTE?” Chanyeol grumbles.

“They have popular English songs too,” Suho says, handing you a song book.

“Who’s first?” Chanyeol asked, rubbing his large hands together. It was quiet as everyone contemplated the list of songs.

“Well, if no one is going to be courageous enough...” Baeyoung hinted towards her being first.

“No!” Kai shot up, “Yuna and Jaemi should go first, since they’re the newbies!”

You shot Kai a glare. “Thanks for volunteering me.” Then your eyes fell upon a song. “Oh my god, they have that one?”

Yuna looked over your shoulder and grinned “Oh, that’s a good one!”

You stand up and offer your hand to Yuna. “Shall we show these guys a classic Pop Culture phenomenon?”

Yuna nodded resolutely, “Let’s do this!”

The two of you showed your dorky side as you sang “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls. When the song was done, you two fell into a giggling pile.

“Me next!” shouted Baeyoung but she was pushed back as Chanyeol got up. “I’ve got this.”

Chanyeol rapped to Simon D’s “Cheerz”. His deep voice echoed through the room and he kept the pace awesomely. You were impressed. You looked over to Yuna, awe making her face radiate, and you knew she was seeing Chanyeol in a whole different light. When Chanyeol finished, they immediately started a hushed conversation. You really were happy there weren’t fighting. If may have only been for a day or two but you felt like if Yuna and Chanyeol ever broke up, how would you and Kai stand the test of time?

Suho won rock, paper, scissors against Baeyoung to sing next. Baeyoung was starting to pout now.

“Is there a reason why you guys don’t want Baeyoung to sing?” You ask Kai.

Kai grimaced, “You’ve never heard her sing?”

“No,” You shook your head, “But I’ve heard Baekhyun. Shouldn’t they share the same trait?”

“I wish,” mumbled Kai.

Your conversation didn’t get much farther as Suho took the stage and started to sing a ballad. Suho sung his heart out and boy, could he belt it. You sat up to pay attention. He was so talented! You imagined Suho serenading you but regretted it instantly. That choice was gone now. You might have been staring at Suho too adamantly because Kai yanked you back into his arms. “you don’t have to admire Suho that much,” he murmured in your ear, tickling you.

You allowed yourself to settle comfortably in the crook of Kai’s arm, not realizing your sking had gotten cold in the air-conditioned room.

“If you’re cold, you could have just said something,” Kai complained gruffly and transferred his leather jacket to your shoulders.

You wince when Suho falters on a note and then finished his song. Kai had mimicked one of your favorite memories of Suho and it had affected Suho as well.

“I need some water,” Suho said abruptly and left the room.

Everyone looked your way. You hadn’t done anything!

“Thank you for the warmth,” You say to Kai. He looked confused when you handed his jacket back to him. “I have to go pee. Save this for me when I get back.” You had to talk to Suho.

Kai grabbed your wrist before you could leave. He pulled you close to his face. “Before you go,” and placed a warm kiss on your lips. You felt a blush creep up your face. “Remember that while you talk to Suho,” said Kai.

“Kai, I—”

“It’s okay. Just come back before I miss you too much,” Kai said with a gentle smile.

“Thank you,” You replied, grateful he understood on some level.

“Don’t thank me until the end of the night,” Kai said confidently.

You pushed open the door to stark quietness and were surprised to find Suho right outside the door.

Suho had been staring dejectedly at the floor but upon your arrival, assumed a more casual stance. “Jaemi, what are you doing out here?”

“I came to find you,” You said.

“You don’t have to say anything,” Suho started but you interrupted him.

“It’s hard, isn’t it? When Baeyoung said you were her date, I felt so sick.”

“You did?” Suho asked, surprised.

“You can decide to give us up, but you can’t turn your feelings off Suho.”

“I thought I was ready! When Chanyeol asked if anyone wanted to pair up with Baeyoung, I figured I could show everyone how well I’ve been doing. Watching you and Kai interact, though, brings up too many emotions,” Suho admitted, leaning his head against the wall.

“We’re human, Suho! It’s bound to happen that there are still some feelings to drudge up. We... we liked each other, that’s for sure. It’s my fault, really. I should have not set my sights on any of Chanyeol’s friends. What if Kai and I don’t work out and then I’ve got uncomfortableness with both of you and I’m left caring for Sehun for the rest of my life—”

“Jaemi,” Suho disrupted my babbling kindly. “Whether you had pursued me or not, I probably would have developed a crush on you anyways. You’re too funny and awesome not to. So, it’s not your fault. I too, should have realized Kai was slightly different with you for a reason. But what’s done is done. It seems we both have to move on,” Suho finished sadly.

You nodded, not sure what to do next. You chose to do the only thing you instinctively knew to make the air light: you made a joke. “Well, if I end up divorcing Kai because he cheated on me with a younger woman, I hope you’ll be there to pick up the pieces.”

