Chapter 19

A Fated Meeting


Jaemi's POV


You amble down the street towards Tae He’s house with a silly smile still on your face. You were glad to have some quality Yuna/Jaemi time. It felt good to gossip and eat sugar and just be with Yuna. It was a heck of a lot less stressful than being with the boys. You were thinking this was going to have to be a common occurrence at least once a week. You pulled out your phone to text Yuna your new idea when a dark figure by your house catches your eye. You slow down, your imagination getting the better of you. What if Chanyeol was right and it wasn’t safe to be out at night? Suddenly, the dark figure moved into the lamp light and you let out a sigh of relief.


“Yah, Kai! Why are you lurking outside of my house? God, I thought you were going to rob me or something,” You purse your lips angrily. You hated being scared.

Kai dug his foot into the cement, the hood over his head still slightly hiding his face, “Chanyeol got anxious when Yuna didn’t call him, so he made me come here while he waited at Yuna’s place, to make sure we caught you guys.”

“Oh,” You felt silly for yelling at him now.

“Did you have fun with Yuna today?” Kai asked, dark eyes glancing at you occasionally. Was he making small talk with you? Like polite, how was your day stuff?

Shy Kai was making you feel shy too. You didn’t expect this when you came home. You played with Kai’s zipper when you moved closer to him. You found a small smile blooming on your lips. You had had an awesome day with Yuna. “Yeah, we went shopping and had cupcakes and hey!” You shout as Kai yanks your poster from your bag.

“What’s this? Another poster?” Kai raises an eyebrow at you and reads the label. “Teen Top AGAIN?”

You try to take your poster back but Kai raises his arm and you jump to grab it “Kai! You’re going to rip it—” A shriek interrupts your argument. You and Kai freeze.

The two of you exchanged scared looks. “That sounds like—”

You finish Kai’s sentence, “Yuna.”

The two of you immediately start running towards Yuna’s apartment. A million thoughts start going through your head: you never should have left Yuna alone, you should have listened to Chanyeol’s sound argument about carrying pepper spray, and you were really hoping Yuna was not in some serious danger.

You turn the corner just ahead of Kai and gasp. There were about 5 guys surrounding Yuna, each looking fiercer and scarier than the next.

“What’s a little bird doing by herself late at night?” asks one guy, flipping a coin in between his fingers.

“Looks like she had a night on the town. Let’s continue to show her a good time guys,” says another, and the others chuckle darkly in response.

“I...I have no money...” Yuna backs up, crashing into a garbage can and falling on her .

“It’s not your money we want, sweet cheeks,” leers one creepy guy.

You were clearly no match for all those guys but you didn’t care; you had left Yuna and she needed help.

 You clench your fists and start to march towards the knot of intimidating guys. “Don’t you dare touch her!” I scream defiantly.

Kai’s arms wraps around your waist, stopping you from getting much further. You jump and struggle to undo Kai’s hold on you. “Let go, I’ve got to save Yuna! This is all my fault!!!”

Kai starts to move back, afraid that you’ll draw some of the guys’ attention. “You’re just going to get yourself hurt,” he whispers into my ear.

You felt frustrated tears in your eyes “But I’ve got to protect her, there’s no one else to!”

“She doesn’t need your protection,” Kai says, motioning with his head as a figure comes out of the shadows. You frown at the smaller stature of Yuna’s savior. That was definitely not Chanyeol.

You observe as this guy punches one guy in the gut and swipes the legs from underneath another guy. Yuna watches on with horror, her bags clutched to her chest. You’re glad she’s got her hysterics under control; otherwise the screaming might draw the figures attention away from the guys. The guy finally takes out the last bad guy with an upper-cut to the jaw, knocking him out almost senseless. The figure sends one last condescending kick to the guy closest the Yuna and moves closer to the poor girl. “Are you okay?” comes out a familiar voice.

“Luhan?!” Yuna’s shocked reaction is written all over her face.

That was Luhan??? Baby-faced, Sehun’s hyung, sweet Luhan had just efficiently taken out 5 guys to protect Yuna? You were more than impressed.

Kai sounded just as stunned, “I knew the guy worked out, but hell, Tao must have taught him some moves.”

Luhan pulls Yuna into a hug “You must be so scared. I’m so glad I was here.”

