Chapter 14

A Fated Meeting


You wake up with a horrible throbbing behind your eyes and warm arms anchored securely around your waist. Morning sun streams through the windows and fill the room with a far too bright haze. You blink rapidly, wince at the horribly bright light surrounding you, and squirm in the suffocating grasp, muttering too hot way too hot as you sit up and run a hand through your hair.

“Hey, I know I’m hot but that’s no reason for you to run away,” Chanyeol says teasingly, smirking. “If anything, I’d think you’d want to stay.” He wiggles his fingers in invitation as if to emphasize his statement.

You shove playfully at his shoulder and roll you eyes in response. He reaches out to curl a hand around your wrist and tug you back down to the bed. You sigh and settle into his touch, so warm and comforting and perfect, before your eyes fly open again and you sputter in protest as recognition finally settles in amongst the hangover.

“Wait why um what-”

Your memory comes back in a hazy flood; the slumber party, a green bottle, a few too many shots. It suddenly dawns on you that this isn’t your bedroom and Baeyoung and Jaemi happen to be missing.

“This is my favorite soju and the three of us are about to get very well acquainted with it.”

You groan as Chanyeol grins knowingly at you. It seemed that you had done just that; and maybe gotten a bit too acquainted with the alcohol. You settle back into Chanyeol’s arms again and pout against his shoulder.

“I got drunk.”

“Yes, you did.” You can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

We got drunk.”


You moan in resentment. “Oh god, what did we do? How did I…end up here?”

Chanyeol raises his eyebrows in surprise, right eye scrunching shut with his grin. “You mean you don’t remember? Any of it?”

You frown and furrow your eyebrows. “Well, Jaemi was supposed to be sleeping over at our apartment. Baeyoung insisted on drinking soju and they egged me on until I caved. I know we had quite a few shots but everything gets a little fuzzy after that…” You clear your throat and avoid Chanyeol’s sparkling gaze. “Did I um…did I do anything stupid? I mean, we obviously had to have done something to end up here.”

Chanyeol chuckles and tries to hide it behind his palm. Laughter spills through the spaces between his fingers. “The three of you showed up at the door a little after midnight. Jaemi apparently had her mind made up that she wanted to yell at each of us. Which didn’t end as well as she had probably planned, might I add.” You swallow hard; that you could clearly imagine. He explains all of the details; it seemed Jaemi, Suho, and Kai we’re going to have a lot of problems to sort out. When he finally trails off and meets your eyes, your surprised by the mischievous glow in them. “You know, you’re quite…affectionate when you’re drunk.”

You flush red with embarrassment and he bursts into laughter. “Oh god, I hope I didn’t molest you or something,” you mumble, covering your face with your hands. His laughter bubbles down into low chuckles and he gently pries your hands away from your face, wide eyes peering into your own.

“Well, I wouldn’t necessarily call it molesting. You did kiss me a lot though, and I mean a lot, not that I minded one bit. You also, um…” He trails off and bites at his bottom lip as if unsure of how to phrase what he wants to say.

“Please don’t tell me I kissed Sehun,” you say, paling. You really didn’t want to be known as the one who stole the maknae’s lip ity.

“Not, not Sehun,” he answers slowly. The nerves in your chest rise visibly and you swallow.

“Well, who then? Baekhyun? Please don’t tell me it was Kai or Suho, Jaemi’s going to kill me.”

“Speaking of Jaemi,” he says slowly. You tilt your head in confusion and wait for him to continue but he never does.

“What about Jaemi? Did something happen to her?”

He gestures wildly with his hands before sighing. “You kissed Jaemi.”

Your eyes widen and your mouth drops open. You what? “Oh my god.”

“Don’t worry,” he says reassuringly with a hand running through your hair. “You only did it to prove that there were no sparks between the two of you. I guess it’s safe to assume you’re straight as a stick.” You roll your eyes and he grins, crinkling his nose. “It was pretty hot, to be honest. Too bad you only did it once.” You shove at his chest in protest and he snatches your wrists, rolling on top of you and nuzzling his nose against the curve of your throat.

“I’m glad you’re all mine though,” he mumbles. “I don’t like sharing.”

“Noted,” you answer wryly. You let yourself soak up some more of the warmth from his skin before speaking. “Do you think we should go out there and see if everyone else is awake yet?”

“No way, they’ll be fine. We finally have no interruptions and I want to savor this moment for as long as it lasts.”

The door suddenly swings open and Baekhyun pokes his head inside with a singsong pancakes are done come and get them lovebirds filling the air. 

Chanyeol sighs heavily into your shoulder. “Apparently, that was a very short-lived moment.”