Suho finally cracked and flashed his signature pearly whites. “I hope I’m the first person you call when it happens.”

“I wouldn’t rather anyone else to comfort me,” You reply back. “We should probably get back.”

Suho pushed his ear up against the door “Just a couple more minutes. I’d like to spare you the torture of Baeyoung’s singing.”

You chuckled, “Is it really that bad?”

“I think Baekhyun was adopted,” Suho whispered theatrically.

The two of you slipped back in, taking your places next to your dates. Chanyeol decided to impress Yuna with his knowledge of English and performed Justin Timberlake’s “y Back” with Kai and Suho as his support/Timberland chorus line. Yuna alternated between covering her face in embarrassment and peeking through her fingers to watch Chanyeol dramatically act out the lyrics. You and Baeyoung clutched each other while laughing, wiping each other’s tears away. The happy virus had succeeded in making everyone cheerful.

“Wait, is Kai the only one who hasn’t sung?”  You wondered out loud.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes “You can’t pressure Kai to do anything he doesn’t want to do.”

“That’s not fair! You made me get up there!” You accused.

“There’s only one song I’ll do,” Kai said mysteriously.

“Oh, I heard about this!” Yuna clapped excitedly.

“Wasn’t it the last time you did it, you tried to hit on that married woman?” brought up Baeyoung mischievously.

“I said that never happened!” denied Kai a little too fast.

“What am I missing here?” You shoot Yuna an inquiring look.

“It’s worth the wait,” winked Yuna.

Kai stood up on the semi-raised platform and the first notes of his song started up. Your eyes went wide when you heard “Rainism” start to play. Suddenly, Kai was singing but dancing too! And he could dance. He cut through every move like he was a knife through butter. His movement was so sharp and precise, you thought he could probably give Rain a run for his money.

“Wow,” was all you could say.

Kai smirked, “I’ve been saving that for a while now. Be you didn’t even know I dance, huh?”

“You just blew my mind right now!” You shouted, excitement bubbling over.

“I practised a new dance just for you,” Kai hinted.

“I don’t think I could take another one,” You vigorously fan yourself.

Yuna and Baeyoung performed a duet, Yuna trying to out-do Baeyoung on how horribly they could butcher the song. Suho and you did a pretty good job on a song from Grease. Chanyeol rapped once again, to get all of Yuna’s attention. Finally, the boys allowed you girls to indulge in some Kpop, which you sang eagerly. It was a night that you were sure you’d remember for the rest of your life.

The three of you girls had just finished singing/caterwauling to “No Other” by Super Junior (Chanyeol showed his fan boy side by mouthing the words along with you guys) when you noticed Kai nod to the boys. They ushered the girls out with the excuse of finding some where’s to eat and suddenly you were alone with Kai.

“I’m hungry too...” You trailed off as Kai got up and changed the machine to play a song you only knew too well.

“This is to you,” Kai said into the microphone, placed it down and proceeded to rock your socks off. Kai did the whole intricate dance to Teen Top’s “To You”, including all the body rolls AND Chunji’s quick-step dance. You were beyond impressed and extremely . How were you supposed to know Kai’s body could even MOVE like that?!

“Holy ,” You say as Kai collapses beside you, shoulders heaving in order to catch his breath.

“Now... will you... take down... that stupid... poster?” Kai gasped out.

“I’ll do anything you ask, if you dance like that again!” You mistakenly said.

“Anything, hmmm?” Kai purred, grabbing your chin firmly in one hand.

“I thought we agreed you weren’t seducing me tonight?” You can’t believe you managed to articulate a full sentence with Kai’s lips hovering over your own.

“I lied,” he said before crushing his lips against yours.

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Micassie #1
Chapter 41: Hey pls update :((
Chapter 41: I'm so curious about your story please update soon! ^^
elfishy13 #3
Chapter 41: ERGGGG
Why did I start another one of your uncompleted stories!!!
Now I'm hooked! hahaha
Can't wait till you update:)
Micassie #4
Chapter 41: At last! An update! XD ooh Lay~ i have a feeling that Lay would try sweep Jaemi (me lol XD) off her feet. Anyway, this is awesome. :D hope you update the next one asap! Kai, i'm sorry. ;w;
Micassie #5
Chapter 40: This is... It? D: don't tell me this is the end! ;w;
Usforaver #6
Chapter 39: Please update soon! :)) Im really looking forward to it! :) I'm so glad they made up, but now, I'm soo excited to know what's gonna happen next! :))
kiminthebullet #7
Chapter 39: Oh I loved this chapter!!! So glad Kai and Jaemi sorta kinda made up XD Will be looking forward to the next update! :D
Chapter 23: This Cho Hee girl is really ... -___- Ergh ;;
Anyway, love the story :D
KenzieHollingsworth #9
Chapter 35: Pleaseeee! Updates are whats keeping me alivvvve!!!!
raviolli101 #10
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh she said the L word!!