Outside = Snatching?

The Misunderstanding People around EXO (DRABBLE)


11th Day

MAIN [Kris, Chanyeol, Tao]

Outside = Snatching?


“Aish…this three kids always missing in the time like this.” The manager complaint while hand scratching his un-itchy head. “Maybe, behind the building.” The manager walked to the behind building. What he says is correct. Kris, Chanyeol & Tao are there looking like fighting?


“Ya…” The manager stopped when he sees Chanyeol right hand tugging Kris shirt while his left hand pointing at Tao. “W-what happen actually?” Now, he sees Tao pointed to Chanyeol. “They look like they’re arguing with Kris in the middle? What for?” He sees Kris massage his temple and another hand at his hips. “They must be fighting. Maybe they fight for Kris? Oh no!!! In short, Chanyeol wants Kris and Tao also wants Kris?! Wah! I get to watch a free drama.” The manager says and he actually quite confused about the situation.


Chanyeol and Tao are now pushing each other. “I have to stop them now. If not it’ll be a very big fight because that panda is involved.” When the manager wants to walk to them his cell phone ring. “Yoboseyo?” “Hyung!! Come here quick! We have a problem about the computer.” From the voices the manager knows its Baekhyun. The manager looks at the situation and he decided to go to where Baekhyun is. “Okay. Hyung will come now.” He presses the end button. “Baekhyun-ah, Hyung is not the computer service worker.” He sighs and looked behind. “I think it’ll be okay as long it’s Kris.”




“Duizzhang, I’m the winner right?” Chanyeol asked tugging Kris shirt. “No. I’m the winner right?” Tao is the one is speaking now. Kris now has a headache. “Yah! Actually what are you guys playing?” Kris asked looking at both of them. “This thing. Chanyeol hyung teach me.” Tao pull Chanyeol arm and showed the demonstration. Just one words that exist in Kris mind now and he says out loud. “Kids.”  Tao and Chanyeol stopped and look at Kris. They stop. “Now, who is the winner you see right just now?” Chanyeol asked. “I’m the winner because I win without trying.” Kris just says simply and chuckle.


Chanyeol and Tao looked at the leader with a annoyed face. “Tao, let’s go. What should we do after this?” Chanyeol hold Tao hands. “Hyung, let’s watch Kung Fu Panda. That’s my favorite cartoon.” Tao says back and swinging their hands. They walk away leaving Kris alone without saying any last words to him. “Yah! Don’t leave me alone. Stop holding hands. I don’t give my persmission! Chanyeol! Tao!” Kris walks towards them but, they just ignoring Kris. 



This story will end after 6 more chapter or maybe 7.... I'm now working on a new fic but, i didn't not decide yet the pairing... Sorry if this time update dissapointed someone... HOPE ALL OF YOU ENJOY READING IT... FREE TO COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE OR JUST READ OR MAYBE SILENT READER? Enjoy reading ^____^

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Together = Family? UPDATE!


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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 26: jaja poor manager oppa XD... I loved the SuD.O couple, they were so cute ^^
Chapter 5: Gyaaaah... SuD.O are the best ^^
Chapter 26: Awwww..i will miss this cute story~~~ <3
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 25: Ahahaha, monggu ><
Chapter 25: this is cute~ *^*
please more kaihun and sud.o xD
darksanctuary #8
Chapter 24: Now i really want lukai xD
please pretty please >///<
signsigneun #9
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwww ;______; ///// my kaihunn
hihihi manager oppa is so cute. LOL
and yeah your drabble makes me crazy! love!
Chapter 23: i want Kailu moment~~~~