
The Howling - Part I: New Beginnings


Joonmyun's eyes flicked back and forth from Sunny to Jongin, watching them both warily as he tried to calm his now rapidly beating heart. There was a pounding in his chest and in his ears and he couldn't figure out why. He was panicking sure, but he knew that the cadence in his ribs was too fast for that; whatever this was, it wasn't good, and it needed to be taken care of before something badbadbad happened. Again. 
His head was heavy as he listened to the two exchange words before focusing on Jongin, trying to comprehend what the boy said as everything began going fuzzy. Joonmyun didn't hear everything clearly, but he understood that Sunny had been right, it wasn't going to hurt him and that he'd be okay. Jongin wasn't forcing him though because he knew he was scared, hesitant, not fully trusting; Jongin was going to be there for him no matter what. 
But he needed this, that much he understood. Now, he just needed to give the okay, but everything hurt now, and he found that he'd stopped moving and fallen back against the pillows at an awkward but surprisingly comfortable angle. Joonmyun managed a small nod before he gave up trying to speak or move or do anything. He waited, then, fending off the darkness as he waited for Sunny to do whatever it was that she needed to do. 


Sunny breathed out when she realized Jongin's words had gotten through to the boy, and she gave him a small, appreciative smile before she started to set up the equipment. She gave Jongin little warning - to which he growled in annoyance before his attention returned to the fading Joonmyun - before sticking the needle into his forearm, just at his elbow, and she waited a moment as blood began to trickle out of his arm into the tube and then into the bag, before setting up the other tube for Joonmyun.
Being that he had already lost so much blood, they could safely give him a couple of litres without over doing it, and Jongin watched silently as Sunny carefully sterilized the area on Joonmyun's good arm before pushing the needle into his arm in an identical spot to Jongin's.
"You might feel a little bit of a rush when the blood hits your system, Joonmyun, but it's nothing to be afraid of," she murmured softly, giving him a small smile as she stepped back and watched as the blood disappeared into Joonmyun's arm. 
It would be a slow process, and would take a couple of hours to give Joonmyun the amount of blood that he required, but it woul be better than trying to keep the alpha away from him for the fewm onths that it would take to heal. 
"Are you okay?" Jongin asked him softly, shifting a little in his chair so he could watch the human properly.


The darkness had almost claimed him when a sharp but quick prick roused him before an odd sensation ran up his arm. Joonmyun didn't move though, not wanting to test his limits anymore, and merely gave a small hum in reply to Sunny before relaxing against the mattress. He almost faded again until the sound of Jongin's voice brought him back. 
"I feel like ," Joonmyun murmured, rolling his head against the pillow to find a comfortable spot again. The pain in his arm had gone down considerably thanks to the earlier pain medicine, but there was still that annoying ache that made everything seem impossible, especially sleep. 
As he lay there, limbs and appendages twitching here and there as the blood was pumped through his system, a thought occurred to him and his eyes shot open. Joonmyun turned his head quickly to face Jongin, gaze intense for a moment before he spoke. "Do you have a phone here? Or some way I could get in touch with my family." He'd been gone for more than twenty four hours and there was no way his family wasn't worrying; Joonmyun's biggest concern, though, was Baekhyun and whether he'd made it back okay. 
Joonmyun watched Jongin carefully, eyes taking in every little detail of how he moved, the expression on his face, waiting to see something that might give him just a bit of hope. He wouldn't leave if that meant staying alive, but he just needed to let someone, Baekhyun, know that he was okay, that he was still alive and being looked after. 


