My Jagiya

My Body or My Soul?

Oh my god,I'm so bored right now....I can't wait for midnight.Then I'll get to mess with that jack *rubbing hands evilly while laughing* mawhaaha while not knowing someone was staring at me.


"Hey,Sunhee are you okay?" Aimee asked me


"Oh its nothing.."I lied


"Uhh..huh,sure" Aimee raised one of her eyebrows up and stared at me


"Ugh,fine..I'm just thinking of ways to annoy this jack who called me ugly" I pouted


"What?! he called you UGLY?! Is he blind?!" Aimee yelled disbelieving that someone would call me ugly


"Who is this guy?!" She looked pissed


Aimee wasn't just my room mate she was also the family I never had,Since she was older then me by 4 years she was extremely protective.I trusted Aimee with every thought of mine good or bad but in this case,i made an agreement of not telling anyone about the site so...


"Who is this guy!"She demanded me to tell her so she could go beat the crap outta him


"He doesn't go here,he is Rin's boyfriends friend..."I hoped she believed that lie


"Tsk,don't be sad okay" She patted my back


"I got a great idea" She grinned real wide,okay I'm staring to get freaked out


"..WW..whaat..are you thinking" I gulped


"I'm gonna introduce you to my brother" Aimee smiled and clap her hands wildly


"I don't think thats a good idea..." I mean Aimee is GORGEOUS,so her brother must be quite a looker..a girl like me won't even catch his eye..


"Are you lowing your self esteem again?" Before I could answer she shut me up


"Listen your freaking beautiful;look at your self.snowy white skin with natural pink cheeks and huge dolly eyes and long eyelashes! also your lips are pink and pouty not to mention your y body! I'm older then you but i don't even have s that big *Aimee grabbed my s*

"YA! what was that for?!" I yelled while blushing


"Ahaha, for doubting your self of course" Aimee smiled


"Okay fine but If he doesn't like me and thinks I'm ugly its your fault" I crossed my arms across my chest and pouted


"If he does then he isn't human; also I'll kick his !"Aimee took her thumb and swiped it across her nose while doing a Bruce lee yell; Oh my god I seriously love her,she makes my life livable.


"So when are we where are we going to meet him?" I asked while getting on twilighthour


"Um,well the thing is..."She became quite


"Go on.."I gestured


"Hes been living in Korea,So we're moving there...SURPRISE!"Aimee smiled awkwardly while I just stared at her like she just robbed Ronald McDonalds house-aka-CRAZY


"Your out of your mind,why move?" I stared at her curiously for an answer


"Well you told me that you were looking to move to a place far far away right?"She pointed her fingers together and stared at the floor


"So.."I said uninterestingly


"SO..lets move to Korea,its freaking another continent away from your x nay on the fam ay" She smiled waiting for my response


"Does it have to do with Donghae?" I smirked as I saw her face redden,thats why I get along great with Aimee shes the type thats doesn't hide her true mood/thoughts ^^


"Okay,give me some time to think about it" I said as she rushed to hug me and gave me a kiss on the cheek,as I shooed her out of my room to go log back in to twilighthour;HM..I want to upload new photos,3 school pictures,2 snow pictures of me getting bombed on and making an snow angel,4 clubbing photos...HM,should i upload them?They seem too rated....for my taste;ugh ima just upload it

*Entering chat room*


Cosmo_Dreams:Today my roommate gave me a shock of a life time


MinnieX3:Your back again ^^;also what did they do?


Vbabee:Vent your feelings my Cosmos


Helloimys:@Vbabee;My?cosmos:Cosmo_Dreams is mine called it;@Cosmo_Dreams;Right jagiya ;]


MinnieX3:@Helloimys;What? thats unfair >:X


Cosmo_Dreams:@Helloimys;ahaha;ye yobo:@MinnieX3;Vbabee:Sowrri but Helloimys proposed first :3


Vbabee:@Cosmo_Dreams:Once you get tired of Helloimys you know where to find me ;]


MinnieX3:I'm sad Cosmo_Dreams has been taken from me TT.TT


Helloimys:YA! @Vbabee:How could you try to temp my Jagiya,shes mine :P


Heedictator:I saw Cosmo_Dreams picture..and..I'm...jealous! How can you have such flawless skin?!


Vbabee;MinnieX3;Helloimys:Cosmo_Dreams has a profile picture?!


Cosmo_Dreams:yeah...I had to wait for an admin approval for it to show..DUH ^^ @Heedictator;your joking right?Your looks are like a princess...OoO


20 minutes passed by...still no one? ugh FINE!I'll just use this time to make my wish C: I'm awesome lol


Cosmo_Dreams:I wish I could..*HM,what should I put??? IT* I wish I could experience love first hand^^


[Your wish has been accepted;Good luck <3]


How could they just leave the chatroom without say bye.T.T meanies


Okay;next chapter is from one of the boys p.o.v i'm not telling who lol

also i'm sad i have ALOT of viewers but only 4 subs TT.TT

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