The two of you shuffle lazily out of the bed and he lends you a too-big t-shirt to change into. You slip it on and muss with your hair a bit to try and make it look slightly presentable before letting him lead you out to the kitchen where the sweet smell of pancakes lingers in the air.

Kyungsoo gives you a coy wink as you step into the room, hands busy with a spatula and a plate of already done pancakes. “Well, look who’s up!” Sehun grins at you from his spot at the table with a stack of pancakes already set in front of him. Baekhyun is perched in the seat beside him, texting, with his free hand patting Baeyoung’s back as she lolls her head against the table.

“Um, good morning,” you say half-heartedly. You take the seat across from Sehun and Chanyeol claims the one beside you, hand resting warmly on your knee. “Listen guys, I’m really sorry for how we, um, kind of invaded last night. It won’t happen again.” Baeyoung grunts an agreement.

“Sorry?” Sehun cries through a bite of food. “Are you kidding me, that was so awesome!”

Kyungsoo whacks him over the head with the spatula and Baekhyun snickers behind his hand. “What Sehun meant to say is that it was really no trouble at all. You guys are our best friends, why would we be mad?” He trails off, glancing down the hallway at the still shut bedroom doors. He gives them a nod and turns back to the stovetop. “Though, I can’t say the same for the rest of them.”

“Jaemi isn’t awake yet?” You ask, tilting your head in confusion. Kyungsoo shakes his head in response and sets a plate of food down on the table before taking the seat beside Chanyeol.

“She slept in Suho’s room after the big blow up with Kai. Kai stormed off and slammed his door-”

“Like always,” Sehun interrupts, disguising it with a cough.

“…and he hasn’t come out since.” Kyungsoo cuts his eyes at Sehun who ducks close to his plate, ignoring the glare.

Chanyeol sighs and leans back in his chair. “I swear, that kid can be so overdramatic sometimes. He should know that if he’s going to be an there are going to be consequences.”

“That’s Kai for you,” Baekhyun mumbles before snapping his phone shut and stretching his arms over his head. His gaze is dragged towards the doorway when a figure stumbles in, yawning and cursing. “Speak of the devil.”

Kai grunts in response and makes his way towards the refrigerator before bending down and peering inside. Chanyeol slaps his palms over your eyes and you let out a squeak of surprise.

“Kai, how many times do we have to tell you to put on a shirt?” Chanyeol’s voice comes out as a half plead half exasperated growl. Kai reaches for the milk and takes a swig out of the bottle, ignoring the incessant gagging noise Kyungsoo makes at the back of his throat.

“Shirts are overrated,” he argues under his breath. “I prefer to be free in my own home.” He stretches and smacks his lips, taking another gulp of milk.

“Hey, I use that for my cereal, get a glass you animal,” Sehun whines. Kai makes it a point to ignore that too.

“Where’s Sleeping Beauty and her Prince Charming?” Kai asks. You wonder if anyone else notices the bitter tone biting at the back of his words. If they do, it isn’t mentioned. Kyungsoo simply rolls his eyes at his words and doesn’t answer.

“They’re still asleep,” you answer. Kai snorts and keeps his gaze trained on the floor but ruffles your hair in thanks with a sidelong glance. You give him a small smile in response as he leans over and steals a bite of Chanyeol’s pancakes. Chanyeol growls at him and swats at his hands as you steal a bite for yourself, laughing through the fluffy cake when he gives you a betrayed glance. You kiss the tip of his nose, unable to resist the big puppy eyes he gives you.

“Fifteen bucks says they’re a couple when they finally come out,” Sehun says through a muffled bite of food. Baekhyun rolls his eyes and Kyungsoo perks up at the bet. Kai glances over his shoulder with a disapproving stare as he searches for a plate and a clean glass.

“Ooh, make it thirty and I’m in!” Kyungsoo shakes hands with Sehun and Kai narrows his eyes as slams the cabinet door shut. Baeyoung winces visibly at the harsh sound and your own head pounds painfully.

“What’s with you and slamming doors?” Baekhyun groans.

Kai ignores him and points furiously at Sehun and Kyungsoo instead. “They’re not going to be a couple, not now, not ever. I don’t think Jaemi would appreciate you betting on her either.”

Sehun rolls his eyes, mumbling spoilsport under his breath as he shoves in another bite of pancakes. Kai swats at the back of his head and Baekhyun reaches out to hastily push the two of them apart.

“Why are we betting?”

You glance up in surprise as Suho and Jaemi step into the room, hair tousled and clothes wrinkled from sleeping in them. You catch Jaemi’s eyes and she gives you a wide smile. You wonder if Suho told her about the fiery words and emotional breakdown that had occurred the previous night.