You don’t blame Yuna when she breaks down and starts to sob quietly in Luhan’s arms. Luhan makes sympathetic noises and rubs Yuna’s back. “It’s okay, it’s over now.”

“___________!” Chanyeol screams, finally making it to the rest of us. “I heard you scream are you all—” Chanyeol’s eyes go as round as saucers when the 5 guys limp/run past him and they manage to go even bigger at Yuna in Luhan’s arms.

“Uh oh,” Kai says softly.

Chanyeol’s eyes narrow angrily and he stomps the rest of the way to the hugging couple. He shoves his arms between them and pushes them apart. “What the hell is going on here?!” he demands.

Luhan looks up at Chanyeol in confusion, “Those guys were attacking Yuna, so I—”

“I’m not talking to you,” Chanyeol cuts Luhan off. He pulls the still crying Yuna into his arms. “I told you not to walk alone, why didn’t you listen to me?”

I loosen Kai’s hold on me and walk up to the three of them, taking a deep breath. “It’s my fault, Chanyeol. I should have walked Yuna home before going myself.”

Yuna takes a shuddering deep breath and halts her tears “No, it’s my fault for walking home by myself. I should have listened to you, Yeol,” Yuna pauses, sending a breath-taking smile towards Luhan. “Thank God Luhan was here to rescue me.”

Chanyeol’s anger comes back. “What were you doing, letting him hold you like that? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you guys knew each other way before we went to the pool the other day.”

“We met at the grocery store,” Luhan interjects, looking befuddled.

“Is there another love triangle I didn’t know about?” Kai says in a low voice to you.

You shh Kai as Yuna looks from Luhan to Chanyeol in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“Why are you being so familiar with him? And why didn’t you tell me you met Luhan? What’s going on here?” Chanyeol’s voice is getting higher with each question.

Yuna pushes away from Chanyeol slightly, eyebrows knit in puzzlement. “Yeol, why are you being this way? I didn’t find time to tell you because we got caught up in all the,” Yuna shoots you and Kai a glance and you wince. You had caused the drama going on because of your boy problems. This was quadrupley your fault!

“Listen, Chanyeol, Yuna’s just experienced something very traumatic, maybe we should head—” Kai attempts to talk Chanyeol down a couple of levels.

“You couldn’t find time to tell me you met someone I knew? Someone who happens to live very close to you,” Chanyeol’s jealously is making his mind cook. What exactly was he accusing Yuna of?

“Are you trying to say Yuna is seeing me behind your back?!” Luhan cries out in disbelief.

Yuna immediately jumps in to dissuade Luhan, “No Luhan, that’s not it, Chanyeol’s just—”

Chanyeol moves Yuna out of the way. “You want to tell me why you were hugging my girlfriend?”

Luhan starts to look uncomfortable, “It just seemed like the right thing to do, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Yuna doesn’t look scared anymore. Actually, she looked really miffed that Chanyeol had just shoved her aside. “Chanyeol, I was scared and Luhan comforted me, like a friend would. Why are you acting this way? What is going on with you?”

“Me?” Chanyeol replies back indignantly. “I hear you scream, my heart jumps out of my chest, I run here to save you and I find you in the arms of someone I know!”

 “Okay, clearly all of us are stressed to the point of no return. That was very scary, what just happened. Chanyeol, you were obviously angry that you couldn’t be here for Yuna, I’m sure you were just really scared and that’s why you’re snapping. Kai, could you maybe take Chanyeol back to the dorms?”

Kai nods in agreement, wrapping his hand around Chanyeol’s upper arm. “Come on big guy, let’s leave the girls alone.”

“But?” Chanyeol looks from Yuna, who now had Luhan’s arm around her shoulder. You follow Chanyeol’s look and feel slightly bad for him. He really was just genuinely worried about Yuna but it was not coming off that way.

You move to stand in front of Chanyeol. “Yuna is 2 seconds away from ripping you a new hole. If you want to walk away from this with a girlfriend still, I suggest you go home, cool down and call Yuna tomorrow morning. Better yet, you better show up at her house with the biggest teddy bear you can find AND roses AND imported chocolates. And you better be ready to gravel. I mean on your knees. Because you almost made the biggest mistake of your life tonight,” You look Chanyeol square in the eye. “Capiche?”

“Okay,” mumbles Chanyeol and he allows Kai to take him away. He keeps on throwing the saddest look over his shoulder at Yuna, who stares at the ground wretchedly.

