Never Give Up


Background Music


I heard the front door slam and I rushed out to see what happened. I saw Kris taking off his shoes and staring dead ahead with a dark, cruel look on his face.

Well, this was different.

"Kris, are-"

"I don't want to talk about it." He snapped. I recoiled like I was stung. He sighed and walked upstairs to our room and I heard the door close hard, but not slam like just now.

"Okay..well, I guess I better get back to cooking." I made my way back to the kitchen and finished up the macaroni and rice on the stove and checked the chicken.


I made my way up to the dragon's lair. He hadn't come out since he got home. I opened the door and found him lying shirtless with his work pants still on on the bed. His wrist was splayed across his eyes. I tapped his hand and it flew back and hit me in the chest. I supressed a gasp and carried out my mission.

"Kris, the food's finished. Come and eat please." I left after. If he wanted to eat, he would come down. If not, I'll just put it in the fridge and he can eat it tomorrow.


I ate dinner alone that night. Washing my dishes and storing the food, I made my way up to bed.

He was in the same position but I smelled the faint scent of his soap and he wore a plain gray t-shirt and dark blue boxers. I bathed and dressed in my pyajamas. Climbing into the other side of the bed, I fell asleep cold...and I was covered up to my shoulders.


The next morning was as okay as it could be. He said good morning and nothing more other than, "I'm leaving."

I was a very patient person. I learned that after being married to him for 4 years and having to deal with his mood swings from time to time.
As I cleaned during the day, I pondered Kris's behaviour. Usually he would be pissed one evening an dpkay the next morning but this was not the case. He was pissed yesterday evening and still pissed this morning.

That was not normal..

He came back that evening still pissed but not as much as yesterday.

"Kris, your food is in the fridge in foil. It's on the bottom shelf next to the rice." I said as he came into the kitchen. I was sweeping. He accidentally walked into the dust pile.

"Oh sh*t.." He cursed and tried to get the dust off of his foot by shaking it. It 's funny looking back on it but then, it wasn't funny. I grabbed the small hand-broom and held his foot in one hand and brushed off the dust with the hand-bromm with the other. Then I quickly sweeped it all up and threw it away. He didn't say anything, only took out his food, removed the foil from the plate, popped it in the microwave, set the timer and left. I sighed. He forgot to press "START". I pressed it and went to clean the living room and dining room.


I heard the microwave door open and then,

"OW!" *CRASH!* *tinkle* *tinkle*

I rushed to the kitchen to find Kris shaking his burned fingers, food scattered all over the kitchen floor and glass mixed in with it. I put on some flip flops and gave Kris his so he wouldn't step on the glass.

"Go into the living room and relax while I get some ice for that and clean this up okay?" I smiled slightly. I knew he was having a rough week and I didn't want to snap at him. He put onthe flip-flops and left. I sighed and bent down to pick up the big pieces of glass.

"Ow..ow..ow ow..*sss*" I hissed as the glass dug into my hand and cut me. Quickly placing them in an old newspaper sheet, I put the balled up sheet in a plastic bag and threw it away.

"Now for the food.." I muttered to myself. I scraped all the rice and chicken along with macaroni tendrils into another newspaper sheet and threw it away. I then proceeded to mop the floor.

Finishing and washing my hands, I took a very small  bowl and put 7 ice blocks in it along with a bit of water. Walking carefully to the living room, I found Kris in the same position as yesterday but his burned hand was on his stomach. I placed the bowl on the coffee table and silently thanked God for his long limbs. I gently picked up his hand and placed it in the bowl.

I can't remember what happened exactly but his hand flew out and tipped the bowl over, spilling ice water on me and on the carpet. 

I said nothing.

I simply picked up the ice blocks and used my apron to soak up the excess water from the carpet. He moved to get up but I stopped him.

"Stay. I'll do it." I replied softly. I got up and took away the bowl and placed it in the sink. I grabbed some paper towels and went back out. Soaking up as much water as I could, I finally threw away the tissues and put my apron in the washing machine.


He has said all of 4 words to me. That night I found him on his side on the bed staring at the floor.

"Kris? You wanna talk about it?" I asked softly, climbing onto the bed from my side and placing a hand on his arm. His arm flew back again and hit me int he face this time. He shot up, looking horrified, his mouth moving but no sound escaping. I held up a finger.

"Relax. Sleep okay? You look tired." I smiled through the pain in my face. He unwillingly lay back down in his previous position.


I woke up in the middle of the night and my face felt puffy. Silently, I slipped out of bed and went over to the bathroom.
Once inside, i looked int he mirror and gasped softly. The right side of my face  was swollen and slightly red and hot. I t he water but not too hard as to wake Kris because I didn't want to burden him. I getly patted my face with the cold water.

