


She laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, feelings of confusion passed through her mind. Her mind filled with hatred and disbelief, how could this have happened to her. Didn't she choose the right partner for herself? I thought he loved me; what is love anyway?

She moved her body on the bed staring at the picture of herself with Hoya; it was taken on their 1st anniversary. She looked so happy with laughter radiating from her lips. The way Hoya held her made her feel warmth: his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him with his lips softly placed on her head, his eyes filled with love. His smile in that picture was so right, you could see his canine teeth behind his smile if he opened his mouth. Who could have thought he would turn into a monster. She thought he loved her, but where could the problem have come from. Was it her fault? Is this even a problem she has to deal with? 

She stares at the picture one last time; tears streamed down her face, the pain was too much for her, she needed to escape but there was no way out. No one would help her anyway. Women--the problem and troubles they go through living with their significant others. 

She got off the bed after looking at the clock to see the time. It was 1am in the morning, and Hoya is not back yet. Was she worried about him--Is this situation of him not being at home 1am in the morning good for her or bad. She didn't care. She went into the bathroom to pee as she stole a glance of herself in the mirror. The red blotches was still evident on her face; bloody lip, and a black eye. Was this normal in a relationship? For a man to lay a finger on his supposed lover?

Physical abuse; a curse or a blessing. This is such a twisted way of interpreting love and physical abuse. When was it ever right to lay a finger on another human being; sure disciplining a child is common, but physically harming another human being seems to put them in a terrible mental state.

She stared at herself in the mirror; horrified with the way her skin turns her stomach, she quickly grabbed a towel soaked in warm water. She dabbed it all over her wounds; stingy sensation begins to burn at her skin. She needed a way out...

At the sound of the code punching in, she quickly made her way into the bedroom she shares with Hoya. She sat on the bed with her arms wrapped around her; she nervously waited for the door to open...was this going to be her last night? Suddenly, the door flew open causing the window blinds to move intensely. 

She made eye contact with him and saw the man she fell in love with. Her heart began to soften; his voice was a sweet song to her ears, she couldn't let him go.

He came over to her and gave a long soft hug that made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

"I'm sorry I came so late--I needed to finish a presentation that is due tomorrow". He said as he unwrapped his arms around her and looked shockingly at the damage he had done. His face--his reaction, his everything showed sincerity; he didn't know he had done that much damage. He didn't mean to snap at her the other day; but work was becoming a nuisance to him and the only way he took out his frustration was her face.

"Oh, babe I didn't know it was this bad", he got her off the bed and walked her to the bathroom to disinfect her face. He carried her carefully placing her on top of the counter. He took some alcohol wipes from the drawer and softly dabbed it on her wound. She moved away from the pain blocking his hand. 

"I'm sorry babe, but I have to clean it", sincerity escaped his lips, but she was done with his game.

"You want to clean it because you want to hide your abuse?" anger came rushing out from . He looked shocked taken aback by her defensiveness; he'd never seen her react this way before.

"I need to talk to you, so come to the bedroom for a minute" he follows her without any idea of why she was acting the way she was.

"We need to break up." she said as a matter of fact.

"No we don't" he countered, "Why do we need to break up when we love each other?"

"We need to break up because we love each other too much"

"NO, WE DON"T, I love you so much and I don't want you to leave me" he wrapped his arms around her taking in her sweet smell. Her smell that made him go crazy every time he hugged her. She wrapped her arms around him, while tears began to softly stream down her face. She hugged him tighter savoring this moment; she needed to remember him this way. The caring Hoya she fell in love with; the soft Hoya that made her breakfast in bed or washed her hair and helped her bathe in the shower when she was sick.

