Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do

Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do?

ChangJo's P.O.V

Once we got away from the base me and Ricky found some place quiet. Ricky and Niel are currently cuddled up asleep. As the two slept I was next to them, any sleep having left me. But in order to get Ricky asleep I needed to hold his hand. I caressed his hand a little before looking to the right where a small broken window was. I frowned at it, what was normally quiet nights were very loud with cop sirens and helicopters in the distant. I’ll let Ricky sleep for a little longer before we move. The helicopters are moving away from us but the cops are getting closer. I looked back at Ricky, better rest well, I’m waking you up in 10 minutes. We’re currently facing North so we’ll got West. The cops will expect us to keep going South. Ricky’s hand moved away and I realized he was waking up. He smiled and leaned against me, I moved us so we were leaning on the wall more comfortably.


“Hey Cky.” Ricky nodded but didn’t say anything to me. I wrapped his right arm with my left and made us hold hands. “Niel okay?” Another nod. “Ricky what’s wrong? Why aren’t you talking to me?”


“I’m scared ChangJo.” His voice sounded forced.


“Of what?”


“Anything that could happen. Niel’s still asleep and the other’s are gone.. I’m scared of what could happen.” I brought Ricky closer and just held him.


“We’ll be okay Ricky. As long as we stay together we’ll be okay.” He nodded and got closer.


C.A.P's P.O.V

My head’s still spinning, the chokings stopped but this isn’t over. I was on my knees, my head was down and blood was dripping from my mouth. A puddle of in front of me, I’m just glad it’s not choking me anymore. My hands were tied behind my back, my face burning from pain. I coughed a few more times, more blood coming out. My senses are becoming hazy, I can feel them near me but can’t feel them getting closer. A laugh in the distance made me feel a little relieved, the farther away the better.


“Where are the other three?” I smiled a little, laughed even.


“How should I know? I’m here aren’t I?” The walking became closer and louder. Great. My head was picked up by my hair and I was pushed to my side.


“Where are they!”


“I don’t know!” Maybe yelling back isn’t the best thing to do. A kick meet my stomach, more blood coming out of my mouth.


“*cough**cough*” Another coughing fit from my own blood. I was picked up by the front of my shirt. I continued to cough but, it’s not like the guy cared. He punched me in the stomach. What is up with this guy and my stomach?!


“Sir, the other boy is arriving soon.” Relief washed over me.


“Alright, get this thing cleaned up.” It’s over, finally over.


    I was laying in the cell bed when my senses finally came back to me. There was a bed above me but knowing ChunJi he’ll want to me close. The bars were to the right from the position of my bed and a window was on the opposite wall of the bars. I sensed someone coming closer and I sat up. The door opened and ChunJi was thrown into me. I held in a scream as the door closed again, the lock nice and loud.


“C.A.P I’m so glad you’re safe.”


“ChunJi *pant* please, get off me.” He stood startled, taking a few steps away from me.


“C.A.P?” I breathed in deep but it just hurt more. “What….no..” His voice got quiet. I steadied my breathing and the pain subsided.  “Damn it.” He cursed and gave me his back.


“C-ChunJi?” He sighed rubbing his face before he turned back to me.


“I’m sorry.” He came and gently wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “I thought they might have tortured you but I didn’t want to believe it like I should have.” He kissed the top of my head. “Are you okay?”


“I’ll live.” ChunJi nodded rubbing his cheek against my hair.


“I…*sigh* that’s not fair. I don’t want that to happen to you every time I leave to see L.Joe. I don’t want that to happen to you at all.” I tried holding onto his waist but my arms were to weak.


“Hey, it’s okay. This isn't the first and it won't be the last.”


“Lay down, it’ll help.” The bed creaked as we both layed on it. I was on my back and ChunJi was on his left side facing me. “How bad does it hurt?” I smiled.


“L.Joe’s had it worse I’m okay.”


“That’s not what I asked.” He snapped at me. I sighed turning away from him.


“I can barely feel my face, my stomach burns and I feel to weak to do anything.” ChunJi became silent and a hesitant hand slowly lowered itself on my stomach. My muscles involuntarily contracted before relaxing. A grunt came from my throat but all was silent again. ChunJi moved his other arm to come under my neck. Comin up to let his hand go under me hurt but pain soon numbed it.


“Minsoo.” ChunJi’s breath hit my neck before his lips kissed me. The hand under my grabbed my chin and turned it towards the wall.




“Shh.” He pulled away from my neck to kiss my cheek. “Relax.”

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Chapter 26: I still don't understand cap n chunji's chemistry... like.. what are they exactly??

But i do feel bad for Cap.. getting tortured like that T.T
Chapter 25: Waaah Aish.. makes me wonder why the police is after them..
Or maybe it was mentioned before? I guess no..

But wow to perform surgeries without medication o.o

Anyways , you may make the font bigger though it's not that small.
Chapter 24: ⊙▽⊙
Emotions overload!!!
Omgg that A scene * sniffs *
Well, yea. I didnt cry but it was really emotional!

And capji's relationship always intrigued me !

But what about BYUNGHUNNNNNN???

PS: Welcome baaaaack xD
Djjay9 #4
Chapter 24: Where & when should I told u number I guess?
Chapter 24: So, i start guessing at may 31 ?
kpopmichelle #6
Chapter 24: Where do I go to tell you my number that I think it is?
Chapter 22: Omg naaaah
What a cliffhanger!!

Omg they have to find andy!
Altho im still curious about his full story o.o

And yay for the heated chunjoe moment ~~
Chapter 20: I kind of forgot the last events ...
So I feel like byunghun having flashbacks xD .
kpopmichelle #9
Chapter 19: this was pure awesomeness!!!! its been so long since u updated and u came back with awesomeness!!!!!