I take requests!


I just thought i'd put it out here that I take requests for oneshots, only there is one condition.

You make the plot.


If you want a oneshot, or possible two-shot, send me a private message here on AFF and i'll let you know that its been added to the list. :)

In the message you must include who the person you want me to write about is, and I'll write that person x reader, leaving a space for the name.

(I will write pairings, etc)

You also have to include a plot line, seeing as i dont want to have to come up with different plots everytime.

Below i'll post the kind thing you should send just so you know :)


Name/Pairing: (Can be anyone but I'm more likely to put effort into people from Super Junior, SHINee, MBLAQ, FT Island, Big Bang, NU'EST, Boyfriend, BEAST, SS501, DBSK, EXO, LEDapple, U-Kiss, CNBlue, etc. I will do them from other bands though, I'm not just sticking to those listed)

Plot: (can be anything you think of, but it helps me if its more detailed, e.g telling me if you want them to say something specific or something)

Other: (It helps to tell me how you want the person to act, e.g y, cold, clingy etc)


When I post the story you request, I'll put in the description who it was requested by.


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