Fallen Angel

One Shot: Fallen Angel

One Shot : Fallen Angel

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" a man yell out.

"I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!" a girl yelled back.

"HOW DARE THIS TRASH TALK BACK TO US?!?" a woman yelled.

"there they go again...why are they always fighting?!?" someone asked from outside the house.

"I'M LEAVING THIS HELL HOLE!!!" the girl said and went outside.

"GOOD AND NEVER COME BACK!!" the man yelled out.

The girl ran far away and didn't stop until she reached the park.


"are you okay?" a boy asked which made you turn around to face him.

"it's you again...stop following me!!" you said.

"why so mean ~~~~? You and I are friends..." he said

. "look hyunjong or whatevers...you need to stop following me or I'll beat the crap out of you.." you warned him.

"first of all its Hyunseong not hyunjong or whatever's...and secondly what happen to your face?!?" Hyunseong said changing tones

. "none of your business!!" you yelled at him.

"is it your parents?" he asked avoiding what you were saying.

"how did you know that my parents did this?!?" you asked changing the tone of your voice.

"last time you told me...when you were drunk...you even slept on my shoulder." he said happily remembering how you looked when you slept.

You gave him a what-are-you-talking-about face. "BYE!" you randomly said and walked away from Hyunseong.

"WAIT!! Where are you going?!?" he asked

. "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!" you said and ran away.

"so bull headed...." Hyunseong said to himself.


It was Hyunseong's phone

"hello?" Hyunseong said.

"hyung!! Where are you?!? The other hyungs are wondering why you're not here?" someone yelled but it wasn't to loud.

"I'm in the park taking a walk." Hyunseong lied.

"HYUNG!! Are you in your human form?!? You know that you're..." Minwoo said loudly.

"I know what I'm doing okay?" he said.

"but hyung!! Are you with her again!?! You're not support to!!!" Minwoo whined.

"I know what I'm doing!!" he said.

"why are you so attached to her?!?" Minwoo yelled out.

"look, can I not be with the girl I like? No I don't like her,I love her! Shes in the same situation as me when i was alive so I want to take care of her. Is that wrong?!?" Hyunseong asked.

"hyung..." Minwoo whined.

"why did you call?!?" Hyunseong asked changing the subject.

"oh yeahhhhhhhh!!!! I needed to tell you that we will have a new target so get back here as soon as possible." Minwoo said changing tones.

"Araseo..." Hyunseong said and hung up.


Where you were...

You didn't stop running until you reach a little shop.

You looked at it and thought * a fortune teller.... Interesting.... Should I go see my fortune?* You couldn't make up your mind but went in anyways.

Once you stepped in the shop someone said. "I been expecting you..." the fortune teller said.

"what?" you asked her.

"do you know me?" you added.

"that doesn't matter...." she said as she look into her crystal ball.

"so...I want to know my fortune...please tell me..." you impatiently said.

"looks like you will met the unexpected..." she said.

"that means?" you asked impolitely.

"you will met them..OMO looks like one of them is your true love...aww what a sad ending..." she said.

"what?!? Them?!?" you asked curiously. *what the hell is she talking about? Should I just leave?* you thought to yourself giving her a fishy look.

" you'll know what I'm talking about soon... Well it's time for you to leave...good bye.." she said and show you the exit.

"wait!!" you said but got pushed out.

" be nice to them and protect them..." she said in a motherly tone and went back in the shop.

"what the heck is this?!?" you asked loudly earning some stares. "what are you looking at!?!" you asked them in a loud tone and walked back to the park. *hopefully that creeper is not still there...* you thought to yourself.

When you saw no one at the park you started to calm down and sat down on the bench. You lie down and stared at the bright shinning stars. This was the only thing that could calm you. As you were staring at the gloomy dark sky something caught your attention. It was bright and shinny. You turn your eyes toward it and saw 6 handsome faces in front of you. They were glowing. One of the faces was very familiar to you. Your left eye twitch a little.

"are you kidding me? Not only you came here to stalk me but you brought your friends?!? What a creeper. Should I call the police on you or take care of this myself." you asked them while getting up and stared to crack your hand with a smirk.

Hyunseong hid behind his friend.

"hyung?" the cutest guy said with fear in his eyes and stared at Hyunseong.

"you better get ready cause it's going to hurt." you said calmly while rolling up your shelves.

