Chapter 08

Love Boundaries



"Jia! I don't know what to do! I don't know, I can't-"

"Okay, breathe, relax. Calm down."

"Calm down?! How can I do that if that jerk wants me back?" Suzy shrieked, only to be hushed by her equally agitated friend. Jia paced up and down the living room, not caring if she made quite a din that will wake Suzy's husband up. Suzy closed her eyes and lay down on her sofa; no, I must stay calm, I must find away to get rid of him.

"I think he has gone mad. After what he did to you, he's still willing to come back." Jia muttered. She looked sympathetically at her depressed and angry friend, wishing she could do something to help.

"Joo- I mean Suho doesn't know that you're married right? So you can just tell him that you're already married, and he will stop bothering you!"

"I can't! You do know how obstinate he is right? This time he was being serious... The look on his eyes when he said he wanted me back was..." Suzy shivered, hugging her knees tight to her chest, "...wild and crazed...Just like a deranged person..."

"He's really serious now... You are like his obsession." Jia said sharply. Suzy nodded vigorously. 'No wonder I kept feeling that someone's tailing or stalking me.' She thought fearfully.

"For now, just...stay calm. Unless he does something inappropriate, then you just avoid him. You shouldn't have dump him in front of everyone. I think he wants revenge now." Jia shook her head. Feeling all riled up, Suzy cutted her, scowling, "It wasn't my fault! He was cheating on me!"

"Yes yes...Just avoid him okay?"

Unknown to the two girls, he stood hiding behind a large wall, obstructing the view of the girls but he could still hear every word clearly. Feeling upset, he closed his eyes in frustration.

I thought I could trust you Suzy...




/Did you see her?/

/No I didn't. Why? What happened?/

/N-Nothing... I need to find her! She went missing!/

/What do you mean she went-/

/I'm just behind you./


Baekhyun hung up the phone in a huff, jogging a little towards Daehyun. Feeling confused at the sight of a panicking Daehyun, he knew at once it was not a small situation. Daehyun was normally calm, serene, even to the extent of being slightly taciturn. He looked at him questioningly, demanding for answers.

"What are you talking about? Shouldn't you be aware of her whereabouts? She's your wife for pete's sake!" Baekhyun slapped a hand over his forehead and groaned.

"No time to talk, I've been searching her for hours. We find her first, then I'll tell you everything." Daehyun retorted too edgy and tense to even care about being polite. Baekhyun rolled his eyes, fishing out his phone. "No point calling. I tried already. She didn't go to your place?" Daehyun asked.

He shook his head. "Can you please tell me what you did to her? She wouldn't have ran out of the house that easily. Did you upset her?"

"I don't know..." He sighed in frustration, raking his hand in his hair. "She saw something on my phone...I didn't know what was it, but whatever it was upsetted her. She ran off crying abruptly and I was too stunned to gave chase. Only after a few seconds I ran after her, but Hye Rin was gone."

He listened attentively, his chin. "Did you bother checking your phone?"

"What for?"

"To find out what is it that made her so upset, duh."

Daehyun took out the phone hesitantly. After the buttons, Daehyun's face turned a ghostly pale shade of white. "I don't believe it..." Baekhyun mouthed, staring at the picture of Hyorin and Daehyun, slack-jawed. Right after he uttered the words, he gave a hard punch to an unexpected Daehyun.

"What the hell man? Why did you do that for?!" Daehyun yelled in pain, clutching his arm.

"You. Effing. Idiot." He enunciated each word, shooting daggers at his friend. "How dare you cheat on Hye Rin with this ?! Effing moron!" Baekhyun shouted angrily, his fist balled up. He did not know why he was that angry, it felt like something was building inside him and it snapped all of a sudden.

"I didn't! I swear I didn't!" Daehyun argued. "I was unconscious at that time! I was drugged! If this was intentional, I wouldn't let Hye Rin use my phone already!" He quivered, composing himself before he starts yelling again.  "I love her! Just like you do! Why would I ever hurt her?"

Baekhyun inhaled deeply, clenching his fist. "It's no point fighting over this. We find her first, then we sort the problem out. She may be in danger, and I'm sure none of us wants that."




"A bottle of whiskey."

