First and Final



Seun Mi is going to meet her friend when she suddenly bumped into a guy when she is about to enter the café. She fell down on her back and almost cried out in pain. The guy just stand in front of her, bending his knee a bit and reach out for her hand.  She is still in  pain while her eyes are teary.


"Gwaechanayo?" he asks her.


She looks up at his face. In her teary eyes his image is not that clear but after a while staring at him she finally recognize him. It's Kim Heechul, the guy she's been avoiding to meet all of her schooling time. She really hates him back then, for making she fell in love.


"Kim Heechul sshi?" she spat out his name suddenly.


He is surprised when he suddenly remember her, the loneliest girl in his class, the one he always make fun of. Staring at her beauty now he really can't take his eyes of her.


"Cha Seun Mi?"


They look at each other for a while before they laughs off.


"You've grown up a lot…" he says to her.

"Prettier?" she provoke him.


He laughs. They are standing in front of the door and a couple was about to enter it. He grabs her hand and pulls her to the right side of the doorway. Even a slight touch from him reminds her of her bad days. She pulls her hand away from him.


She suddenly becomes cold. Forgetting how happy she is to see him she suddenly realize she is late to see her friend. She looks at him for a while before she walks away from him, entering the café.


"Seun Mi sshi…" Heechul calls out for her.


But she just walks away. During her meeting with her friend she stays quiet and not talking with the other as much as always. She asks for leave early and walks out. She thinks about him a lot but why now? Why did she meet him at this moment?


"Seun Mi sshi…"


She heard a voice calling out for her name. then she saw him again. It's been 5 years…and when she thought it is time to forget him he suddenly comes back.


"You're still mad at me, aren't you?" he asks her.


The traffic is empty next to them. The sounds that can be heard only coming from the café as the other shop has call it a day. She stands in front of him with her heart pounding so fast while he thinks he is in wonderland for meeting her.


"Forget it…I was in rush just now."


She tries to make him believes her lies but he did not.


"Then let me have your phone number. The next time I ask you out you must say yes…will you?"


She is trapped. This guy is more than expert in this matter. She finally agrees and give him her phone number. The very next day he calls her and ask her out.


They meet up in a café where they first met after few years being apart. She sips on her juice slowly while he is still looking at her, not even blinking. She can tell that he regret his action towards her back then. But now it's too late. She is not meant for him to have anymore.


"So…how's life now?" he asks her.

"Just like that. I'm a teacher now. And you? Your life as an artist didn’t take all your time I guess."

"I am eager to see you…" he says slowly with a low voice, making she unable to hear it clearly but she ignore it.


They meeting is just uncomfortable for them. Both are eager to see each other but their presence are not pleasant. Their feeling are mixed altogether. The guilt, the pleasure of hurting, the love and the hurt all mixed in their heart.


Heechul used to be her boyfriend when she is in school with him. He is her classmate. She is really in love with him but he used her as a bet with his friend. He did won the bet as she really fell for him. Little did he knows how much he is hurt by his own action towards her. When she moved to the other school after the incident he misses her badly, wishing he would have second chance to be with her.


Those were his innocent years with her and for her it was the sweetest moment in her life although at the end of it she hurt herself badly. Here they are that day, not knowing what to say to each other. For Heechul, his second chance finally come. For her, it might be too late for him.


"I am really sorry…for making you hurt…before…" he finally says.


She looks outside on the street.


"Nothing to regret…"

"I regret it…" he says, slowly.


She cant escape her own feeling now. She is trapped.


"Heechul sshi…we can't turn back the time."

"No we cant…but I want to make it better."


He reaches out for her hand. She didn’t resist his attempt. Her heart is racing fast and so does his. Since she didn’t resist him, he knows that he is still in her heart.


"Seun Mi…you know that I am so young at that time right? It's my biggest mistake in life."


She looks at him, half smiling. And I am about to make mine…she says to herself.


They enjoy their reunion that day, romantically sitting by the beach, away from everyone, from all the city noise and from his fanatic fans.


"I wish day like this will always be with us…" she says.

"It will…I promise you I will never hurt you again," he says as he hugs her.


