
School with chibi

~Dismissal time~

*At the clinic*

Ryutaro you need to rest!Chinen said

Yeah!You need to cover some make up on that!Shintaro said picturing his feet

*Knock knock*

Is Ryutaro here?!Lindsey asked

Why?!Picture me first!Shintaro said

Who is it?Chinen asked

Oh!Lindsey!Your here!Chinen hugged Lindsey

Ashley is here with me!She is gonna treat Ryutaro!Lindsey said

Ok!I have something to show you too!Chinen said

What?Lindsey said

Let's run!Chinen said grabing Lindsey's hand

Ryutaro aniki...-Ashley was cutted

If your asking me to say sorry to Steven I'm not gonna say sorry...Ryutaro said

I'm sorry...Let me treat your wound.Ashley said

Apology accepted.Ryutaro said

I'm gonna heal your wound.Ashley said

I know...Come here.Ryutaro said

Ok...I'm gonna wish..-Ashley was cutted

No!Just use medicine I don't want to stress you and your chibi...Ryutaro said

He's a good man Ashley!MARRY HIM!!!Ashley's chibi cloud said

Stay stil...Ashley said while treating

Ow!Ryutaro said

I'm sorry let me blow it...Ashley said making

Ryutaro stared at Ashley's eyes making Ashley blush

Nice pose!Shintaro said taking a picture

Ah...I need to..I'm now finish!Ah!I need to go bye Ryutaro!See you tomorrow!Ashley said

~Tomorrow comes~

Why are'nt the popular here?Ashley asked

Because they did'nt know that there was an outing here...Ryutaro said

Oh!Ryutaro Aniki!Ah!Your here!Ashley said

Of course...Ryutaro said

I reminds me of how his eyes stared at me yesterday...Ashley thought blushing

Hey!Aniki Chinen Yuri!Lindsey said

Don't call me by my full name!Chinen said

*Meanwhile at Alice*

Alice!Yamada yelled

Hello?Oh my gosh!Cristian is this you?Alice said while blushing on the cellphone

~After the call~

Who was that?Yamada asked

Oh...Just another childhood friend!Alice said smiling

Boy or Girl!?!Yamada asked angrily

B-b-bo-y!Alice said

Suddenly Yamada hugs Alice

Ya-Yamada!Alice said blushing

I-I was about to stumble!yamada said

Yamada!Don't you dare joke with me I'm gonna get you!!Aice said running

*Meanwhile at Lindsey*

Where is Aniki Chinen?Lindsey asked

Well,his with Ryutaro...Ashley said

I got to go somewhere,where the view is nice I like to play my guitar.Lindsey said

Ok!Ashley said

Bye!Lindsey said

*Meanwhile at Cristina*

Work it quirl!Cristina said

Give me the camera.Shintaro said

Ok..Cristina said giving the camera

Let's take a brake...Shintaro said

Somewhere at the grass...

Here you want water?Shintaro asked

Yes!I want to eat chocolate!Cristina said

You can't you have allergies.Shintaro said concerned 

How did you know?!Cristina asked shocked

I saw the list you can't eat.Shintaro said

You can't eat chocolate,Ice cream,etc...Shintaro said looking at his camera hiding it 

Noo!!!You will forbid me to eat that things right?Cristina asked

I'm concerned!Shintaro said with a concerned face

Ok...Cristina said

Can I barrow your camera?Cristina asked

No!You can't!Shintaro said

Wait this is a different memory card!I'll eject it wait...Shintaro said

Ah!Your crush!?Cristina asked

Well,something like that...Shintaro said

Well,I bet she's beatiful!Cristina said

She is...Shintaro said

What's she like?Cristina asked

She's kind,she takes my pictures,her smile is beautful and I want to tell her that she's beatiful everyday...Shintaro said

Really?!She takes your pictures too?!Cristina asked smiling

Yeah!She has the most wonderful smile did I mention that.Shintaro said

I'm soo happy for you!Cristina said

Do you have one?Shintaro asked

Me?None.Cristina said

That's good.Shintaro said

*Meanwhile at Lindsey*

I love color green!Linsey said

Mee too!I love black...Chinen said

I love white!Lindsey said

I love you.Chinen said

What?!Lindsey asked shocked

I love you Trees!!Chinen said

I love the clouds!Lindsey said

I love her eyes!Her hair!I love everything about her!Chinen said

I love his favorite color and his attitude!Lindsey said

The two of them shared interests.People who past by thinks their weird.They just stare in the sky then talk about everything.

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