Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do?

Who Are You, Who Am I, What Do I Do?

Chapter 14

        ChunJi's P.O.V
    L.Joe! I pushed C.A.P away from me and ran to my Angel. He called out my name harshly but his voice died down we he saw L.Joe.
“L.Joe, love, can you hear me?” I put my arm under his head lifting him into my arms. “Please answer me.” I used my free hand to wipe a few tears from his face. “Love,” I put my nose to his head. “I’m here, so it’s okay.” I felt my throat start to go dry. No, stop it ChunJi, now’s not the time. I breathed in his scent for a few moments with my eyes closed. Shaking my head I gently picked him up and left the room. Making it down to ours, I pushed open the door. I walked to one of the windows and set L.Joe down on a day bed before going to a closet and getting more blankets for the bed. Laying them out on the bed and saving the softest to put on him. Going back to him, I picked L.Joe up setting him on the bed. I sighed in relief seeing him stir slightly when I put the blanket on him. Only a moment later he sunk into the covers. I smiled putting my hand on his head. “L.Joe, I’m sorry I never realized how much stress you were in. Don’t worry about being alone when you wake up because I promise to be here for you.” I pulled up a chair next to the bed and laced our fingers together.

        ChangJo’s P.O.V
“Now that was a fight.” I laid back down next to Ricky.

“ChangJo?” Ricky propped himself up on his elbows. “It doesn't feel right.” I looked at him with a knowing expression. “I feel like something’s about to happen. I push him down by his shoulder making him go onto his back. He stared at me with his lips parted and eyes focused on mine as I got onto him. “ChangJo..”

“I feel it too, I don’t want to, but I do. I don’t want to be separated like that again.” Ricky nodded, understanding what I wanted from him. I brought my head down and closed my eyes as are lips connected. He moved his hands to my hair and pulled me closer. We started off slow but got more passionate. I his bottom lip, immediately getting access. Ricky moaned moving his right hand to my left shoulder. I moved down to his neck, leaving kisses behind. “Ricky, can I mark you?” My breath was heavy making him squirm when it touched his skin.

“Yes, please ChangJo.” He whined when I nipped at a piece of skin. I moved his shirt off his shoulders before on the pale skin. Ricky started again and making high pitched whines.

“ChangJo,” He whined. “It feels good, but I feel light headed.” I moved my free hand finding one of his and entwining them in mine. I pulled back looking at the small mark. Ricky was panting, his face was flushed and eyes half opened. I smiled kissing his hand.

“Ricky, I love you.” He smiled nodding.

“I love you too.” I laid back down after kissing his head, pulling him close to my body again.

        C.A.P’s P.O.V

“Why the can he not listen? It’s obvious L.Joe’s condition is getting worse and he’s only making it worse. I don’t understand why he can’t tell him about all this I mean it’s not like he has anything to hide from him. It doesn't make sense.” I turned around to Niel who was up against a door looking at his nails. He looked at me and widened his eyes.

“Oh I’m sorry; I didn't know you were done having a mini fit.” He said in a monotone voice.

“ you.”

“Oh calm down already would you? There’s no point if all you do is have a mini fit.”

“I’m not throwing a fit.” I turned my back to him.

“Why are you acting so childish?”

“Why does everything keep calling me a child? I’m acting childish.” 


Come Out With Your Hands Up, You’re Surrounded!!!!

“, Niel,” I turned to him. “Go get the others. Stay away from windows and stay quiet.” I whispered to him. I waited until he closed the door to go to our small window. I carefully moved a piece of the curtain. I moved away quickly at a helicopter light. “God ing damn it!” I growled, I breathed out and opened it again. I quickly surveyed the area and cursed again. Covering the window back up I walked out and into the living room. Ricky was in ChangJo’s arms and ChunJi was holding L.Joe. Niel turned around facing me, his arms crossed and eyes worried. “ChunJi, you wouldn't happen to know a way out right?” He smiled a little before getting serious.


“I may not, but I think someone else might.” I gave him a weird look but he only shifted his gaze to Ricky. “Ricky.” He called out strongly; he slowly turned his head towards him.

“Why should Ricky know something?” ChunJi carefully laid L.Joe down before standing next to me.

“He seemed to know quite a bit earlier.”

“Like what?” There was silence while Ricky avoided ChunJi's eyes. I sighed knowing that if I don’t say something then we’re just wasting time. “Ricky?”

“I-I just knew that the hotel has been abandoned for a few years. I don’t know why, people just stopped coming. It’s really weird to think about.” I brought my left hand to the back of my neck.

"Ricky," I shifted my gaze to ChangJo. "You're hiding something, please, just tell us." ChangJo whispered something into his ear that seemed to have done the trick.

"Well there might, and I mean might, be underground tunnels since there used to be more than one building, and I wouldn't even know how to get there, if there are any!"

"If only we could get to the lobby without being seen or caught." Niel stepped up to me. I felt an urge to wrap my arm around his waist. Not caring, I just let my body to it. He looked at me confused but when I didn't say anything he just moved closer to me.

"We have time. I looked out the window earlier, there are a lot of them but it doesn't seem like they know exactly where we are."

"Do you think they're in the building?" Ricky's voice came out shaky.

"No, but we should find the elevator, or at least go into the hallway."

"L.Joe!" ChunJi ran to him and bombarded him with questions.

"ChunJi, you can worry about me later. We need to get moving though."


End Of Chapter 14



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Chapter 26: I still don't understand cap n chunji's chemistry... like.. what are they exactly??

But i do feel bad for Cap.. getting tortured like that T.T
Chapter 25: Waaah Aish.. makes me wonder why the police is after them..
Or maybe it was mentioned before? I guess no..

But wow to perform surgeries without medication o.o

Anyways , you may make the font bigger though it's not that small.
Chapter 24: ⊙▽⊙
Emotions overload!!!
Omgg that A scene * sniffs *
Well, yea. I didnt cry but it was really emotional!

And capji's relationship always intrigued me !

But what about BYUNGHUNNNNNN???

PS: Welcome baaaaack xD
Djjay9 #4
Chapter 24: Where & when should I told u number I guess?
Chapter 24: So, i start guessing at may 31 ?
kpopmichelle #6
Chapter 24: Where do I go to tell you my number that I think it is?
Chapter 22: Omg naaaah
What a cliffhanger!!

Omg they have to find andy!
Altho im still curious about his full story o.o

And yay for the heated chunjoe moment ~~
Chapter 20: I kind of forgot the last events ...
So I feel like byunghun having flashbacks xD .
kpopmichelle #9
Chapter 19: this was pure awesomeness!!!! its been so long since u updated and u came back with awesomeness!!!!!