He drives her home after their dinner. She seems very distracted when her phone rings and she shut them off after it rings a few times. He ignores it and tries his best to win her heart that night. They talk a lot and seems like the love finally bloom again.


In front of her house he walks her until her house door. He end the night with her by giving her a goodnight kiss on her forehead like he used to do before.


"Thank you," he says.


She just smiles before she waves him goodbye. As she close the door her eyes are teary  she broke down and fell on her knee. She cries in her happiness and pain.


"Heechul…this is wrong…I am wrong…I'm sorry…"


Everyday has been wonderful for him. He is seeing her steadily now and she seems to be a lot happier each time she sees him. They watch movies at her place, doing some cooking together, going to the beach during weekend, he would sometimes rent a boat and bring her for some sight seeing late in the evening to watch the sunset and sometimes they will just have a date by the Han River if he is busy.


She could not find any better word to describes her feeling for him even though she always cries when she goes back home after their meeting.


He is preparing himself to pick her up as usual. She had been insisting to meet him that day at her house at 10 am. She is talking serious and he thought that she might be up to something. Without thinking of anything fishy he drives there and found the house is crowded with many cars park around there.


The door is open and he can see some of their old friend around. The house couldn’t seems merrier with    all the decoration of white roses all around. He is startle to see a lot of them in a great dresses and all the men in a tuxedo except for himself.


He feels lost when he saw Seun Mi in a white bride dress coming down from the stairs. She is looking as beautiful as a woman can ever be. He had never been so stunned before. But this is not right, he thought.


"Seun Mi…what's the meaning of all this?"


She looks at him in her teary eyes. She holds his hand, leading him to a room at the furthest corner of the house where less guest are standing. She closes the door and he holds her hand tightly.


"Seun Mi…"


She starts to cry, not knowing what to say. He just lets her cries, waiting for the moment for her to tell  him what actually is happening.


"Heechul sshi…I am getting married today…an hour from now."


Heechul stucks for a moment, trying to recall what he had heard from her.


"What? You must be kidding me…you will not…why would you?" he had lost his sense when he heard her words.


She lets his hand go.


"I was engaged when I met you. I'm sorry…I am supposed to tell you sooner about it."


Heechul looks so angry at her. He feels like a fool.


"So all this while when we are going out…you fooled me? You want revenge over what had happen before? I never thought you would be this dirty. You're the worst! Even worst than me…" he shouts at her.


She cries on her knee feeling hurtful again on his words.


"And you tell me this now? When I am so in love with you? I love you…truly…but you…you're…" he lost his words.


She gets up when he is about to open the door.


"This marriage…it's an arrange marriage…my grandfather arrange this before he dies..." she says suddenly.


He turns around. Like a fool, he looks at her with his puppy eyes. He sees her, her eyes are wet, they are full of pain and he is angry to look at her who is being hurt right now.


"I want to love you…to be love by you before I give up my life…" she says, looking him in the eye.


Her tears falls down like rain. Her confession…her lies…it becomes one to him.


"I'm sorry if I'm being selfish…but I want to feel your love even if it's wrong…even if it's only for a while…I can't help this feeling…I'm sorry..."


He comes closer to her. He wipes the tears away from her eyes, feeling sorry over what he had accused her at. His feeling for her is even stronger knowing how painful it is for her to love him.


"Come with me…" he says.


They stares at each other's eyes. As if they could hear each other's heartbeats at the moment, they stay in the position for long.


"Let's run away from here…you don’t have to marry him…"

"No…a promise is a promise…he loves me too…he will take good care of me."

"Then what about me? You? We love each other…you don’t love him."


She hugs him slowly and whispering in his ear.


"Let me go…and I'll let you go…this is just a dream…when we wake up tomorrow it will be our new start…you must forget me…let me live only in your memory," she says as her tears falls down again.


He cries in her arms. She slowly pull herself apart from him. As she promise him, tomorrow it will all remain as a memory in their life. But their love live on…in their mind, somehow they have never say goodbye.











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i like your story...crying..
ne...i have to make it short...hahaha...<br />
thanks for ur comment... ^^