"I wonder what's bothering him?" I absent-mindedly wondered out loud.


The next morning, he was still pissed but this seemed to be a new kind of pissed. He really didn't care how roughly he yanked back the covers or how hard he slammed the plate into the sink or even how roughly he dressed. He even left without saying anything. My face was still swollen but not as noticeable as before.

As I awaited his return that evening, I tidied up the house.

At 4:53 PM, he came storming into the house.

"How was your day?" I asked as he passed the living room.

I received no reply.

As he ate dinner, I watched TV. I then realized my bracelet was missing. A silver bangle with a heart engraved int it.

"Kris have you seen-"

"No." He replied curtly. I sighed.

"Ya know what? I give up. I have been trying to figure out what was pissing you off so much but whenever I try to ask, you low me off. I have been going out of my way to help you and all you do is stare at me like you're mute. In the last 3 days, you've said less than 10 words to me. I'm just trying to help you, Kris." I felt tears in my eyes.

"That hurts ya know..being ignored by the man you love and you don't even know what you've done. I've taken 3 hits from you already. I know that none were intentional but still. So ya know what, I give up. I'm tired of how you've been treating me. I tried my best to please you but..looks like my best was not enough." I got up and wiped the tears from my eyes and sadly walked upstairs and into the guest room.


Late that night, I heard someone open the door. I made no move because I could tell by their scent who they were.

"Chan Hee..I'm sorry...I didn't mean to act like that. I was just stressed out. Please forgive me. I'm sorry for hitting you, for spilling ice on you, for making you cut your hand, for snapping at you, for ignoring you and for every wrong thin I've ever done. Please forgive me." His voice was genuinely hurt and sad. I could feel the sincerity of his apology and my heart softened. I sat up and patted the seat next to me on the bed. He sat down and looked down.

"Kris..look at me." I placed a hand on his cheek. He turned to face me, his eyes sorrowful and pleading.

"I forgive you. Please, next time , just talk to me okay?" I smiled and planted a kiss on his nose. He nodded and smiled for the first time in 3 days.

"C'mon. Let's sleep because you have work tomorrow and I have to go out with Young Bin." I layback down and for the first time in 3 days, I felt him snuggle up to my back, his arm wrapping around my waist, pulling us even closer and his face in my hair. 

Yes, he may have mood swings from time to time but I'm married to him, what can I do except love him for it?


How as it????? My firt Kris oneshot!! I just wrote this! I have to sleep now so leave your comments ^^
Sorry for any typos! I typre really fast so there will be typos so if you spot any, tell me so i can change them! Thank You!
Hope you all enjoyed it becaue i loved writing it ^^
**(Exam stress relieved)**


(i love Kris. He's just so Y xDDDDDDD)

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rosesyeah #1
Chapter 1: huhuhu poor chan hee ;-;
sofina11 #2
Chapter 1: ...that was great but...I wonder why Kris was so 'pissed'...:/
aaaw so cute ;;____;;
*cries* oh I loved this oneshot. I seriously teared up for this one. so sweet~~~

OH PLEASE DON'T STOP maKING THESE TYPES OF STORIES!! Yes, they are sad, but they always do end happy. And to be honest, this one and your Tao ones (which are similar to this) are some of my Favorite oneshots. <3 they are really touching~ I love them~ <3 <3 <3 maybe just add a little extra at the end when they talk it out a bit and everything is all happy again? or something. (^-^)v
but yes, this was a lovely story. thank you~
givinkrishead #5
Ah it's awesome!
But i expect that kris would reveal what made he stressed backthen 3 days haha

I love u author-nim
Mybe sequel or another kris fanfict ^o^
i really really love it!:)
Love it love it love it!!
philphil #8
Love it ><
thank you all ^^
yeah i'll try to be a bit more uopbeat cuz I have been noticing how depressing I can be with my stories ^^ I tried to stay as on topic as I could because I tend to stray from the plot often in my stories so I guess that might be why it was rushed.
i will also try to tie up loose plot ends to make the story complete ^^
again thank you teacher actually told my english class this all but I think I was too busy daydreaming to really put into action what she said ^^
I like this story, it's good. :) one piece of advice would be not to rush it too much and also not to write about abuse and depression too much in your fanfics. It can affect your mood, although it feels more dramatic and emotional. Add a bit more to the story besides how the girl is left lonely and hurt due to his actions and the story suddenly turning better. Same with Tao's story. Other than that, I like your writing style. Give a bit more time to think about the plot development, and you're good to go!