She brought her face in front of him, looking mesmerized by the beautiful creature in front of her. She moved his bangs away from his eyes to get a better look at his expression; it's so unreadable, it's so hard to tell what he's thinking. She lightly placed her lips on top of his lips, feeling every part of his lips on hers. The aftertaste of alcohol could still be tasted, "Did you drink?", she asked not sure if it was the right moment to ask.
"I'm sorry, but work has been killing me" he said feeling guilty. "Which is why I don't want you to break up with me, I need you, if you leave me I think I would go crazy"
"Okay", she agreed. She must have been crazy, plans of leaving went straight out of the door.
"Thanks" he smiled, kissing the top of her nose "I promise, I'll make you feel safe from now on". 
He hugged her tighter, burying his face in the nook of her neck. He let go of her, grabbing her shoulders. He looked straight into her eyes telling her he loved her, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He kissed her lips and they made love in the shower.


"Babe--I need to see you right now!" Hoya called as he spoke angrily into the phone.

"I can't leave--I'm at work" she said concerned about the tone of her voice.

"Leave -- or you will get it when you get home"

"Okay--I'll be right there" she said not sure if that was another threat or not. "Excuse me sir, I have an emergency at home and I would like to leave right away"

"Sure, no problem"

She left her work, moving at a slow pace. Not really sure if this was going to be the last day. 

She couldn't really say anything--no one would believe her anyway. Hoya had forced her to put on more make up to hide her bruises; she couldn't take pictures either, that would make the abusing much harsher. She left Hoya before, but she realized she misses him so much that she would go back to the abusing. He would be okay, caring about her for about a month, but he would turn into a monster after.


She punched in the code, waited for those dreadful times the door would finally click open. She wanted to know what was so important she had to leave work.

The door opened and an angry Hoya stood right in front of her. She'd never seen this furious face of his before; could she make it out alive?

"Why were there dirty plates in the sink?"

Thinking carefully of what she could say--"Was that why you called me?" Mentally slapping herself, she regretted not thinking clearly before the words rolled off her tongue.

SLAP! The sound echoed as her cheeks burned even more; the wound there had not yet healed.

"You know how much I hate dirty plates in the sink--why didn't you wash them?"

"I--I" She struggled to find the right words as tears begin to brim at the edge of her eye. The tears--the tears she's had with this man; the tears that could fill the whole ocean. 

"I was busy with work and I couldn't find the time" she whispered tearfully with her head bowed low, she couldn't dare to look right into his eyes. She never wanted to see his eyes when they were filled with hatred; she knew the Hoya she fell in love with was still there.

"Are--you crying?"

"I'm sorry--I'll stop crying" she cleaned her eyes as she sniffled trying to stop herself from getting another slap.

"No--come here, I'm so sorry" He regretfully pulled her close to his body "I didn't mean to hit you--I don't know what came over me"



Still she couldn't leave--why was his "love" for her so important she could not get out. She felt alone in this world; when no one wanted her, Hoya was the one who cared for her. When she was sick; Hoya was the one who took care of her, he'd call in sick days at work just to be by her side. What was his sickness? Bipolar disorder? How could he change from being loving and then to a monster. His emotions are unpredictable.

She knew he had bipolar disorder, he didn't know. How was she to tell him about his serious disease; she'd never seen such serious case before. She couldn't leave him when she knows his history; he could lash out at the littlest things. She didn't want him to be alone, she didn't want him to go through what she went through; he could be prone to suicide with his disorder. She could not leave the man she loves so dearly, she does not want him to end in destruction. Neither of them could stay away from each other. They were healing themselves by being together, but they were also hurting each other by being together.


She was called in by her boss; she couldn't hide it any longer.

"We have some serious issues to talk about" She gulped down at the sudden confession, was she going to be fired for missing work so many times?

"I would like you to meet some people that can help you."

"Sure sir--what about?"

"They're are psychiatrists, and they're going to help you"

"I'm sorry--I have no idea what this pertains" she said not sure if she should run or not. If Hoya finds out, she could end up in front of the local newspaper as being dead.

"I notice your bruises" he pointed at her face.

"Oh--they're not bruises; my makeup was just too much" she smiled trying to get out of this difficult situation.

"Miss--I know abuse when I see one--my mother was abused by my father, so I would like you to get some help before it's too late"

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that" she crumbled "I don't want to leave, I love him and he loves me, I can't be without him, he might do something bad and I can't be away from him." 

