Saying Sorry

The Howling - Part I: New Beginnings


Those two words, 'I see', were all Joonmyun needed to know that Jongin didn't believe him; whether he wanted to believe or not, it was the truth. Baekhyun was just a friend, a close one, and yes the boy would miss him, probably more than anyone else. That's just how he was, independent but still clingy to one person, Joonmyun; he would do fine without, though, Joonmyun was sure of that. 
He said nothing in reply to Jongin's offer to sneak him out, not wanting to say no but not wanting to seem eager. The teen had been caught the last time he snuck out, had gotten Joonmyun caught, injured, kidnapped, and the elder didn't want to cause anymore trouble that could get him hurt again. Once was enough. 
After taking a few more bites of the bread, Joonmyun decided he wanted to try the soup while it was still warm. As he reached out to place the bread back on the tray, he realized how much of a feat that appeared to be. Holding the bowl wasn't an option, and it was too far away to carry the spoon without spilling all the contents before it reached his mouth. So, huffing with annoyance, and refusing to ask for more help, Joonmyun picked up the bread again and took more normal sized bites.


The wolf glanced up, eyes on Joonmyun as he sat the bread down and then huffed in what appeared to be annoyance, before he smirked a little and shifted the chair closer. "...Want some help?" he asked softly, taking the human's bowl in both hands and holding it close enough that it wouldn't spill if Joonmyun were to lift the spoon himself.
"Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's my fault you're injured, my fault you're here... I'm not surprised that you don't hate me for what I did..."
He shook his head a little as he spoke, before he looked up and gave Joonmyun a lopsided smile. "I should tell you... The reason the Alpha has such a strong hold over me, and is such an about what I do, is because I'm his son... Taemin's his son too, but he leaves him alone because our mother made him swear on her death bed that he would. I'm... I'm meant to be Alpha one day, and he doesn't like that because I'm not... wolf enough for him."
Jongin sighed again and dropped his gaze. What did it matter... "Sorry.  I suppose you didnt need to know all that."


Jongin noticed Joonmyun's displeasure, but of course he would notice, and the elder should have known he would. He gave a slight smile as the bowl was held out to him and reached out, taking a spoonful of the soup and bringing it to his mouth in a surprisingly steady move. It was good, phenomenal, just like Jongin had said, but Joonmyun was fine with only eating bread for now, so he shook his head and gently pushed the teen's hand away. 
The boy was still blaming himself, even though it was just as much Joonmyun's fault. If he hadn't fallen asleep, hadn't stayed there in the first place, then he wouldn't have had the run-in with them. He'd been careless, wreckless, and it had gotten him in trouble. 
He didn't return the smile that Jongin gave him, sensing that something was coming, information and he needed to pay attention. Honestly, Joonmyun wasn't all that surprised to hear that the boy was the alpha's son; it made everything else make sense -- the limits, the rules, the so-called 'leash' -- and the elder was glad he'd chosen to share, seemingly trusted him enough for him to know the truth. 
"Stop apologizing," Joonmyun said quietly, taking another bite of bread; he'd have to ask for more later, because it was good and his stomach wasn't rejecting it, not yet at least. "You've said sorry for just about everything, but none of it is your fault." Jongin might have been part of it, but it wasn't his fault that part of his family were s.


Jongin could do nothing but grin as Joonmyun refused the soup and kept eating the bread. Sunny would be pleased, not many of the wolves actually liked the bread that she made, and to know that someone else liked it would make the blonde girl happy. He nodded and sat the bowl back on the trolley beside his own, before slouching back in his chair. 
"Sor--... Okay, I'll stop apologizing," he chuckled after a mooment and shrugged. "Sunny always said I apologized too much, especially around Yoochun and the Alpha." 
He trailed off, looking away as he sighed. If Joonmyun was going to be stuck here, he had to find some things for the human to do. His room was fitted with all the niceties: a huge tv, a dvd player and different gaming stations with a huge stash of movies and games to choose from. They also had a library, filled with books of all different kinds. 
"So... what's your favourite movie?" Jongin asked, immediately bringing a hand to his face at the stupidity of such a question.
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TheDarkHero #1
Chapter 38: This is so sweet! I'll go read the next part now
andromeda_eiz #2
Chapter 39: Help, How do I link to PartII? My stupid mode's on effectivity again...T_T
BaekJo #3
Chapter 31: New reader. Gosh this is so awesome. Can't wait to read the other parts.
fluorescentsmiles #4
Chapter 2: okay, because i'm an absolute nitwit, i read part two through five before this. :|

and ideky, but since i'm not good at words: i'll just leave with a 'asdfghjkl;'

(random, but bc i love the subtitle for chapter two! dismantle. repair. = my favorite anberlin song. 8D)
imagreenturtle #5
Oh my god, this story is so awesome! Time to read part 2!

Thank you so much for this story <3
wow just read everything
reaaallly reallllly realllllyyy like this story *____*
At first I was a bit apprehensive because A) roleplayed fic wuutu and B) at the couple, since. even though i ship it. i don't really go for fics that feature suho/kai as its main couple.
but it was wolf themed. and that's a really soft spot in my heart and i just had to try it. and i'm sooo glad iidiiiid
ugghhh alskdjfas.kdfhj
i love how, even though not much time has actually really passed in the fic, their relationship is slowly and slowly getting better. one step at a time ands sldkfhsgldkfj

seriously jongin, you just slipped and fell against the tub lmfao you so stooopiiidd

and when sunny made the comment that she wanted to eat him <3 <3 <3 he reacted to fast <3<3<3 and how kai had calmed down at joonmyun's touch <3<3
and lsakgflsdkfh i really love suho and baekhyun's friendship ;_____________; baek-ah must be really suffering his best friend is... god knows where for all he knows uasighjasoldfihj
Oh my god! You guys are so fast. I love you so much. The updates are perfect! ^^
Do you guys mind if I suggest this fanfic to my subscribers? It's so good ._.
OMG! Thanks for another awesome update. You guys are really amazing and the plot is well-built. Thanks again! ^^
faith3_13 #10
I love how often you guys update its great since I can't get enough of this story. Can't wait for the next update