Luhan lets out a sigh of relief, “My place is really close, if you don’t feel like going back to your place...”

You shudder at the thought of going home by yourself ever again. “That sounds like the safest option.”

Luhan guides the two of you to back to his dorm. Yuna stays quiet and you don’t know what to say. What do you say to someone who... and then their boyfriend got angry at them... maybe you weren’t the only one who attracted drama? Luhan pulled his jingling keys out of his pocket and turned the lock.

“Luhan, what took you so long?” calls Kris from somewhere in the dorm.

Luhan lets out a bitter laugh, “I kind of ran into some trouble.”

You spot a couch and usher Yuna to it. You push back her hair behind her ear and try to figure out her thoughts. “Are you going to be okay?”

Yuna stares at her hands and you watch a tear drop hit her leg, “I didn’t do anything wrong. Why would he say things like that?”

You draw Yuna to you in a bone-crunching hug. “Chanyeol was just scared. He probably thought the worst was happening when he heard your scream. And with his adrenaline going and hormones raring for a fight, that’s when things got out of control.”

Luhan came from behind the couch and patted Yuna’s head. “I’d react the same way if I found my girlfriend in someone else’s arms after hearing her scream.”

“Did you bring girls home?!” Xiumin pops into the kitchen.

“It’s just Yuna and Jaemi,” Luhan says, quickly taking Xiumin into another room to quietly explain why he shouldn’t bother you two.

“Plus, I’ve got your back Yuna. I already told Chanyeol he has to do all kinds of sweet things to make up for his bad words. If you are peppered with gifts tomorrow, I’ll be surprised,” You smile and give you a Kleenex from your purse. “Now wipe those tears away! I don’t want to see anymore.”

Yuna blows into the Kleenex. “Thanks Jaemi. I’m really glad you’re here.” Yuna sends you a weak smile. Better, but not completely.

You jumped when your phone started to ring with Breathe by Miss A. You blush at your own silly impulse to put that as Kai’s ringtone. You move away from the couch to answer it. You try to sound cool as you answer “Hello?”

“Are you guys at Luhan’s?”

“Yup, we’re safe and sound. But Yuna’s a little battered. Please do not tell me you’re calling on Chanyeol’s behalf because I could kill him right now.”

“Give me the phone!!!” pleads Chanyeol on the other side.

“Chanyeol, get off me, OW!” an enraged Kai sounds from the phone, you hear a scuffle and then a broken-hearted Chanyeol is on the line “Please tell me Yuna is okay. Is she there? Can I talk to her? What’s going on???”

You try to cover your phone as Chanyeol’s large voice tries to escape it. Yuna’s head snaps up at the sound of her boyfriend. “Calm the f down Chanyeol!” You hiss into the phone. “Yuna’s not ready to talk to you right now. We’re both fine and if you’d go away for a bit, maybe I can make her stop crying.”

“She’s crying?! I really blew it, didn’t I, Jaemi,” Chanyeol sighs heavily.

“Those were some pretty mean words you threw around. Yuna’s more hurt because she loves you and wouldn’t ever do anything that you accused her of.”

“I know. I just, my imagination runs off and creates these scenarios in my head and then I half convince myself they’re true with the slightest indication—”

“Yes Chanyeol, I’m very aware of that. Now please put Kai back on the phone. Remember what I told you, major up tomorrow!”

“Tell Yuna I love her,” is the last thing you hear before Kai’s hurt voice comes on the line. “That’s the last time I help that giant out.”

“He’s in love, you can’t really blame him.”

“Speaking of love, I believe your poster is currently roasting on my oven.”


“You’re burning it? Geez Kai, jealous much?” you feel a wry smile on your face. Kai really didn’t like you looking at other boys.

“I am not jealous. It’s just a frivolous expense,” Kai tries to sound nonchalant.


You watch as Luhan brings a cup of tea for Yuna to calm down and blows on it before handing it to her.


“Opps, I gotta go, Suho just found out what I did. I’ll miss you,” he croons lastly.

You fight a blush. Did Kai take a cute pill today? “I’ll miss you too,” you say and hang up the phone.

You move back to where Yuna was and accept a cup from Luhan as well. “Thanks. You just proved to me that boys know how to be good hosts too. Usually, when we go to the other boys dorm, barely any one gets up to answer the door.”

