Note On The Coffee Cup

An Elegy Of Love


"One cafe latte coming up!"

I yelled as I took the order of the customer. I sighed as I shook off the heavy weight on my shoulders. I should be at school right now but instead I'm here, working and stressing myself out. It's not that I'm from a low class family, I'm not poor, I just happened to be one of those infamous people with too much debts; loan sharks love me -- they always keep their eyes on me.

See? I am that special. I am always being followed, being chased, I almost got into jail because of my debts, oh the overload of my credit cards and my bills. I work because I want to buy something, and when I buy something that means that something is expensive or if not, affordable. I spend, spend, spend and spend money and I don't know how to save. I am broke, I am relatively poor and I am loveless.

I would be like, 'hey! it's a yellow sundress, I must buy it right now!' and then I would be, 'hey, it's so expensive.' but then I would be, 'nevermind I can use my credit card!' and then after, I would be, 'oh, I can no longer use my credit card... but, ah! I'll check my piggy bank.'

Yes, yes, and yes, I still keep piggy banks! I have tons of them at home. I have one made out of bamboo, another molded out of a soccer ball, then there's this that looked like a gasoline tank, and even a very very huge one that almost looked like it's a refrigerator. You might think I'm silly but that's eventually the truth! And guess what? They're everywhere around our home. One time I saw one under the potato couch, then another under my bed and another inside my closet. Oh, that's just how my life goes.

"Vic, I'll take care of this, you go clean up that table."

Amber pointed at the nearest table as my eyes followed the guy in black sweater. How dare he leave such kind of mess?! Look at that! The table napkin was scattered all over the table, which eventually reminds me of my piggy banks at home; the spoon was left on top of the cup and then he didn't even finish eating his toast! How messy. Psh.

He went near the counter, that means to Amber, and then he handed out the payment.

"Sorry I forgot to pay earlier... here, keep the change--"

"--I'll take it! Amber, give it to me!"

I jumped over to reach out the money and took it quickly as I can that it almost made me look like I was hungry for such. Amber was taken aback though she didn't complain; she went to the kitchen and then I was left with the guy in black sweater.

"Excuse me, miss? I bet you'll look more beautiful if you weren't too eager about getting the payment."

Reality sank into my head and then I grew crimson red. Yes, I am in shame. Shame because I made a stupid money-freak out of myself. I slightly lifted my head after bowing in shame and there I saw the most amazing features a human being could ever possess.

His hazel-brown eyes worked so well with his creamy white skin, he was like a god. His hairstyle was the typical handsome boy hairstyle but he made it look so much better. His lips were full, scarlet red -- like they were dipped in some red wine just awhile ago. His face was molded carefully, not leaving any flaws behind. He seemed like he starred in a movie, in a commercial, he almost looked like a celebrity.

My eyes were turning into heart shapes; these infamous heart eyes of Victoria -- but then like a bubble being burst by a needle, I immediately roared at him like a mad tiger would.

"Did your parents ever tell you to pay on time?" I sneered, trying to hide my embarrassment.

He sneered back; this guy has guts. "My parents told me to. Did your parents lecture you about not being too eager with money? Money wart. Tss."

His sneer became more obvious then he turned his back on me and started leaving. "Hey, don't forget to check the cup. I think you're really cute."

He said on his way out. I felt my cheeks flushed red, I immediately placed my hands on them. You know that high school feeling when someone tells you you're their crush? That's exactly how I feel today. Recalling that I didn't have that much of admirers when I was in high school and even up to now so such remark from a stranger like him meant a lot to me.

You know that feeling when someone thinks you're really cute? Yes! That's how I feel right now. I am extremely on high. Wait, I'm not taking some kind of drugs, alright? I am neat. I mean, innocent. Because er you know, I'm not really neat. Therefore that makes me some kind of messy girl. Er, do I make sense? I don't, I know! Haha.

I remembered Amber commanding me to clean the table of this freaking customer, so I did. And what was that? He thinks I'm cute? Gosh, that guy has some optical problems. Seriously, I think only 2 guys told me that I'm cute in my whole life.

First was my dad, whom already passed away. Second was this stranger.

It's funny because I don't get compliments as often as those popular girls at school would. I told you, I am the infamous Vic. No one notices me unless they pay their bills or ask me to get something for them here in our Coffee Shop. But he noticed me. That idiotic stranger noticed me. How retardate of him.

I went to his table and then I started cleaning, when I finally saw what he really meant. I saw a note on his cup, then I didn't know whether I should be happy or pissed.


" Hey I'm Nichkhun. I have been watching you from afar ever since and I think you're really cute. Contact

me at -----------."


Khun?!? Whatever! You think this coffee shop is some kind of a Night Club where you get to have one night stands with  some hot chicks?!  This is not the place for window shopping, dude! Get over it. C : > 

Here's to you, Khun guy whoever you are... If you think I'm the kind who easily gives in to temptations..


Then you're right! C : >


" Vic, What are you doing?! You've been holding your cellphone nonstop the whole day! You know we're not allowed to use that during working hours, right?! "  It was Amber, and she was scolding me again;  scolding me -- The Great Vic --  who had been waiting for a text message from that uber-handsome guy in a black sweater who had told her she's cute; the great Victoria who wouldn't let this oppurtunity pass.

Besides, I think he's perfectly perfect  for me.

Kidding aside!  ^__________^ v

Once again, I am Song Qian. but I preferred to be called Victoria, and this is the beginning of how I started dying daily.


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luv_chogifam #1
update soon please...
gummibear13 #2
Geez.. I've got chills after reading this & I can't help but tear up. Vic is amazing in this fic I love sad love story keep it up unnie. Let's chat up on facebook.
hunnierage17 #3
wow, this is a great story. I love how you wrote it in such a poetic way. I feel Vic's pain already. I'm excited for the next coming chapters.