"umm... We're not here to do anything with you...We just want to talk." the one with red hair said.

"yeah so don't be alarmed." the yellow haired boy said.

"even though your scaring me." the other one said.Now that you notice those two really look alike.

"what do you want then?" you asked impatiently.

"did you not hear us we wanted to talk." the brown haired guy with bubbly gum in his mouth said.

"listen up shorty no need for that attitude." you said fiercely

. "what did you say?" he asked loudly.

"YAH!! Shut up!" the red haired guy said eyeing the boy.

" can we explain ourselves?" he said calmly as he looked at you

. "5 minutes." you said and sat back down.

"Ok we are here to protect you. We are your angels. My name is Donghyun." he introduced them and himself.

"my name is Youngmin." the blond one said.

"Kwangmin immeda!!" the other twin said cheerfully.

" Minwoo is my name!!" the boy said excitedly

. "I'm Jeongmin." he said flatly.

"and you should already know me ~~~~." Hyunseong said stepping out of his hiding spot which was behind Donghyun.

You just sat there looking at them as if they were crazy. Then you started to laugh your off. " omg you're killing me stop!!" you said between your laughs.

"WHAT?!? WHO'S KILLING YOU?!?" Hyunseong asked thinking someone was going to kill you so his instinct kicked in. He stood there and eyed his surrounding.

"hyung I don't think she meant it literally." Minwoo said which cause another round of laughter from you which made Hyunseong blush at the embarrassing moment.

"ok haha very funny." Jeongmin said flatly. "dont believe us honey?" he continued.

You shook your head.

" but we really are angels! Believe us!" Minwoo whined.

"then prove it." you smirked.

"fine we will." Jeongmin said eyeing his friends. As if on cue they all flew up toward the sky which made your eyes almost pop out of our eye hole.

"what the h--"

"ah ah ah!! No cursing!!" Donghyun didn't let you finish your sentence.

You mouth was slightly dropped open.

"amazed hon?" Jeongmin asked with a smirk.

"yah!" Hyunseong whispered while eyeing Jeongmin.

"sorry" Jeongmin mouthed, he knew about Hyunseong and his little crush on you.

"believe us now?" Donghyun said while lowering himself toward the ground. The rest did the same. You just stood there eyeing them with your mouth a little open.

"your going to catch flies if your mouth hung any lower." Hyunseong teased you which made you quickly snap you out of your thought and gave him a look.

After a minute or two of everything in you finally believed them. They told you that you can stay at their place and you did.

Months have pass and you started to loosen up. You were different from how you were before thanks to them. They taught you from right to wrong and they even helped your family problems. Your family didn't fight as much as before and you were happy and grateful because of them. Even though your parents asked you to come back and live with them you would always say no. There was something at your angels place that makes you didnt ever want to leave. Every morning waking up to see 6 welcoming faces. Each with different personally that you grew to liking even Jeongmin which you hated at first. Now you two were best of friends. You tell him everything. And he would listen. You love all of them but there was this one guy that stand out the most with his cute and shy self. His weirdness and laughter which cause your heart skip a beat. His eyes that disappears when he smiles and his amazing voice. Every night you would ask him to sing you to sleep and he would gladly accept. That person was no other than Shim Hyunseong. Your lover. You could remember the time he had confess you to.

----flash back---

"yah! I don't know what to do!! What should I do?!? Oh my god what if she hates me?" Hyunseong asked nervously.

"you'll be fine. I promise. She told me she likes you too so just confess already." Jeongmin said.

Jeongmin saw you coming toward them and pushed Hyunseong toward you.

"hwaiting!!" Jeongmin said with a smile and ran away.

"yah! Wait!" Hyunseong reached for Jeongmin but he was long gone.

"hey Hyunseong was up." you asked as you sat down on the sofa.

"nothing.." Hyunseong said while looking away. He then sat down next to you.

"ok then." you said turning your head to face the tv.

You were laughing at the show that was on. He turned around and a smile was on his face, seeing you smiling so brightly made him smile to. *Just do it!!You can do this!!* he thought to himself.

Suddenly you felt a hand on top of yours. You turn your attention away from the screen to look at the person next to you. He was staring at you with sincere in his eyes. Your face started to heat up and you could feel the heat.