Luhan smiles angelically “I was brought up differently, I guess.”

Kris comes into the living room, surprised to find you and Yuna on the couch. “Hey guys, uh, welcome?”

“Don't mind us; we’ll only invade your dorm for a bit. We had a little mishap and your dorm is currently our base of safety,” You thought Yuna would appreciate if you didn’t go around announcing her troubles. You knew you were right when Yuna sent you a grateful look.

“Cool,” Kris replies and saunters off.

“Don’t hog them all to yourself!” Tao comes into the living room, launching himself over the couch and sitting beside Yuna, almost spilling her tea. “Ge ge, why are you so pale?”

“Yuna had a bit of a scare and you’re martial arts came in handy, for once,” Luhan gets a little flushed at his announcement that he had saved Yuna.

You set your tea cup down. “It was awesome! Luhan was all manly and epic and saved Yuna just in the nick of time!” You shout, getting excited and hoping to be silly enough to make Yuna smile. Instead Luhan just shrinks in his chair.

Tao nodded sagely “Luhan is very good. I taught him myself.”

Yuna tries to smile at Tao, “I’m fine, really. We just need some time to calm down from the action and then we’ll go home.”

Tao gets a little sad “You’re leaving so soon?”

“It hasn’t been the best of days, Tao. We’ll come and visit again, I promise,” You say, leaning over to look at Tao. He smiles happily and turns on the TV.

Yuna and I both jump as Yuna’s phone goes off. Yuna looks at her phone oddly but answers the phone. “Hello?”

“NOONA!!! KAI TOLD ME ALL ABOUT THE NASTY MEN TRYING TO GO AFTER YOU AND CHANYEOL YELLING AT YOU AND ARE YOU ALL RIGHT I MEAN I WOULD BE SO SCARED AND KAI LITE SOMETHING ON FIRE AND—” Yuna had to hold her phone away from her ear as Sehun freaked out. Luhan clucked his tongue against the roof of his mouth and stole the phone away from Yuna.

“Aw, Sehun’s so sweet! Looking at him calling you to make sure you’re okay. That should make you feel a heap load better Yuna!”

Yuna manages a much better smile, “Maybe we should buy him a cupcake for next time.”

“Not if I eat it first,” you wink at Yuna and finally you are rewarded with her tinkling laughter.

“Sehun! Be quiet already. Yuna and Jaemi are fine. I’m going to walk them home now. Goodbye,” Luhan says in an exasperated expression and hangs up. He flops back on his chair and smiles, “Ready to go?”

Yuna takes one last sip of her tea and puts it down. “Yeah, I think I’m okay to go.”

Tao stands up suddenly. “I’ll come too. Two body guards are better than one, right?”

Yuna looks comforted by Tao volunteering himself. The four of us say our goodbyes and then leave the apartment. Tao takes Yuna’s hand and smiles evilly “I’m going to hold your hand the whole way and make Sehun jealous.”

“I do not need another boy from that household mad at me, Tao,” Yuna jokes bleakly. Luhan looks a little pale at the joke.

“Hey guys don’t make the air gloomy. I just set the mood,” You pout, “Listen; we’ll all hang out and make this all better. After Yuna makes up with Chanyeol, I mean. Just think Yuna, Chanyeol will be all “I’ll do anything to make you feel better” and you can ask for anything,” You wriggle your eyebrows suggestively. “Make-up anything is pretty hot.”

“Jaemi! God, you are incorrigible!” Yuna blushes and puts her hood up.

Tao peers at Yuna’s face, “You’re pretty when you blush, Noona.”

“Okay, I need to get home before I overheat,” Yuna says, fanning herself.

“Let’s go then!” Tao says and drags Yuna down her street.

“I’ll call you later!” Yuna yells at me while trying to keep up with Tao’s pace.

“I’ll be waiting!” You cup your mouth to yell back to her.

Luhan plays with the buttons on his jacket. “I didn’t mess anything up for her, did I?”

If you didn’t have the hots for Kai, you might have been persuaded to fall in love with Luhan. Look at the guy, 20 going on 8. He was so cute but so hot. You had to distract yourself.

“Nope. Chanyeol and Yuna have a pretty strong relationship and they love each other. Every good couple is bound to have a fight. They’ll get through it and be stronger than ever. You might even joke with them about it. But later,” You hate to think what Chanyeol might do if Luhan tries that joke too early.

