"memory lane"

eternally yours


"Do you remember the first time we met?"


"I saved you from a group of thugs."


"I asked you to put your arm around me - "


"- you look cute under my pink polka dot umbrella."


"You wanted to laugh."


"But I didn't."


"No, you didn't."


"Because even when you were just a mere stranger back then..."


"...you needed to save me because I was and am that attractive."




"You love me still."


"Yes, I do."





"Do you remember the first time fought?"


"What was it about?"


"A pretty stupid matter."


"Aren't they all stupid though?"




"Oh, I remember."




"You were supposed to get the tap repaired."


"Which had been going on for weeks."


"I reminded you countless times."


"Sure, you did."




"You love me still."


"Sure I do."





"Do you remember the first time we kissed?"


"There was a huge downpour."


"We had just finished watching a late-night movie - "


" - a horror movie, yeah..."


"...the one which you screamed your head off."


"I didn't. Wasn't it you?"


"I don't do screams, Cole."


"Oh, really."


"Yeah. We had to make a run for it."


"I almost tripped when you pulled me to a stop so suddenly."


"Because kissing in the rain is romantic."


"Yeah, and I was sick for 3 days."


"You got to taste my fish porridge, didn't you?"


"Which was awfully bland, Hyun."


"You love me still."


"Of course I do."





"Do you remember the first time I sang for you?"


"You were having a sore throat."


"But I really wanted to sing for you because it was your birthday."


"Even though you lost your voice for a few days after that."


"Do you like the song I wrote for you?"


"Of course I do. I love it very much."


"Do you love me as much as you love it?"


"I love you more than anything else."





"Do you remember the time I died?"


"You didn't die, Jonghyun!"


"I did."


"Can you please stop saying that."


"But it's true, Cole. I really died."


"Dammit Lee Jonghyun, you didn't."


"I was lost - "


"Stop it."


" - everything was so white and so empty - "


"Stop it, I say."


" - the thing that got me so afraid was that you weren't there..."


"I'm not listening."


"...I couldn't see you anywhere and I was truly, genuinely afraid."


"But then I heard your...Cole, listen to me - I heard your voice. I didn't know how, but I did. I heard your voice calling out for me."


"Hyun -"


"I woke up...And when I did, I saw you and I knew everything was going to be alright. You’re my angel.”


"You're ruining my mascara."


"Because I knew, despite the odds, despite the risks...you fought through it all. You fought for me."


"You didn't give me much of a choice."


"I couldn't give up, because you didn't."


"I would've killed you with my bare hands if you had."


"Do you still love me?"


"We wouldn't be here right now, having this conversation if I didn't."


"Do you love me?"


"Yes I do."


"Do you love me?"


"Yes, I love you Lee Jonghyun."








pairing: jonghyun/nicole

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Chapter 4: I ship Dongjun and T-ae so hard! Too sad they didn't get to be partners again. But OMYGOD, I think Dongjun really likes T-ae~ Plus, T-ae said that Dongjun is her ideal type, right?


NICE STORIES, author-nim~
Qwerty123asdf #2
Chapter 27: Grosssss is it okay to regret asking you for this eww Hayoung should have slapped Dongwoon when he attempts to be smooth I would give her a standing ovation eww Dongwoon's "But you are mine" gag gag puke puke vomits blood everywhere
Chapter 24: As I was reading it felt like it was between Yoon Doonjoon trying to pick up a girl and Yoon Doonjoon trying to pull an April fools day prank ke ~ When she gets up to go I was like smooth Dooj, you've missed your chance, till he called her back and said April fools... what a jerk.. heh
enrose #6

I feel like I'm so used to reading Myungsoo as such the dark/cold prince that I forget he's really not. He's embarrassingly stupid and sweet and such a doofus that this made me grin to much when I read.

Up until the end with the cucumber sandwich, I died ~ aksjfhaksdjfh I LOVE YOU ♥ I feel like I haven't told you that enough ~~
Chapter 22: no pls, the last one DDDD:
too fluffy to handle D:
Chapter 22: Funnily this idea I sort of came up with earlier is the two of them complaining about how stupid their members are lol. But this is sweet ~ I can imagine his dazed face lol
Chapter 21: I've always loved that "it's a constant battle" quote :((
Chapter 12: Chapter 12 I ship the most. Kangjun and jiyoung.. Waahh~ ^^