Jongin looked up at Sunny, giving her another small smile before he gave a sympathetic and apologetic one to Joonmyun. "You'll feel better soon," he murmured in response, wincing a little as Sunny stitched his wounds closed, making sure that the bandage she applied this time was tight enough that it constricted too much movement of the shoulder and he wouldn't be able to take it off. 
At the question about a phone, his eyes widened, and he glanced at the female who had stilled in her movements, before he shook his head several times at Joonmyun. That was dangerous. If people - even Sunny, and the boys - found out that Jongin had a mobile phone, that he snuck into town to get it recharged and to occasionally buy sweets with money stolen from the Alpha... well, he'd be screwed.
"N-no, sorry... I'm afraid there aren't any phones," his voice was soft, but his eyes held an amount of fear in them, and he hoped Joonmyun would pick up on his weird behaviour and ask again when Sunny wasn't out of the room. To make his point clear, he brought a finger to his lips in a 'shh' motion, before slicing it along his throat in a 'dangerous' motion. 
Sunny cleared and stepped back, moving around the bed so she could get at Joonmyun's arm before she cleaned the wounds with antiseptic, stitched up those that were still open, and covered them with sterile gauze pads before bandaging his arm down to the wrist. 
"I'll stop the transfusion for a few minutes so you boys can eat, but I'll be back in about an hour to collect your bowls and to start it over," she explained as she carefully removed both needles from their arms, before putting small bandaids over the wounds. She straightened and carried over the tray, sitting it on a small trolley between them before giving Jongin a  look as she left the room.
As soon as she was gone, Jongin let out a breath of relief and turned to Joonmyun. "Oh my god. I can't believe you'd ask that around her. Sure I trust her, and love her like a sister... but if ANY ONE knew that I had a mobile phone, I'd be in serious trouble. I'm not supposed to go to town... I'm not even supposed to leave the forest, or the pack grounds..."
Shaking his head, he pulled a small mobile phone out of his pocket. It was the latest brand, but he'd only bought it because it would've made a dent in the money he stole from the alpha. Smiling, he handed it to Joonmyun before leaning down to try a spoonful of the soup. "Make sure you eat while it's still warm..."
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TheDarkHero #1
Chapter 38: This is so sweet! I'll go read the next part now
andromeda_eiz #2
Chapter 39: Help, How do I link to PartII? My stupid mode's on effectivity again...T_T
BaekJo #3
Chapter 31: New reader. Gosh this is so awesome. Can't wait to read the other parts.
fluorescentsmiles #4
Chapter 2: okay, because i'm an absolute nitwit, i read part two through five before this. :|

and ideky, but since i'm not good at words: i'll just leave with a 'asdfghjkl;'

(random, but bc i love the subtitle for chapter two! dismantle. repair. = my favorite anberlin song. 8D)
imagreenturtle #5
Oh my god, this story is so awesome! Time to read part 2!

Thank you so much for this story <3
wow just read everything
reaaallly reallllly realllllyyy like this story *____*
At first I was a bit apprehensive because A) roleplayed fic wuutu and B) at the couple, since. even though i ship it. i don't really go for fics that feature suho/kai as its main couple.
but it was wolf themed. and that's a really soft spot in my heart and i just had to try it. and i'm sooo glad iidiiiid
ugghhh alskdjfas.kdfhj
i love how, even though not much time has actually really passed in the fic, their relationship is slowly and slowly getting better. one step at a time ands sldkfhsgldkfj

seriously jongin, you just slipped and fell against the tub lmfao you so stooopiiidd

and when sunny made the comment that she wanted to eat him <3 <3 <3 he reacted to fast <3<3<3 and how kai had calmed down at joonmyun's touch <3<3
and lsakgflsdkfh i really love suho and baekhyun's friendship ;_____________; baek-ah must be really suffering his best friend is... god knows where for all he knows uasighjasoldfihj
Oh my god! You guys are so fast. I love you so much. The updates are perfect! ^^
Do you guys mind if I suggest this fanfic to my subscribers? It's so good ._.
OMG! Thanks for another awesome update. You guys are really amazing and the plot is well-built. Thanks again! ^^
faith3_13 #10
I love how often you guys update its great since I can't get enough of this story. Can't wait for the next update