He suddenly said. " I like you ~~~~... Every since I saw you I knew that you would be the girl for me...the reason why I'm here today. I don't know how to say this but would you be mine?" he asked you nervously.

You just sat there staring at him. Frozen. You couldnt say anything.

" I knew it... you don't like me." Hyunseong said letting go of your hand and was about to leave until something stopped him.

He looked down and saw you holding his hand

. You suddenly shot up from your seat and kissed him. It was long but loving. After a while you broke the kiss and said. "i thought you would never asked." He then pulled you to another mind blowing kiss.

Cheers could be heard. You guys both stop and turned around to see the angels cheering and laughing with  joy.

"good job hyung!" Minwoo said.

" way to go!" Jeongmin said.

The twins put both their thumbs up with a smile.

Donghyun smiled but he felt that this was wrong and something bad was going to happen. And he could't have been anymore right.

---end of flash back---

After a few weeks later. You notice that the cheerful happy angels were staring to be weird. They weren't themselves. No more fighting with you over food. Instead they just sat there eyeing the food and letting you eat peacefully. But the only person that was normal toward you was your loving boyfriend.

"hey have you notice how weird they're acting?" you asked Hyunseong eyeing them.

He laugh " maybe it's weird for them to see us together. So close." he whispered the last part.

" yah! Don't be a ert!" you said moving away from your boyfriend. But he took a hold of you and embrace you into his loving arms.

"you're mine!" he whispered into you ears.

" I know." you said smiling and laughing.

But behind your smile you knew something was up...

Late at night you couldn't sleep. You were rolling around. You couldn't take it anymore and decided to head to the kitchen to drink some warm milk. On your way you heard someone's voice in Hyunseong's room that belong to Donghyun. Curious took over and you felt yourself leaning against the door to hear what they were saying.

" you know it's almost time right?" Donghyun asked him.

"I know." Hyunseong answered quietly.

" are you sure you're going to give up like this?" Donghyun asked worriedly.

" what choice do I have?!? Either I die or she dies!" Hyunseong said as tears fell down his cheeks. You started to worry. * what is he talking about?* you asked yourself. You decided to stay there and listen to their conversion. You wanted the find out what they were talking about.

"you better be ready then... They're coming soon." Donghyun said sadly.

" if only I can stop this.." Donghyun was on the verge of crying.

" hyung don't cry..its not your fault....when I go, please protect her. She's my everything..." Hyunseong  said with tears still falling down."please I beg you!" he continued as he fell down on his knees begging Donghyun.

Behind the door you were also crying. You tried so hard not to make any sound but you lost it when you heard Hyunseong drop to the ground. You ran away to your room and cried your eyes out. * he's going to leave me?!? How can this be?!? My angel is leaving me!?! No! No way in hell am I letting that happen!* you thought as you continue to cry your eyes out.

The next day you were with Hyunseong the entire day. Not letting him out of your sight. When you guys were watching a movie he suddenly asked you on a date. You happily agreed thinking nothing was going to happen. The two of you went to Lotte World and enjoyed yourselves. When the end of the day was near you guys head for the place you first met. The park.

---13 months ago---

It was a gloomy rainy day, you ran away from your parents because you couldn't take their crap anymore. You wanted peace even if it meant staying in the rain. All you wanted to do was cry  but didn't want people to see you so weak. You hated that the most. And what other better way to cry than to cry in the rain. You were sitting on the bench all lonely crying your eyes out until someone sat next to you. Once you saw him you quickly dried your tears.

"what are you doing here all alone?" he asked.

"go away before I beat you up!" you warned him. You heard a chuckle from him.

" you know you don't have to always be strong in front of people. You can cry and let it all out." he said in a calm voice.

*what the hell is with this dude?* you asked yourself.

He turned around and gave you a assuring smile. He patted his shoulder for you to cry on. You gave him a look but then he did something. He pulled your head down making sure your head was resting in his shoulders. He started to sing to a lullaby. Your heart soften for the first time. *just one day...I'll let it all out...besides I won't every see the guys anymore...*you assured yourself then you started to listen to his voice. It was soft and smoothing. Your tear started to fall down as the rain hit your face. Resting on his shoulder felt good. Like you were protected. And soon and fell asleep. Without knowing he to fell asleep. From then on your started to see him everyday at the park. You could have stop going to that park but just couldn't. And you knew that you had fallen for him. Shim Hyunseong your creepy stalker.