Before she could go any longer, she was injected with a substance that can make her sleep. She was knocked out in a matter of seconds.

"Thank you--now we need to contact her significant other"


Hoya rushed to the hospital where she works; seeing her on that bed made his stomach turn. Seeing the bruises on her face made him see himself as a monster, he couldn't believe it. Before he could get close to her, he was immediately sedated.


Both of them sat opposite each other, staring at each other as if they hadn't seen each other for years. They longed so much of each other that they had to be chained to their chair.

"Now" the psychiatrist said "I think you two have a problem"

"No we don't" Hoya spoke up as his attention left her.

"You--mister--have bipolar disorder, and she's suffering from it"

"No we're not suffering from anything" she spoke up trying to be aggressive.

"The bruise on your face says it all--what we need to do now is too pull you away from each other"

"Noooo" she screamed. She couldn't imagine her life without the love of her life; Hoya was perfectly made for her, how dare they say he was wrong for her.

"Calm down" Hoya glared sweetly at her "Okay" he turned to the psychiatrist "What do we need to do?"

"Great--now we're getting somewhere; I'll be right back" He left both of them there.


"You want us to be away from each other--how can you do that to me?" She asked hurtful.

"No--we'll pretend we're getting better, and they can allow us to leave early". 

She agreed with him, she couldn't spend another day in this hell hole.


Two weeks passed and they were both diagnosed as being sane. Though Hoya still suffers from bipolar disorder, he was still allowed to leave; his medication would hopefully solve his problem. 

Dreadfully, they got inside their house. The home they've missed so much; she couldn't wait to lie on her bed and have a sleep.


"Did you call them!" Hoya asked as she looked on shocked at his raised voice.

"Of course not"

"I can't believe you would betray me--you called them to tell me that I have bipolar disorder, did you want to stay away from me that much."

"I didn't do anything- I swear" She felt a sharp pain on her face. She knelt on the floor, with tears struggling to come out of her eyes.

Hoya pulled her off the floor, and brought her into his embrace. "I'm sorry" he says "I was just confused, I'm sorry stop crying" He brushed her hair with his fingers.

What could she do to stop this; medicine won't work. This was not the first time she tried to help him; she would slip a pill in his food and drink from time to time, but they never worked.

She was fed up; she couldn't live this way any longer. She knew exactly what to do.


She had a plan, she must stick to it; it was the only way. She quit her job, lying to her boss she was taking a time for herself; she wanted to travel abroad to start anew.


She waited and waited for Hoya. The food she cooked was still releasing steam, her lingerie was still smooth, her makeup still looked as new. The code was punched in, and the door opened. Hoya stood shocked to see his lovely girlfriend in front of him. She led him to eat; to enjoy himself as much as he wanted.

She wanted him to make her feel good: they made love. This feeling made Hoya mellow; he couldn't wait to do this every day. She went to the bathroom and called Hoya in.

He went in --shocked to see a pistol right in his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked getting scared.

"We need to end this" She says emotionless with the face of a murderer.

"Please--don't do this" His voice shakily whispered.

"Wow--it's the first time you're getting scared"

She went close to his body running her free hand on his body giving him a long sweet kiss with both of their eyes closed as she pulled the trigger.




Two people were found dead inside their bathroom. It has just been revealed that this was a double suicide, as the gun was found in the lady’s hand. The situation is still unclear as of today, but she was believed to have killed her male counterpart. Bruises were also found on her face.

No one has called in to identify them...

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Congrats ^^
soniia #2
Omg, didn't expect it that way. :\ well, poor her. She didn't have much choices.
chanyeol_hyukddi #3
Chapter 1: wow...
i think she's suffering some kind of depression to because of hoya mental prob..
I'm speechless when i read the ending..
its not what i expected ..
congrats :)
Congrats on the random feature. ^^
Chapter 1: kind of nicely written but i didnt expect her to kill him..
Chapter 1: I expected her to escape to other country. But really your story communicates an everyday reality, still death is not the right way.
Chapter 1: Okay...that was disturbing!
ZebraMocha #9
SputnikSweetheart #10
Congrats on getting featured.