You and Luhan talk about what happened and you feel better about the whole thing. “Thanks again, for saving Yuna. Even though Chanyeol was angry, I think he’d say the same thing. Both of us would be devastated if anything ever happened to her. I guess we’re in your debt.”

Luhan colors, “I’m happy I was there to make sure nothing happened. I’ll see you later,” Luhan leaves after walking you to your door.

You roll your eyes when you see a curtain move in the front window. Tae He was probably spying on you again. You open the door and announce you’re home.

“Didn’t get the bread, did you?” sings Tae He from the kitchen.

You smack your palm against your forehead, “I’m sorry auntie, Yuna almost got mugged outside her apartment and then there was drama and Luhan walked me home and I totally forgot about it,” You said, sliding into a bar stool at the breakfast nook.

“________, you know you don’t have to lie to me. I was genuinely worried for you, you know,” Tae He says over her shoulder, occupied with whatever she was cooking on the oven.

“I’m not lying! That’s the truth, oddly enough. I think you jinxed Yuna and me with all the drama you keep wanting to happen.”

Tae He drops her cooking utensils and turns to you, jaw dropped. “Chincha? Oh, the poor girl. You should invite her over and I’ll make her a home cooked meal.”

No oh no oh no oh oh I can’t breathe. “Ugh, that’s Kai. Hold that thought.”

“Kai? Change of plans, tell him to come over. I’m making my famous Naengguk,” Tae He calls after me as I run to my room for privacy.

“Hey,” You answer breathlessly.

“Hey yourself,” You can hear the smirk in his voice.

“Do not get any ideas, I was only running to my room so Tae He didn’t insist you come over here shirtless.”

“Shirtless I can do. What are you wearing, by the way?”

“Same thing I was wearing when you last saw me... why?”

“No reason,” Kai says.

“Kai,” you say as a warning.

“What? Aren’t you happy I’m still alive after Suho’s scolding?”

“You deserve a lot more for burning Teen Top.”

“Yeah well after Sehun’s freak out, I don’t think I’ll be doing that again anytime soon. So... you’re sure you’re not wearing anything I should know about?”

Uh oh, you knew that tone of voice. That purr that always indicated Kai was in seduce mode. You were totally note prepared for that. “Yes, Kai. I’m totally not in just my bra and underwear, prancing around with heels on, unsure on what to wear,” You joke sarcastically.

Tae He knocks on your door loudly, “And tell Kai to wear that black shirt, he looked so handsome in it last time.”

You try to cover the receiver of your phone “Tae He, Kai is not coming over to dinner, dressed up in his finest for you! You’re getting creepy now!”

Kai perks up “I’m invited for dinner?”

“Yes. No. Do you want to come to dinner with my aunt? I mean, it would be creepy but...”

“Are you inviting me?”

“You don’t have to. It would be totally weird. Tae He will drool over you and I’ll have to excuse us from the table—”

“And then go to your room. Okay, I’m there.”

“Wait, no, Kai. Kai? Did you seriously hang up on me?!”

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Micassie #1
Chapter 41: Hey pls update :((
Chapter 41: I'm so curious about your story please update soon! ^^
elfishy13 #3
Chapter 41: ERGGGG
Why did I start another one of your uncompleted stories!!!
Now I'm hooked! hahaha
Can't wait till you update:)
Micassie #4
Chapter 41: At last! An update! XD ooh Lay~ i have a feeling that Lay would try sweep Jaemi (me lol XD) off her feet. Anyway, this is awesome. :D hope you update the next one asap! Kai, i'm sorry. ;w;
Micassie #5
Chapter 40: This is... It? D: don't tell me this is the end! ;w;
Usforaver #6
Chapter 39: Please update soon! :)) Im really looking forward to it! :) I'm so glad they made up, but now, I'm soo excited to know what's gonna happen next! :))
kiminthebullet #7
Chapter 39: Oh I loved this chapter!!! So glad Kai and Jaemi sorta kinda made up XD Will be looking forward to the next update! :D
Chapter 23: This Cho Hee girl is really ... -___- Ergh ;;
Anyway, love the story :D
KenzieHollingsworth #9
Chapter 35: Pleaseeee! Updates are whats keeping me alivvvve!!!!
raviolli101 #10
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh she said the L word!!