---end of flashback---

"you know this place is really peaceful." you said as he place his arm around you.

"and it contains a lot of our memories." he added.

You two sat there and started to talk about the past, how you first met, and about the dumb things. After that you two decided to head home. Almost in the house you felt something hit you and you fell down in pain.

"~~~~ are you alright?!?" Hyunseong asked helping you up.

"I'm fine " you said weakly as sweats fell down your face.You got up and went in the house with him helping you. Then another pain hit you once you enter the house. You fell down. Grasping for air.

" ~~~~!! What's wrong?!?" Hyunseong asked loudly. He was going crazy and was panicking. Tears found their way down his cheek. He picked you up.

"do you need to go to the hospital?!?" he asked.

"oh my god!! Help!! ~~~~ needs help!!" he yelled out.

All the members piled in the room. They saw you and knew right away. They couldn't help you and knew they could not come near you.

"Hyunseong come here." donghyun said.

"hyung what is happening?!?" Hyunseong asked.

But from donghyuns face expression he couldn't  believe his own eyes. He eyed you who started to disappear slowly. You had tears in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I had to.." you said as more tears fell down.

" WHY!!! HYUNG STOP THIS!!!" he said eyeing donghyun.

Donghyun just stood there looking away from the sad scene.

Hyunseong's eyes widen. "NO!! NOT HER!! PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING!!! JUST NOT HER!!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!!" he yelled.

As if his begging help a light glowed in front of you and Hyunseong.

"Hyunseong..." the guardian angels said.

"please not her.." he said. His voice almost came out as a whisper.

"I'm sorry but you broke the rules...there's nothing we can do...she, herself requested this." the guardian angels said.

Hyunseong looked at you in horror. You were almost gone.

"why?" he asked you.

" I sorry" you whispered.

He pulled you to a kiss.The very last kiss that he will give you. And the last that you'll ever recieve. It was a long,sweet, and loving kiss.

Before you disappear forever you whispered in his ears. "I love you my angel..."

He sat there empty minded tears falling down nonstop. He turned his direction to the guardian angels.

"why?" he asked his voice was shaky.

"you should be happy Hyunseong." the guardian angels said.

"she gave up her human life for you." they continue.

Hyunseong was deeply confused. "knowing that you would die..she told us to spare you. She wanted to make you human because she knew you wanted to be one more than anyhting in the world so in return she gave us her life." the guardian angels said

Hyunseong's eyes widen.

"so live your life well...Hyunseong.." With that they slowly disappear...

Hyunseong couldn't see anything but white. His friends were disappearing as well. * what is this?* Hyunseong thought


Hyunseong shot up from his bed. He looked around he was in his room.

"Hyunseong!! Wake up and get ready for school!" his mom yelled from kitchen.

"ok mom!" he yelled back.

After washing up he went downstairs toward his mom.

" what smells so good mom?" he asked as he hugged his moms.

"sit down and eat your breakfast." his mom said.

"where's dad?"

"he went to work long time ago." she said as she giggles.

"mom did you know? I had that dream again."

"what dream?"

"you know the dream of me being an angel and meeting this girl..."

"oh honey it's just a dream...don't think to much about it and besides don't you have a girlfriend?" his mom asked

"yeah but it's just weird I always have that dream." he said putting a piece of toast in his mouth. He turn around to look at the clock and saw he was late.

"oh my god!! I'm going to be late!!! Mom got to go!! Bye!!" he said as he ran to his mom, kiss her cheek, and ran out the door toward school.

From there he saw his girlfriend waiting for him.

"yeobo! What took you so long?!?"

" sorry hyemi... " Hyunseong said and kissed her cheek. With that the happy couple ran inside the school. However they didn't know someone was watching them. "that's right Hyunseong be happy and forget about me... Live the human life that you always wanted... I love you my angel.." you said as you disappeared with Donghyun, Jeongmin, Youngmin, Kwangmin, and Minwoo.


Sorry if this story is not what you thought is suppost to be... Or if it's bad or weird...i finish writing this story long time ago but my Ipod wanted to be stupid and it deleted this story so i have you re-write it so its not the original one that i planed but close enough.... Sorry -bow 90 degrees- but I hope you enjoy it!!

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CB_Zinger #1
:'( Saaad. (but good)
So sad ;_;
i actually cried