Kai narrows his eyes at the two of them and takes the seat on the other side of yours as Chanyeol gives him a concerned glance. His eyes meet yours and you shrug slightly, just as confused.

“Um, nothing,” Sehun says hurriedly. “How did you two sleep?”

“Perfectly,” Jaemi answers warmly as she pours herself a glass of water. “Suho’s bed is incredibly comfortable. I was dead asleep.” Kai stiffens beside you and you almost reach out to pat his back in reassurance but you hesitate when Chanyeol shakes his head, lip caught between his teeth.

“Jaemi, do you…remember anything from last night?” Kyungsoo’s eyes are wide with curiosity. Something flashes in her eyes and she catches her bottom lip between her teeth, fingers drumming against the countertop.

“Well, most of it is hazy, but I…” You follow her gaze to where it lands on Kai, still sulking in his seat. “I remember some of it.”

Still, awkward quiet falls over the kitchen and Suho tries to fill it with small talk as he helps Jaemi make a plate of food and fixes one for himself. Kai suddenly pushes away from the table and you jump slightly as the chair legs scrape harshly against the linoleum floors.

“Jaemi, I need to talk to you.”

Suho curls his fingers possessively around Jaemi’s wrist and you watch as she turns in confusion, wide eyes travelling from where Suho keeps her in place and where Kai stands.

“If you want to talk, just say it here. We’re all friends. Anything you say, we can hear too.” Suho narrows his eyes in a challenge to Kai, gaze reading I won’t let you hurt her again.

Kai clenches his fists by his sides and grits his teeth. “I want to speak to her in private. As in, without anyone else there.”


Suho cuts Jaemi off with a sharp frown. “I told you, if you have something to say, just say it now. You’ve done enough damage to her.”

Kyungsoo glances at you, eyes wide and scandalized, and you mirror his gaze with your own apprehension. Chanyeol’s grip tightens against your knee and he tenses as if teetering on the edge of leaving and saying something to interrupt the spiraling argument from getting even worse.

“I don’t think it’s any of your business to judge what I do, and Jaemi is not your possession so she’s free to make her own decisions. If she wants to talk to me, I think she should be the one to decide that, not you. Besides, you’re the one who cut off our little…discussion last night, so don’t you think I deserve my fair share of time?” Kai smirks threateningly at Suho who falters.

“Listen, guys, please don’t-”

Jaemi’s protests are cut off as the front door of the apartment swings open with a bang and a very familiar face walks inside, followed by quite a few more who aren’t so familiar. “Good morning everyone!”

“Luhan hyung!” Sehun cries happily, abandoning his plate of pancakes to drown in their syrup.

“I could’ve sworn that door was locked,” Chanyeol says, eyes wide.

Kyungsoo eyes the stove in despair. “I don’t have enough pancakes for this.”

Luhan bounds into the kitchen, catching Sehun in a small hug and clapping Baekhyun on the back before giving you a small wave. “Hi _____! It’s so nice to see you again!” You wave back weakly as Chanyeol glances at you in question at the greeting. You mouth a later at him, shifting in your seat as Luhan seems to finally take notice of the still tension hanging over the room.

“Oops,” he says, lazy smiles disappearing from his lips. “Is this a bad time?”




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Micassie #1
Chapter 41: Hey pls update :((
Chapter 41: I'm so curious about your story please update soon! ^^
elfishy13 #3
Chapter 41: ERGGGG
Why did I start another one of your uncompleted stories!!!
Now I'm hooked! hahaha
Can't wait till you update:)
Micassie #4
Chapter 41: At last! An update! XD ooh Lay~ i have a feeling that Lay would try sweep Jaemi (me lol XD) off her feet. Anyway, this is awesome. :D hope you update the next one asap! Kai, i'm sorry. ;w;
Micassie #5
Chapter 40: This is... It? D: don't tell me this is the end! ;w;
Usforaver #6
Chapter 39: Please update soon! :)) Im really looking forward to it! :) I'm so glad they made up, but now, I'm soo excited to know what's gonna happen next! :))
kiminthebullet #7
Chapter 39: Oh I loved this chapter!!! So glad Kai and Jaemi sorta kinda made up XD Will be looking forward to the next update! :D
Chapter 23: This Cho Hee girl is really ... -___- Ergh ;;
Anyway, love the story :D
KenzieHollingsworth #9
Chapter 35: Pleaseeee! Updates are whats keeping me alivvvve!!!!
raviolli101 #10
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh she said the L word!!