Kris to the Rescue. Again.

The Day We Met [No longer getting updated]


Kris to the Rescue. Again.

“Welcome to Freshman English,” the professor at the front said to the rather large class, “My name is Mr. Lee and I’ll be your professor this year.” He said in a monotone voice, turning to the board to quickly begin his lecture.

Yixing was silently squealing to himself, My first college class! Oh my god, this is so exciting! He sat there with a huge grin on his face ever since class started. The rest of the class, on the other hand, was already bored to death, and Kris was starting to get annoyed at his roommate’s stupid grinning. He didn’t even know why Yixing sat next to him. They walked to class together, but Kris tried to pick the furthest seat from the front. Unfortunately, Yixing followed behind him like a puppy. He even got up to move to a different seat, complaining that it was hard to see, but Yixing again followed him. Pissed at how happy Yixing looked, Kris turned to face him angrily.

“Will you cut that out? Just wipe that grin off your face!” Kris hissed at Yixing, trying to be quiet so the professor doesn’t hear them.

“But I’m happy!” Yixing whined, a little too loud.

“Quiet down, in the back there!” The professor yelled as soon as Yixing finished his sentence.

Kris and Yixing looked at each other for a while before Yixing suddenly had an idea. He took out a notepad from this backpack and started scribbling away. After a few minutes, something landed on Kris’ desk. He looked to his side and saw Yixing staring at him with an excited smile. Kris reached out for the folded up piece of paper and started to unfold it. When he opened the note, he couldn’t help but smile at the stupidity of the note. Yixing had written, “We can talk this way, Kreas!” on a unicorn stationery and even drew a distorted excuse-of-a smiley face. Not only that, he completely butchered Kris’ name in English. This kid obviously did not have a strong base in English. But before Kris could write back a reply, the professor yelled out suddenly.

“Zhang Yixing, isn’t it? It seems like you have a lot to say, so why don’t you share with the class?”

“Uh.. n--no no! Nothing say!” Yixing replied back with his poor English.

“Please do share with us your knowledge! Why don’t you tell me what is written on the board, hmm? And why don’t you also tell us where this famous quote is from!” The professor cruelly smirked to himself after realizing that the poor boy didn’t know English very well.

“Two be... or not to be.. that is the.. qu.. kue.. lotion!” The entire class seemed to crack up at the exact same time.
“LOTION!? Where the heck did you get that from ‘question?!’” Someone yelled from the front, laughing hysterically.

Yixing could feel his face growing hotter and hotter. This wasn’t like how it was back in high school. Everyone appreciated his mistakes and took them as a simple joke. But in college, it really seemed like everyone was judging him as he stood there, embarrassed. The laughter continued on for what seemed like hours, even the professor seemed to be snickering to himself. Yixing couldn’t move, his body seemed to have frozen. He stood still with his beet-red face facing the floor.

But suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw Kris stand up. Yixing looked up at the taller man’s face and he could immediately tell that Kris was extremely pissed off.

To be or not to be, Kris began speaking in a booming, low voice. That definitely got everyone’s attention. There were some Wows and Ooohs whispered from all around the classroom as Kris continued on with his perfect English.

“that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep...” Kris continued on until the professor piped up from the front of the room.

“T-that’s enough. Y-you can both take your seats. We can all read what’s on the board, right class?” The professor said, stuttering some of his words while turning red.

“By Shakespeare. From Hamlet.” Kris said confidently, ending his speech. He took his seat with a smug look on his face.

Kris looked to his side to see Yixing still standing. He pulled at Yixing’s hand and the shorter man collapsed onto his seat. Still blushing from the incident, Yixing looked at Kris and mouthed him something. Kris, unable to read what his mouth said, leaned in closer to Yixing.

“What?” Kris whispered quietly.

“T-thank y-y-you!” Yixing stuttered back at Kris, his lips almost touching Kris’ earlobes. Yixing felt his heart beating faster and faster as he took in a big sniff of Kris’ scent. It was heaven-like. Yixing was about to faint over from the sweet scent when Kris pulled his head back. Yixing stared at Kris’ face and saw a smile. Kris was smiling. And he was smiling for Yixing. “No problem,” Kris mouthed back.

Yixing returned a small smile and turned the other way, feeling his face growing hotter once more. This time, it was a sweeter feeling. It wasn’t out of embarrassment. He was blushing at Kris’ beautiful smile. He’s never seen this expression of Kris before. I want to see more of this side of him. Everyday, I want to see a new side of Kris. Yixing thought to himself, smiling.




A/N: Krispy Lays is so cute ;u;~

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Chapter 3: I want that necklace *slams fist on the table*
Areumda #2
Chapter 25: come across this story again and.. i miss your update. ><
lunaluna #4
Chapter 25: Waaaa and omagod i was laughing the whle time whenever luhan appears.
Chapter 25: Ack! Now that there is hunhan....I NEED HUNHAN MOMENTS!! :)))
I'm really sorry for not updating but AFF was down and they haven't put back my Ch. 26 yet and I need to look over that to write the next chapter... /sobbing. Sorry guys ;~;!
Mizukamo #7
"Ah! Sehunie!"

That was super cute. Haha.
xiaoxinxing #8
They're gonna get married!!! YES!!! But his father...