Chinen likes someone!?!

School with chibi

*MeanWhile at Lindsey*

Where is Yamada and Alice?Lindsey asked

Let's look for them!Nakajima said

Let's go!Keito said

~While looking for Alice~

There they are!I just spotted them!Lindsey whispered in a disguise outfit

I'll call the others and tell them.Chinen said

Wait!Let's just tell them we found them.Meanwhlile let's spy on this two!Please!Lindsey said

Well my disguise outfit is hard I'm in heels then I'm in a girl's perfume I have a bra inside my shirt!Chinen compained

~After calling~

They are going out of the cafe!Lindsey said

Your 14 you still want to stalk?Chinen asked

They are!HOLDING!Lindsey said

Hands!?Chinen asked and get the telescope from Lindsey's hand.Lindsey's face is still blank.

It's just a cake!I knew Yamada would'nt do anything like that!Chinen said

Look at the other hand!Lindsey said

Oh my gosh!They are HOLDING!Chinen said

HANDS?!?Chinen and Lindsey said

They are now heading to school...Lindsey said

Let's go to the restroom of that cake shop and chage.This heels are killin' me!Chinen said

*In the cakeshop*

Ma'am!That's a man's restroom!The other side is the ladies restroom.The lady in the shop said

~Lindsey explained to the lady in the cake shop in tagalog~

*At the dorm*

My feet aches...Chinen said

Let me massage it and put a hot water.Lindsey said bringing a hot water in a big bowl

Ouch!Chinen compained

Relax!Chill chill!Lindsey said smiling

Ah...So relaxing your good at this Lindsey!Chinen said smiling

Thank you!Lindsey said

~After the treatment~

Bye!Aniki!Take care!Lindsey said

I just saw tat smile when you were with him!Ashley said

What was that?Alice asked

What are you guys talking about?Lindsey said laughing

~Tomorrow comes~

*At the museum*

It's funny of how you don't talk about Ohno Satoshi!Lindsey said

You know him?!Chinen asked

Not really I just saw it on your interview...Lindsey said

Ohh...But I love Justin Bieber!Chinen said

Oi!Chinen!Yamada called

What?Chinen asked

You took pictures of her did'nt you!Oh yeah!I caught your cellphone it has a picture of her!Yamada said teasing Chinen

Hey!Give me back my phone!Chinen said

I just saw it!Alice said looking at Chinen and smiling

What?Yamada!Chinen yelled

What is it?What's wrong?Lindsey asked

Oh...Just nothing!Chinen is in love!Alice said

With who?!?You guys are so unfair!Lindsey said

With-Yamada was cutted by Chinen

Ryosuke why don't you zipper your mouth?Chinen said

Ok!Yamada said

Please don't tell anyone!!Chinen said

What?!Your in love with someone??Who please tell me I'll help you!Lindsey said

Uhh...It's nothing really!Chinen said 

Come on!!Tell me!Lindsey said

Uhh...Chinen said

Oh!Your blushing!!Your face is red!Lindsey said

*Meanwhile at Ashley*

Ashley wait I'm drawing you!Don't move!Ryutaro said

Ok?Ashley said

Pose!Pose!Work it quirl!Cristina said

Ok alright!Shintaro said

Those two are epic don't you think Ryutaro?Ashley asked

Yeah!Let's pose at the back of Shintaro!Ryutaro said

That's a great idea!Ashley said

~After the trip~

*At school*


~At the overpass~

What the?!?Why is there extra's at the back of me!It's Ryutaro and Ashley!Shintaro said

I need to buy some powder for my face!Ryutaro said

Let's go!Keito said

I'm staying here!Chinen said

Ok suit yourself!Shintaro

~When JUMP member leaves~

Ashley!Did Alice tell you?Chinen asked

About what?Ashley asked

Ohh...It's good she did'nt tell you!Chinen said

Ohh...Ashley said

I like her!Chinen said

Who?!Alice?Ashley asked

No!Keep guessing!Chinen said

Ah!Candy!Ashley said

No!Chinen said

Roxanne?Ashley asked

No!Chinen said

Ryutaro!Ashley asked

Ryutaro is a guy!Chinen said laughing

Cristina?Ashley asked

No.Chinen said

Cristina's sister?Ashley asked

No...I'm just gonna say her name!I like Lind-sey!Chinen said blushing

Really?Oh my gosh!Oh my gosh!Ashley said shouting happily

She's very kind...I accidentaly fell in love with her.Chinen said blushing

I'm so happy!!Are you gonna tell her?Ashley said happily

I don't know...I can't sleep when I think of her!I can't speak sometimes because I'm hiding it.Chinen said

 ~Tomorrow Comes~

*Somewhere at the park*

Good Morning Aniki!Lindsey said

Uhh...Goo-ood Morning!D-did you already e-eat?Chinen asked

Are you sick?Lindsey said touching Chinen Yuri's head

I--I'm fine!Chinen said

Why is your face red?Lindsey asked

he is maybe love sick!Alice said

Yeah!Maybe he just missed someone last night.Yamada said teasing

Who is that someone I wonder?Ashley asked

I don't know who do you think?Lindsey asked

Lindsey let's just g-go!Chinen said holding Lindsey's hand and runs

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