Siwon + Zhou Mi

Dystopia side stories

Walking, it was something both Siwon and Zhou mi loved to do; Heechul always remarked that it was like the kitten and the puppy taking each other for a walk, but they didn’t care. Zhou mi was not a fighter, Siwon could fight but always preferred not to, all in all they weren’t the best team around but they still liked to walk together,

            Today was one of those rare days that Heechul wasn’t dragging Siwon one way and Kyuhyun dragging Zhou mi the other, of course Siwon knew the reason was that Kyuhyun and Heechul had been sent out on a mission of their own, and now Leeteuk was making it a mission for Siwon and Zhou mi to go on a walk

            “Shiyuan~~~~~~~” Zhou mi squealed, Siwon was met with a boney mess of limbs tackling him

            “Shiyuan we get to go on a mission together” Zhou mi squealed

            “Um really…” Siwon wasn’t positive another mission was a good thing for him, after all he had just recovered from radiation poisoning and being locked in a bathroom

            “Yeah, isn’t it awesome” Zhou mi smiled, he snuggled up to Siwon

            “Um Hyung” Siwon looked up at Leeteuk, who was standing in front of the scene smiling, usually Zhou mi didn’t get missions unless it was with Henry and occasionally Kyuhyun,

            “Relax Siwon, neither of you are really getting a mission” Zhou mi looked up at Leeteuk sadly, he never got missions and he wanted one

            “Hyung…” Zhou mi was staring up at him, his eyes trying to look like a kicked puppy

            “Okay relax, consider it a mission, you two are going to go out on a walk” Siwon watched as Zhou mi bounded in the air before running off to find shoes

            “Chill Siwon, its not actually a mission, he just looked so sad that I figured it would be okay” Leeteuk laughed, Siwon relaxed, going on a walk was easy especially if it was with Zhou mi

            “Come on Shiyuan~~” Zhou mi smiled as he dragged Siwon out the door, Siwon was actually happy to be going on a walk, he had been confined to the mansion and then confined to his home because his mother was concerned

            “Shiyuan look” Zhou mi squealed, he was pointing at the children playing in the park they had ended up in, all of the children were running about while their parents watched from a far, or in most cases while the fathers watched the kids and the mothers stared at Siwon and Zhou mi

            “Um…Zhou mi are they staring at us” Siwon asked, Zhou mi looked up and over at the mothers, it appeared as if they were

            “I guess so,” Zhou mi ignored them and pulled Siwon over towards the fountain, it was still surprisingly safe but the water was just being recycled from within

            “Shiyuan It’s so hot….” Zhou mi muttered, he plopped down next to the fountain to rest, it wasn’t crazy hot but then again Zhou mi was always complaining about being too hot and too cold

            “Hey Shiyuan do you think we would get in trouble for jumping in the fountain” Siwon looked up to see Zhou mi staring excitedly into the fountain

            “I don’t know, why” Siwon felt himself grabbed by the collar before a feeling of cold and drowning took over him

            “ZHOU MI WHAT WAS THAT FOR” Siwon looked up to see Zhou mi sitting next to him in the water; his face lit up in a smile

            “Shiyuan you look funny” Zhou mi laughed, Siwon huffed, he tried to sit up, the weight of his now soaked clothes pulling him down,

            “Your crazy you know that” Siwon smiled, he looked at Zhou mi, who was laughing happily, Siwon eyes roamed over Zhou mi’s body, his was wearing a white shirt that now clung to his skin, underneath Siwon could make out the still forming muscles, that Zhou mi was determined to get, Siwon looked down at himself as well, of all the days to wear a white shirt, his shirt was also clinging to him showing off his well defined muscles that he spent days working on, he was surprised they still existed after how sick he had been, his eyes traveled back to Zhou mi

            “Like what you see” Siwon’s face went bright red, causing Zhou mi to enter another giggle fit

            “You are staying away from Kyuhyun” Siwon said pointedly, Zhou mi continued to laugh, this time falling back into the fountain, Siwon sighed before heaving himself out of the fountain, then grabbing Zhou mi and pulling him out as well

            “Shiyuan~~ I’m wet” Zhou mi smiled,

            “It’s your own fault” Siwon replied, he tried to shake some of the water out of his pants

            “Come on Zhou mi let’s….WHAT ARE YOU DOING” Siwon shouted, he had turned around to find Zhou mi sitting topless, his shirt in his hands being rung out

            “It’s wet” Zhou mi stated

            “So that’s no reason to take your shirt off in public” Siwon panicked, many of the kids were starting to look over and it was only a matter of minutes before the parents did

            “Zhou mi put…what are you doing” Siwon now found Zhou mi in his face trying to rid him of his wet shirt as well

            “You’ll get sick again” Zhou mi replied, Siwon tried to stop him but Zhou mi was faster and had his shirt off quickly

            “Zhou mi give me that back” out of the corner of Siwon’s eye he could see the parents looking at him, mostly the mothers,

            “Zhou mi you are going to get us in so much trouble” Siwon muttered, he tried to grab his shirt from Zhou mi but the other ducked out of reach

            “You have to get it from me Shiyuan” Zhou mi chided, he took off running past Siwon, right towards where the parents were sitting, Siwon sped up and flew at Zhou mi causing them both to crash and come to a stop right in front of the parents, somehow Zhou mi had ended up on top of Siwon, leaving Siwon in an incredibly awkward position

            “I win” Zhou mi smiled, holding up the shirts triumphantly,

            “Zhou mi…” Siwon warned

            “Nu uh, no arguments, I won” Zhou mi laughed, he turned at the feeling of someone tapping him on the shoulder, only to be met by the angry faces of the fathers

            “Uh oh...” Zhou mi squeaked

            “YOU ARE A MORON” Siwon shouted, they were now on the run from the angry fathers, clearly they did not appreciate their wives gawking at two topless much younger guys, Zhou mi just laughed all the way back to the mansion

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Chapter 6: Oh jeez..... The sheer insanity that is Super Junior... You've captured it so well..... Can't wait for more!!! XDDDDD
ooh! i just love this! all the stories are just adorable! these sidestories are the best!