my dongsaeng

wake up LJOE


-last chappy-

ljoe noticed that his baby alredy stop crying as he realize she's alredy sleeping...ljoe smile weakly at his baby cute sleeping face as he kiss d baby on her cheekish... "my lu~~~v...i'm sorry if i cant stay wif u any longer...but...believe me...i luv u soo much....i luv u...hanney" he whisper again as he leaned a one last kiss on his baby forehead before he let her laid on d floor...flicking her a sweet yet weak smile forming on his face for d last time...n after a while he himself fell on d floor...closing his it is for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong time for him to b in another world of sleepiness....



"hunnieeeeeeeeeeeeeee" GD suddenly awake from his seem like he was having a nitemare as whole his face was inundated by his own sweat

"GG...what's wrong???" ask his hubby in concern

"i had a bad dream...of...hunnie...." he said nervously "" as he explaining bout his dream unproperly to TOP while sadness overcomin him as he's crying out loudly

"shhh...shhh" TOP pulling his wifey into his embrace "it is just a dream....he'll be worries kay..."

as GD was sobbing louder n louder in his hubby embrace...he's then lift his head up...looking towards d husband "let's go to his place..." he request

"NOW???at 6 in d morning????"

"yes..*sob sob* now....pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."

*tapping d latter shoulder* "alriteeeeeee...lets go....but before that...calm urself down first..."

GD nodded as he wiping his tears away

both GD n TOP were on their way to ljoe TOP was driving his car as fast as he can to reach d place as soon as possible...while GD was praying to GOD...hoping that nothing bad will happen to his pregnant dongsaeng coz he's actually having bad feeling towards d younger...


-Chunjoe house-

"uwaaaaaaaaaa....uwaaaaaaaaa...uwaaaaaawaaaaaawaaaaaaa..." d baby was crying...but this one will gonna rock her one will gonna comfort her....n there's nor her umma to hummed her d lullaby song anymore....

ljoe was laying beside his of his hand was place on d baby gurl chest as both of his eyes were closing tight....he was'nt move...nor awake eventhough his daughter was crying loudly closer to his ears....

ding dong....ding dong....

d bell ringing...but still...ljoe wasn't mke any movement....

ding dong...ding dong ding dong....

*no respond*

"he isn't home...???" 

"it can's impossible for him goin out wif sucha condition...i had a bad feelin...lets get in..."

as GD opened d gate wid d spare keys that ljoe gave to him....both GTOP enter as they walked to d main door of d house...


GD place his ears closer to d door as he heard a voice of baby crying

"yeoboooooooooooo....did u hear it...??? sound of baby crying..." GD said in excitement as a smile pasted on his face

"she's born...?????????????????????????????" TOP raising his eyebrows as he showin a confused look 

"yeaaaaaaaaa....she is....let's get in..." *opened d door* "hunnieeeeeeee....hunnieeeeee...." he called for his dongsaeng but there wasn't any replies from d latter as he look at surrounding suddenly felt his jaw dropping as he saw d flooded of bloods on d floor as it were comin from his dongsaeng as d lil baby was crying beside him....

"HUNNNNIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *screaming*

GD ran towards them both as he saw his younger brother unconcious state n d cry newborn baby beside him...

GD kneeled down as he took d baby....shuss her...rocking her to make her stop his another hand was tapping his dongsaeng face..hope that d younger will gve him any respond...but disappointly...there's no response from ljoe....n that's making GD worried..

"YEOBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" he's screaming..calling out his hubby

"yeaaa yeaa...i'm in...what..the..." as TOP begin to shut up as he saw ljoe state of condition

"byunghunnnnnnnnn..." d big brother turning his lil dongsaeng lifeless body as he set d younger head on his lap while tap tap tapping his face once again

"hunnie wake up...wake up hunnie..." GD shook his dongsaeng leg...but there wasn't any movement that formed from d younger

"his body is......cold.......yeobo....we should take him to d hospital..." suggest TOP

"he's not dying rite...??????? he isn't rite??????? but...but....these blood!!!!!!! my dongsaeng still alive rite??? he is alive....i am rite...rite!!!! hunnieeeeee wake up....*sobbing loud* ur baby is crying....why r u still sleeping!!! *yelled* wake up hunnie...wake up....*sniffing* " *shook d latter roughly as he lose his patience* 

TOP bowing his head...he end up o look on ljoe sleeping yet pale tears also formed in his eyes as it was dripping on d sleeping boy face *TOP staring at d baby as he her cheek* "clean d blood on her....make it quick...i'll get d stuff that they need...we'r taking them to d hospital now..."

GD nodded as he walked to d washroom cleaning d stain blood on d lil baby he wear her with a lil pinkish clothing...preparing her some milk n fed d hungry baby...while TOP setting d unconcious ljoe in his car...get d stuff that d umma n his baby need at d hospital later

in 5 minutes...everything's done as TOP start d engine n drove them to d hospital...while GD was sitting on d one of his arm holding d sleeping newborn baby

while his left hand was his dongsaeng blondies hair as he set his lil brother head on his lap...





waaaaaaaa this is pretty SADDDDDDDDDDDDD rite...

aigooooooooooo...i admit heart ache much when i'm typing it...i'm feelin like gonna cry!!!

why i made sucha sad story!!!! poor ljoe... TT____________TT

btw....i thought this story wasn't really succeed earlier..

but when i saw d number of viewers n subbers..i guess....this story will b accepted....

thanks for everyone....i luv u all LUVLIESSSSSSSS


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sorry with my gramma n mispelled...i'll check on it n make d repaiment tomorrow kays....MIANHEEEE


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Chapter 28: i love it! what a dramatic, tragically, and sweet ending~
ChunJoe's one of my favourite pairing :D
BunnyPie #2
Chapter 28: Such a beautiful story!
Loved it and every other stories of yours!
Hope you finished your other stories!
Ultimate fan be waiting! ^.^
superman_blue_kuta #3
Chapter 27: I like this chapter, i love your story
Although chunji is a jerk and i hate him, but please make him still alive
Hunie can't be happy without chunji
Update and hwaiting!!!
Chapter 27: lolz i was listening to one shot while reading this. xD AHHHHH!!! chunji u got minzy pregnant?! JERK!!!!! gosh chunji forgets to wear condoms! and yay they got byungiee~ update soon ^^
Chapter 27: so minho doesn't love l joe ? that is i thought he loved him anyway i really don't like CHUNJI in this story he hurts l joe alot i don't think he deserve him anyway waiting for the end
Chapter 26: speechless Y.Y
Chapter 26: yay!!! u updated!!! and chunji found out xD but NUUU minho U JERK FACE!!!>_< aghhh!!! poor chunji :( and byungie he has been hurt alot!!! nd nu dun u think about deleting this story!! cuz i luv it update soon
Chapter 26: when will you update ?please answer .and i love your story so much i hope you won't stop writing it
Chapter 25: ohh please update .did you stop writing the story ?i really love it and i want to know what is going to happen