Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do?

Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do?

Chapter 2



                        L.Joe’s P.O.V

            I wondered around the streets for hours before finally stopping and resting against a wall. Where the hell am I? I miss being in his arms and I’m still in pain from the running and the flashbacks. I felt a tear go down my cheek as my head started spinning and all I could see was white again.




            Distant voices where around me, cop sirens and I was in someone’s arms, most likely ChunJi’s. I heard Neil’s voice freaking out talking about leaving before they get here. I felt a kiss on my lips; they were soft, but tasted bitter. I heard Neil’s voice again.

“That’s kind of gross you know, ChunJi.” I felt a laugh against my body and I stirred.

“L.Joe, baby, can you hear me? Please say something Love.” I open my eyes seeing blood on his forehead running down his face.

“It’s cold, ChunJi and I’m scared.” My voice was weak and pitiful sounding as he kissed me again, but I kiss him back feeling security against him.

“It’s okay; I’ll protect you along with the others.” I felt myself nod before taking a look at the others. Neil was crying in C.A.P’s chest and too others were looking around.

“Come on, we need to leave.” The one with red hair spoke panic dripping in his words.

“Okay ChangJo. L.Joe just hold on okay?” I nod as he picked me up.




            I held in a scream falling forward, but it was against someone warm and soft. I tried to look up, but all I saw was orange before my eyes closed

               I wake up in the same room where I first saw ChunJi, but there was no one in the room. I must be dreaming then. It doesn’t feel like I am though and I know what I’m saying for once. Out of nowhere the door busted open reveling a panting, sweaty and tear stained faced ChunJi. He ran to me sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling me into a hug.

“ChunJi.” He pulled away holding my shoulders.

“You know who I am?” I nodded as he quickly kissed me bringing me into a hug again. “Who else do you remember?” I thought for a moment before slipping hands under his arms and around his back brining him closer.

“You, Neil, C.A.P and ChangJo, I know I’m forgetting someone and I’m sorry for that. I only found out their names if I or someone else said it.”

“It’s okay, I’m just glad I have you back.” I smile seeing Neil run into the room. I waved to him as he slid down the door frame, relief all over his face.

“I blame this on you Neil.”

“Oh be quiet, ChunJi. At least we found him.”

“Where’s Ricky?”

“Ricky? Why would you want him?”

“L.Joe doesn’t know who Ricky is yet.” I saw Neil nod before getting up and walking away. ChunJi let go of me cupping my face. I stared at him blankly before I smiled. “There’s so much to tell you.” My smile got bigger and I leaned in to kiss him. He kissed back before resting his head on my shoulder. I moved one of my hands to his head playing with his hair. Someone ran in lightning fast pulling ChunJi away from me.

“How could you L.Joe?” The person with black parted hair on the sides and greyish tips in the middle and had a baby face, but scars also rested themselves there as well. He grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me.

“Ricky, it’s not his fault.” ChangJo came to his side pulling him off the bed and away from me. I saw ChunJi’s lap staying quiet before laying back down and resting my head there.

“Ricky.” ChunJi’s voice didn’t sound sweet more like scary. I hit his chest with my hand made into a fist gently.

“Don’t be mean.” I heard Neil laughing in the back ground before a load bang. I lifted myself off of him staring out the window while everyone else just looked at me. Another sound filled the air before a cry of pain. My body tensed as the bangs reminded me of a gun. There was a hand on my shoulder making me jump. ChunJi looked me with sad eyes. I hugged him hiding my face in his neck. “Do I really want to remember?” He pulled me closer as more and more sounds where echoing through the whole building.

“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again. I’m sorry L.Joe, but there are things you do need to remember. I’m so sorry.” I shake my head pulling him closer by his shirt. “Just sleep for a while will we figure everything out okay?” He let go of me, but I didn’t let go of him.

“Don’t leave me, please. You’re the only one that I feel safe with.” His arms went back around my waist. I felt him look back before everyone left and the door closed. “I won’t leave as long you won’t.” He nodded kissing my shoulder.

“Come on, let’s just go to sleep.”



End of Chapter 2

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Chapter 26: I still don't understand cap n chunji's chemistry... like.. what are they exactly??

But i do feel bad for Cap.. getting tortured like that T.T
Chapter 25: Waaah Aish.. makes me wonder why the police is after them..
Or maybe it was mentioned before? I guess no..

But wow to perform surgeries without medication o.o

Anyways , you may make the font bigger though it's not that small.
Chapter 24: ⊙▽⊙
Emotions overload!!!
Omgg that A scene * sniffs *
Well, yea. I didnt cry but it was really emotional!

And capji's relationship always intrigued me !

But what about BYUNGHUNNNNNN???

PS: Welcome baaaaack xD
Djjay9 #4
Chapter 24: Where & when should I told u number I guess?
Chapter 24: So, i start guessing at may 31 ?
kpopmichelle #6
Chapter 24: Where do I go to tell you my number that I think it is?
Chapter 22: Omg naaaah
What a cliffhanger!!

Omg they have to find andy!
Altho im still curious about his full story o.o

And yay for the heated chunjoe moment ~~
Chapter 20: I kind of forgot the last events ...
So I feel like byunghun having flashbacks xD .
kpopmichelle #9
Chapter 19: this was pure awesomeness!!!! its been so long since u updated and u came back with awesomeness!!!!!