She gestured to the bartender, and he nodded surly. Grabbing the cold bottle on the table, she downed the glass bottle down her parched throat, the hotness inside her evaporated. Drowning her sorrows bit by bit, she slumped her head onto the table, the bottle still dangling on her hand.

She wanted to scream, she wanted to wrench her hair out. The sadness overflowed in her, the mixed emotions too much to handle that all she wanted to do was to drink away all her problems and sorrows.

Her eyes were sore and red from all the crying, her flawless cheeks tainted with her dried tears. She hiccoughed, wiping away a stray tear that trailed down.

'I was right about Daehyun...But I couldn't bring myself to believe that he...will cheat on me.' Hye Rin thought in despair, once more chugging the fiery drink down her dry and thick throat. 'I love him, and this is what he does to me?'

'No you don't.'

A voice inside her head replied her, strong and persuasive. Hye Rin was shocked by the abrupt voice that resounded in her brain. It was almost as if someone whispered beside her ear. 'You only pity him. You felt lost and he helped you. You were grateful, but you did not love him.'

The stubborn voice pounded inside her, as if taunting her. As much as she wanted to get rid of the voice, she knew very well she was not that sober either. ''Must be the alcohol.'' Hye Rin mumbled, and stumbled out of the noisy pub filled with people.

Once outside, the cool breeze carressed her face, and she smiled despite the feeling of guilt eating her up. "Why must I feel guilty anyway?" She giggled, staggering. "I love him." Hye Rin thought dreamily, her mind formed a fuzzy picture of her husband.

But for once, she didn't feel butterflies whenever she would glance at his face. Her heart was not palpitating quickly whenever he would smile. No, all she felt was emptiness, sheer coldness that filled her heart, enveloping her soul and mind.

Her vision cleared just a little, and she could see someone standing in front of her, his hands supporting her petite waist to keep her balance. "Daehyun..." Hye Rin mumbled incoherently, reaching her hand to the person's cheek. 'So smooth...' She thought, '...just like my husband.'

"Hye Rin-ah..."

The mysterious person whispered, before her vision blurred and she felt darkness engulfing her completely, a black spiral hole her to it. She slumped onto his strong arms, her body limped from fatigued as she fainted. He hugged her tight, an engimatic sad smile on his lips. Yet again, the stranger whispered her name longlingly.

"Hye Rin..."




A/N: After years(LOL) of not updating.... Here it is! I'm been having a Jashin-damned mind blank. (according to my friend Jashin is a God in Naruto...Apparently she's a anime freak *shrugs* ) Yeap, so this took quite a while. This is much much different from the other chapters, this is where all the angst and emo-ish sad stuff start, where all doubts are high and suspicions arises.

I know there's lots of characters to remember, but don't worry, after Jongin/Kai there will not have any major characters introduced (unless I changed my mind) if not then that's about the whole major cast.

Lots of drama here! But I won't explain, from now onwards there will be no synopsis regarding the chapter since I'm lazy to write urm yeah no synopsis of the characters in the end. You will have to analyse it yourself!

Comment alright! (and subscribe too) To be honest I look forward to comments more than Subbies...they make my day. I wanna know how I can improve: the story plot, the characterization, my writing skills etc. So please comment! I'll really appreciate it a lot, since this is so far the longest chapter yet (I think) as I'm always writing short chapters. So it will be wonderful if I can get comments on how to improve!

Thanks so much! Bye for now!~


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Chapter 11: Divorseeeeeeeeee with suzy!
Chapter 10: Why can't they be together already >.>
Wait...that means this story will end sooner
hehe nvm author-nim
Chapter 10: grr.... why can't Baekhyun break it off with Suzy and Hye Rin Break it off with Daehyun.... They should be together :'(
Chapter 10: LOL what is wrong with this world nowadays!? Did Jongin have a 'thing' for Hye Rin when they were younger?
lol... at the first 4 sentences of chapter 1, I thought to myself 'I bet they had '

WHOAH well Daehyun needs to clear up all that has happened with Hye Rin. And she needs to confront her husband. Suzy needs to talk it out with both Baekhyun and Suho. ASAP.
I don't líke it how Hyerin's 'inner voice' keeps saying she doesn't love Daehyun, she just pitied him and such. I think she does love him, just not the real kind of love. More like the way you love a best friend.
Waah, so many characters and drama!
I just hope that Hyorin's out of the story soon. I just... hate her =n=